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Ex. 2.
I'm going to start off by
 outlining our main goals today.
 giving you a brief overview.
 asking you all a question.
Let's move on to the subject of ...
I'll be coming on to this later.
OK, turning for a moment to the question of ...
To return to my main point here.
Let's expand on that a little.
Going back to what I was saying earlier.
To digress for a moment.
In closing, I'll just ...
 summarize the main points we've looked at.
 ask you to remember one thing.
 leave you with this ...
Ex. 3.
a. Earlier we saw... ←
b. This leads us on to... →
c. As you'll recall... ←
d. Later we'll see... →
e. You'll remember... ←
f. So, the next question is... →
9. As we discussed. ←
h. This brings us on to... →
i. This goes back to... ←
j. By the end of this talk... →
Ex. 4
b. Avoiding risk is a mistake, especially in the long term. point → specification
c. We need to constantly reassess so that we don't lose our competitive lead. action → purpose
d. A rise in the price of oil has resulted in reduced profitability. cause → effect
e. Demand is down 3% in Japan, whereas in the rest of Asia it's tripled. point → contrast
f. There's no market for low quality, and what's more, there never will be. point → addition
g. The recent flood of cheap imports may lead to a price war. cause → effect
h. We need to move fast in order to take advantage of this opportunity. action → purpose
i. Our share price has soared as a result of the merger announcement. effect → cause
j. Now is the time to focus – in particular on what it is we do best. point → specification
k. Our website's receiving more hits, and yet these have not converted into sales. point →
l. It's an enormous market: plus, it's a growing one. point → addition
Ex. 2.
I prefer the type of describing a new product (scientific).
Ex. 3.
Idea → research → data → key benefits → implications
Ex. 4.
Extract 1: Proverb → Popular myth → Data → Actual fact;
Extract 2: Audience task: → Product features → Customer benefits → Comparison;
Extract 3: Surprising statistics → Threat → Opportunity → Action.
Ex. 6.
a) Popular myth
b) Truth
c) Data
d) Comparison
e) Features
f) Benefits
g) Potential objections
h) Implications
i) Options
j) Issues
k) Pros and cons
l) Projections
Ex. 7.
I. Management; people
II. Technology; divisions; communication
III. Mandatory; forum; restructure
IV. Knowledge management; online; intranet; workshop

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