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Name : Wirawan Adi Kuncoro

ID : 113200149
Class :F
1. Main idea of the article.
The huge natural resources of oil and gas potential and its difficulties in exploiting the oil
and gas.
2. Main idea of each paragraph.
a. The area above the Arctic Circle is underlain by sedimentary basins and
continental shelves that hold enormous oil and natural gas resources
b. The Arctic is a cold, remote, dark, dangerous, and expensive place to explore for
oil and gas.
c. The reasons and difficulties make place expensive to exploration and production
for oil and gas in the Arctic but it is still interesting.
3. Topic sentence of the paragraph.
a. The Arctic area has enormous oil and natural gas resources.
b. The condition and situation of Arctic area make expensive place to explore oil
and natural gas.
c. The short list why in the arctic area have cost of oil and natural gas exploration
and production to be nearly double the cost of other areas.

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