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Institution Educativa Ciudadela Del Sur


Arianna Bravo Valderrama

Kaleth Felipe Palacios Torres


Problem Impact of the
Area(Where) Causes (why)
(what): problem (how):

Caquetá in the Amazon region and Deforestation has many

Colombia faces a great Deforestation costs the negative effects on the
ecological problem due to Antioquia in the region .Cordillera country 2,000 km of
de los Andes, while there have environment, including
illegal logging, the forests each year and habitat loss, a decline in
agricultural industry, the been large increases in this number is increasing
deforestation in Putumayo and biodiversity, extinction of
mining industry, cocaine animal and plant species,
Norte de Santander
soil erosion, air pollution

You are worried about the deforestation in Colombia. Write a letter to the Colombian government to

express your concern, keep in mind vocabulary from point 6. Include: Date, addressee, greetings, your

name, environmental concern, arguments, suggestions to avoid or eliminate the problem, farewell. (at

least 15 lines)
Ivan Duque Marquez
President of the Republic of Colombia

Quindío, Armenia March 6, 2021

Dear President Iván Duque Márquez:

This is to kindly request that you take into consideration my points of

view and possible solutions to the problems of deforestation that is
experienced today in Colombia because the population is being
seriously affected and that in our country it has been destroyed by
deforestation, has many negative effects on the environment including
loss of habitat, a decrease in biodiversity, extinction
of animal and plant species, soil erosion, air pollution. So, as you can
imagine, this is a serious problem and urgent action is required. That is
why I suggest that roundtables be held to expose the different problems
and create joint solutions.
Thanks for your attention.
5.Which is not an action to combat environmental problems?
a. volunteer to plant trees
b. organize and sign a petition
c. dump waste into rivers
d. take part in a demonstration
6.What environmental problem isn’t caused by the agriculture industry?
a.soil pollution
b.illegal mining
d.water pollution
7. Which industry extracts metals?
a. agriculture
b. mining
c. cars
d. factories
8. The natural environment where a specie lives.
a. habitat
b. biodiversity
c. sustainable
d. symbiotic

forbidden to
Do not throw
smoke and
garbage into
light fire
10.Match the word with the definition related to environmental concerns
I. The introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment. d. pollution
II. To cut down the trees. e. deforestation
III. the act of extracting illicitly minerals from mines. f. Illegal mining
IV. Too many people or inhabitants and thus cause a strain on resources. c. Overpopulation
V. A chemical used for killing pests, insects and rodents.a. pesticide

a. Pesticide
b. Fumes
c. Overpopulation
d. Pollution
e. Deforestation 11. Conversations. Choose the correct option for each dialogue. I.
f. Illegal mining I’m concerned about farmers using pesticides.
g. Dump waste a. It’s terrible for insects like bees
h. Erosion b. I’m using alcohol for disinfection.
c. You should talk to him.
II. I love living in the rainforest.
a. That’s awful!
b. How is it? No es está
c. I love eco-tourism! Es está
III. What is going on with the deforestation?
a. We would like to plant trees
b. The deforestation is an environmental concern
c. People cut down trees for cattle farming.
IV. Should we create an environmental newsletter?
a. Why should we?
b. Write to me
c. Ok, thanks!
V. Sing this petition Please!
a. I haven´t
b. Yes, sure!
c. Always!
Noun Adjective Verb Adverb

Colombia/Colombia Related/relatar Read/leer Down/abajo

Cars/carros Terrible/terrible Create/crear Yesterday/ayer
Dialogue/dialogo Awful/Horrible Talk/hablar

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