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N. 10 N. 10 Recitativo e Aria Ramiro Recitative and Aria Ramiro Recitative RAMIRO se non ti spiac-cio... al - lor mia- Recitativo “If you still love me... Tm yours for: ‘arch Qua - lic - cen que - sti? What on earth mean - ing? ib (scopre Alidoro) the sees Alidaro) you have al RAM, se - stro, Tl cor min - gom - bra mi- ste - rio - soa - mor, vised ‘me My heart is full; it burns with se - ret love. PP ssisa1 RAM. Che far deg - gi - 0? What says your sie © dom? ALIDORO Quel che con - si - gliail eo - re Do as your heart “com ~ mands you (a Dandini) 13s panaro (2 Dandini) Prin - ci - pe pit non se - i, You shall be Prince no long ~ en si yuo - iil mio pa ful “to you, but now the joke is Di tan - te scioe - che Tm grate RAM. RAM. RAM. (chiamando i Seguaci che entrano} (ealing to his Courtiers io enter) ° miei f= di Come at tend - ants, Coe - chio, e fra mo-men = ti coach - man. Ina few mo ~ meni. Ta - i dei ven = and find my trea - sure sia pron - toil no - stro give “or - ders to the co si po - tes - sia TU set out on my Segue Aria Segue Aria ARIA RAMIRO ARIA RAMIRO Allegro 26, RAM. Allegro SF car. 11 29, aad libitum — RAM. to- var - la io giv - ro A= mor, shall find ~ her 1 swear it, for love, Jeol canto} a re | RAM. guide se fos - sein grem- boa Gio-ve ‘and she, once more be side me, @ PIP} sottovooe rate2i 29, Z~ > RAM. io la ri-tro - ve. n, grem = boa nev - er from me shall part, more be In ri- tro - ve = er from me shall part. le RAM. fos-sein grem- boa Gio la tro- ve - 1, si, la tro - ve - love but “her for we to her com mand I will yield my cu 4, — RAM. A for ri-tro-var-laio giv - T shall find her, I swear nee RAM amor mi muo - ve fos = sein grem for love shall guide me: she, once more PP sottovoce RAM. la ris tm = ve - 1m, er fram me shall part RAM. fos-sein grem + boa Gio tro - ve - si, la tro - ve Jove but “her for - ev 5 her com - mand I’ will yield my \d | RAM heart, LS Oe raiser RAM. =r, ri tro heart, T yield % in ‘Andantino RAM. <0, la ri-tro- ve - 7, T “yield my — heart. Andantino A. t [P dolce} arch a 7) vais 430 (contempla lo smaniglo (gazing at the bracelet 7, RAMIRO_—_—<——<$—— Pe-gnoa-do-ra- to, e ca che mi Iu = sin-ghi al - This gold en brace-let she gave how dear ly now— 7 Archi paz RAM. =— On © me al lab - bro, al but bright er than all its. na IP dolce] se-no © me ti strin- ge > rot alit-ter is thelight thats inher eyes! var 80, RAM. oh co-me al lab - bro, al se = moti strin-ge - ra, ti bright-er than all its tit ter I find the light that’s } 7 = wwf Allegro vivace (i) (1 RAM. strin - ge-rat Noi vo = le in her eyes! In ev’ = ry Allegro vivace a 4 RAM. remo, do-man-de - re - mo, ri - cor-che- dwell-ing our pur-pose tell - ing, well go and | Ahi PB 9, RAM. re- mo, i= tro - ve - re- mo. Noi vo - le find her and then re-mind her In ev" ry eu 95 RAM. do-man -de - re 1 RasttRO, (iz) =— Dol - ce spe - ran voit iy (B] sch pee fred do ti = mo re den-troal_mio stan-noa pu hext moment fear ing, my. brain's “ex my hearts on cue! |" gnar, fred-do ti - mo: re RAM, den-troal mio = c= res stan - moa pu = gar, Ach ano [PP] sottovace 2 aor oe RAM. spe so ran = ment hop RAM. 136 ad libitum = (a tempo} RAM. al - re stan Ge io colla parte [a tempo} RAM. : : = noa pul + gnar 1. Con, Yai, Ve PP 10, eh 438 158) RaMIRO. do-man - de Noi vo le 179, RAMIBG =— — Dolce spe - ran - za, fred - do (P) 176 “ . PS nn BSS eee == Stet | : RAM. fred-do ti - mo - re pu = gna sottovoce 138, oo ez aad libitum ae fa tempol BL RAM, stan brain's my colla parte fa tempol Noi vo - le - re- mo, do-man-de - re-mo. Fl, 0 206, RAM. A-mo-re,a mo re mbhai da gui - dar Ri-cer-che- my brain's ex - cit ed, my hearts on — fire, Wellgo and re-mo, ris tro - ve - re-mo. a re ombhai da mv br RAM. hai da gui - dar, rules my de tis sire, tis love, ssh ft m'hai da gui itp ipl hai da gui - tis love that rules my de mai da 2 mui - dar, yf tf |g gf

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