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Mfm Malang Radio was established in 2002 which is engaged in

broadcasting and entertainment.
2. Market segmentation is young people aged 16-26 years.
3. Majority of their human resources is 20-27 years old.
4.Structur in the company is the Manager, Program Director, Creative
Dept., Marketing, Staff.

Source: Based on interview with PT. MFM Malang Radio’s team

To get to industry 4.0, there are several problems that arise at PT. MFM Malang Radio is
1. Do not have the latest technology: database, IT system, AI.
Job execution is felt take a long time. The technology used in this company until now is limited to only providing radio
websites, web streaming radio, and local databases.
2. There is no soft skill development.
Skill development training that has been implemented until now is only hard skill development for staff; announcer. There
has never been any soft skill development.
3. Do not have a complete structure.
The structure built in this company is Manager, Program Director, Creative Dept., Marketing, Staff. They don’t even have IT
staff also many vacant job positions.
4. Do not have a consistent contemporary culture.
The existing culture is still traditional, such as human resources who have not conducted consistent performance evaluation
and lack of innovation in the field of new technologies.
Source: Based on interview with PT. Radio MFM’s team
1. The executive has an old mindset
So far, PT. Mfm Malang Radio not wanted to update their technology because the executives have an old mindset, if
they want agility and up-to-date as their markets are also the Millennial generation, they must quickly replace the old
technology with the new one.
2. It is necessary to procure soft skills development for all employees
The importance of politeness, integrity, honesty, and professionalism in an industry 4.0 should be applied in this
company so that all employees are able to achieve the company's targets.
3. Still tend to look for “low-paid” teams.
The human resources contained in this company are low paid as evidenced by the fact that most of the employees
are students. They are reluctant to look for a professional team with high salaries which causes this company have
many vacant job positions, so that make company's performance will be slower.
• Education about industry 4.0 to compete in the modern era.
• The company need some new technologies which can speed up the
work of employees.
• Implementing the latest technology as an innovation such as making
the PT. Mfm Malang Radio application, application for song
sequencing with AI, broadcast scheduling technology with AI.
• Hiring professional staff for human resource development and IT staff
who are experts in the field of industry 4.0 that are innovative, agile,
and adaptive.
• Provide adequate soft skills training.
Key Takeaways
1. In industry 4.0, it is important for a company to be able to replace
existing technology that can support employee performance and
result in work time effectiveness.
2. Completeness of the organizational structure is very important. In
industry 4.0, latest technology is really needed so they are need IT
3. The importance of balance in the development of training held by a
4. The culture that is created in a company must be shaped as well as
possible so that the resulting performance is optimal.

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