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Good morning viewers, welcome to the breaking news

Today I am fathia anandita will acompanny you for the next three minutes.

Listening to the latest and hottest news from overseas.

Oke viewers, let's start the news

A child in Taiwan was caught in a Kite and swept high into the air, a Kite-flying festival turned
terrifying in Taiwan on Sunday, when a 3-year-old girl became entangled in tail of giant Kite and sent
flying high into the air.

The international Kite festival was being held in the city of hsinchu south of the capital Taipei, vidio of
the accident, which circulated widely on social media, show several people preparing the large long-
tailed pale orange Kite for flight next to a crowd of viewers, the Kite is already billowing from the strong
wind. Then, the organizers let the Kite go and it flies up, along with a toddler dangling from it's tail.

It's not clear how close she was to the Kite on tge ground, or how she got caught in it, screams can be
heard in the video as the child is lifted high into the air, being swung about wildly by the Kite and wind.

She was airborne for about 30 seconds before the Kite was pulled low enough for audience members to
grab and release her, the child was in the air for about 30 seconds before she was lowerd to the ground

She was immediately rushed to the hospital with her mother and festival staffers, but miraculously
only suffered minor injuries with abrasions to her face and neck, according to Taiwan government-run
central news agency, she has since been discharged and is home with her family. In a statement on
facebook, hsinchu mayor lin chih-chien apologized for the incident, and said the festival was
immediately suspended to ensure attendees' safety

"We will review the circumstances to prevent accidents like this from happening again, and hold people
accountable," he said

The wind at the festival on sunday afternoon was unusually strong, reaching a 7 on the Beaufort scale
meaning wind speeds, ranged from 32 to 38 miles per hour (50 to 61 kilometers per hour), that's just
one tier below, one tier below gale-level winds on the scale

Ok viewers, that's the new today, i am fathia anadita and the entire breaking news crew say thank you
very much for your attention, good luck, good morning viewers. See you, tomorrow, and goodbye

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