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3. Communication in the classroom.

Communication is the driving force in any relationship or situation and it has also beco
me one of our most disturbing, yet intimate forms of connecting with others. It isvitally
important to know when communication should take place, where it should take place, a
nd why one should communicate.The paper contends that educators are doing an inferio
r job educating poorchildren. According to the paper, when a child does not speak Stand
ard English, theteacher must be able to reach the child on his level of understanding and
transfer him tothe standard level of understanding; effective classroom communication
requires theteacher and students to be able to send and receive messages accurately. The
paper statesthat the classroom should: provide a variety of stimuli; provide a secure, co
mfortablefeeling; be adapted to fit the activity; and give some privacy and individuality.
4. IN an EFL class (English as Forteing Language)1. Classroom communication fo
r teachers Examples- Greetings
Hello, good morning/afternoon/evening(class/everyone),
That’s all for today, goodbye, see you tomorrow/next
week/ on Wednesday.
- Instructions
Stand up, sit down, open your textbooks on page --,turn to page ---, look at exercise ---
on page ---, listen carefully, read page---/exercise--
- aloud, please, repeat again, please,work in pairs/in groups (of 3, 4...), check your answ
ers with your partner, discuss withyour partner + PLEASE.
- Transitions
First (of all), next, then, for example, now, let’s, after
that, finally, to conclude, to sumup, to summarise the main ideas studied today.
- Questions
Do you have any questions?
Is this clear? What’s the
answer? Who would like to readexplain in your words...? Any volunteer for reading

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