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David: How are you?

Jack : I'm fine.

Joan : I'm fine too. and how about you David?

David: I'm fine too, thanks for asking. Btw do you have a time?

Joan and Jack: yeah, we have a time.

David: as we knew this pandemic make much of impact. and one of each of other

is restirected a relationship even our neighbourhood, and as i know the

newest information, in headline in newspaper this morning, our goverment in

Indonesia has not yet opened the border.

Joan and Jack: and how about our money?

David: you have a choice first: i will refund you're money only a half as much as

50$. and the second choice you not lost you're any money if you reschedule

you're trip on August 2021.

Joan: it's 1 year again.

David: yeah, it's will spend many time. and what you would like to choice?

Jack: it still risk to continue our trip, i like to choice the first.

David: and how about you joan?

Joan: i like to choice the first choice too. cause our life more valuable more then

our trip and our money. but i would like to give you my refund money to you.

David: thank's you so much joan.

Joan: you're wellcome.

David: so jack i will transfer you're money will back on your account, and i would to

say i hope you're understan, with contition, and i'm sorry for this.

Joan and Jack: no problem.

David: so see you soon guys.

Joan and Jack: see you too. keep your health.

David: thank's you too.

David, 28 November 2020.


Hi Pak Fahruddin this is David, how happy you're pak fahruddin, just a few hours you will be a
groom and then comes as husband. congratulation and i so sorry i can't come to you're wedding.
as we knew is restirected about 30 people and congratulation to walk on new life with you're

i hope Pak Fahruddin happy and wish you will be a good husband, bye.

Congratulation Pak Fahruddin.

David: hei luc, come here i wan't to talk to you.

lucas: wait for a minute sir, i'll be there in a minute.

(and a few moment later)

lucas: yes sir. why you call me?

David: oh yeah sit down lucas, please. i would like to say you

something lucas. but........... i wan't to ask you something.

is that true, when you submit you're homework use a google


David: don't be afraid if you can't finishing you're home work, and even

you can't how to do that.

lucas: i'm sorry sir, i don't know what i should to do. and i do that cause

i afraid if my parent's will disappointed at me when them see my

value on raport not like they wan't.

David: i know that lucas. but looked at me............... when you always

looking for youre google translater you can't upgrade you"re

English if you always copy paste on google translater.

lucas:yes sir, i;m sorry.

David: lucas i like somebody did something with him can to do but
with honest, but.........i don't like somebody do something with

not honest. and iif you would like to better speaking Engish i will

teach you. until you know rule how to a good speaker.

lucas: okay sir' i'm sorry for that sir.

David: it's okay but do not did again.

lucas: okay sir thank you so much.

I personally believe God not like this happened and I personally feel disgusted with that. i don't
like to hear but it's our love, it's our story and blah-blah-blah. i personally to hate it's happen in
my family, my social environment, i have a story about gay.

so one day i shop in market near in my dormitory. i shop with my friend and when we done shop
there is two man hand in hand and they look romantic and i say at my friend looked at there while
point my finger at them, and i starting laugh with loudly but my friend speak to me do not pointed
you're finger at them.

And i have seen a transgender on the highway, i laugh when see them but i silent in my mind, and
i think why they do that?

is them like to do that?

how about their family when they see their family like that?

andmany a question appear in my mind. and i reply in my mind, yeah they do that because money
and many things as though reply my qustion .

and i personally fell sorry for them.

that my opinion about that...

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