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10+ kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris (Simple Present Tense)

Tentang kegiatan sehari-hari selama pandemi COVID-19

1. In the morning, I woke up at 03.15 am and prepare my self for Sahur.

2. At 04.10 am, I take a bath for 10 minutes.
3. After that, I continue with pray or Sholat Subuh at 05.03
4. I help my parents to clean the house at 7 until 8 am in the morning.
5. After that, I exercise and looking for sunshine to maintain healthy at 9
until 10 am in the morning.
6. Next, I do online study and do some homeworks for 1 until 2 hours.
7. At 12.18 pm, I do Sholat Dzuhur.
8. After study, I’m relaxing my brain by playing some games in my phone or
watching some movies in my laptop.
9. At 15.30 I prepare my self again to do Sholat Ashar.
10. I continue my routine by doing some homeworks again.
11. After finish doing homework, I come to my mom and help her to
prepare some foods for Buka Puasa.
12. At 17.00 pm, I take a bath and prepare for Buka Puasa.
13. I do Sholat Maghrib with my family at 18.11
14. Next, I’m waiting for Sholat Isya and Tarawih at 19.22 with play some
games and watch a movie again.
15. After Sholat Isya and Tarawih, I do my some homeworks again.
16. At 21.00, I prepare to going sleep with brush my teeth and wash my
17. Then, at 21.10 I’m going to sleep.

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