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Cells: Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic

Directions: Follow the instructions and respond to the questions and

prompts in the orange boxes.

Vocabulary: prokaryotic, eukaryotic, cell, cell membrane,

nucleus, organelle, DNA, Ribosomes, .
Go to the following link
then answer question #1 & #2.

1 All living things are made of __cells______ ? Cells


2 How many cells does the human body have? 100 Trillion

Go to the following link then answer questions

#3 - # 10.
3. All living things are made of fundamental______ units ___ of _____ ____life____! (4

4.The word unicellular means single ______-__cell____ __organism_________. (3 words)

5. The word multicellular means the organism is made up of single______ __cell____ . (2


6. Both Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells ALL have __structures ________

_____and a ___Cell Membrane_____, ________- ________( 2 words).

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and a Cell Membrane

7. ________ Prokaryotic Cells have a cell wall, while only _________ Eukaryotic Cells have a
cell wall.

NOTE: PRO rhymes with NO and Eu rhymes with DO!!!

8. What makes Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells different?

Eukaryotic cells “DO” and Prokaryotic cells “DO NOT” HAVE a __________!

Eukaryotic cells “DO” and Prokaryotic cells “DO NOT” HAVE any __________ -
_______ _____________ (3 words)!

9. The biggest indicator of what kind of cell it is, would be that there is a
_________________ in the cell!


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Activity: A LOOK:

Question: Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic?

1. Observe: Look at the images of the cells and identify if they are prokaryotic or eukaryotic
based on what you learned in the activity above and the image shown in Activity A.




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3. Describe: What is the biggest difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells shown in the
image above?


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Activity: LOOK:
READ information

All living things are made up of cells. Cells are the basic building blocks of life.
There are two different types of cells: prokaryotic and eukaryotic. All living
organisms belong to one of three Domains: Eukarya, Bacteria, or Archaea. All
animals, fungi, and algae are in the Eukarya domain because they have
eukaryotic cells. Bacteria and Archaea species have prokaryotic cells.

Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus that is inside a membrane. This membrane

keeps the genetic material separate from the rest of the cell. Eukaryotic cells also
have organelles with membranes inside their cells. Prokaryotic cells do not have a
membrane holding their genetic material. It just floats around freely inside the cell.
They are all one-celled organisms. That means that the entire organism consists
of just one cell.

Think about the living things you have seen such as plants, mammals, and birds.
They are all composed of many eukaryotic cells. All of these organisms can
survive the death of one or even 100 of their cells. This is because they have so
many. Other cells can carry out the functions of the lost cells until more are
created. This is not true for prokaryotic organisms like bacteria. These organisms
consist of only one cell. If that one cell dies, then the organism dies. In all living
organisms, the cell is the basic unit of life.

Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells look different from each other. The first
difference is that they are different sizes. The average eukaryotic cell is much
larger than the average prokaryotic cell. Prokaryotic cells are small enough that
nutrients and chemicals can spread throughout the cell quickly. They do not need
the help of “specialized” cell parts. Eukaryotic cells are larger, and it is more
efficient for them to have organelles that carry out different functions.

The next difference is the most important one: the nuclear membrane. Eukaryotic
cells have a membrane in the middle. The nucleus is inside this membrane. It

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holds all of the genetic material of the cell. It is helpful for the DNA to be in the
middle of its own membrane so it can be protected from damage. The DNA inside
prokaryotic cells is circular and has no ends. Eukaryotic DNA, however, is made
of many separate straight strands.

All these differences show us the variety of life on planet Earth. Some organisms
need only one cell. Others, however, need millions of different cells in order to

4. READING COMPREHENSION: Answer the following questions based on what you reward
in the story above. Place an X in the box next to the correct answer.

a. Which statement is true about the cells of nonliving objects?

They have prokaryotic cells

They do not have cells

They have eukaryotic cells

They have a mixture of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

b. What is the structure of prokaryotic cells?

There is no DHA in prokaryotic cells

The DNA is one endless loop

The DNA has many separate strands

The DNA is wrapped in a protective membrane

c. Based on the context, in paragraphs 2 and 5 membrane refers to _____.

a thin, soft, pliable sheet or layer

cells of different sizes

organisms that consist of only one cell

large, efficient cells

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