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Educational Film Review Documentation

Group 2 -BSN 3B
Taxi Driver (1976)

Group Members:
Achacoso, Jerick Menil, Reyna
Azuelo, Jo Heinrick Namoc, Princess
Bonalos, Rocelle Obligado, Ralen
Borja, Jovie Anne Ragual, Jamaica Claire
Dayaganon, Shiena Sanchez, Camille
Doña, Rhodee Kristine
Dumam-ag, Charmaine
Ginson, Shanny
Malaque, Via

A. Film viewing

The group conducted collaborative movie watching yet was interrupted by connectivity
problems. Group members decided to watch the movie individually at their time of
B. Discussion

Group discussion is anchored on the problems encountered, sharing of insights about

the movie, and discussing the answers provided in the worksheet.

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