Heather Baker - Personal Statement

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Personal Statement

Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have

positively influenced others,helped resolve disputes or contributed to group
efforts over time.
I'm an FFA chapter officer and I have been involved in FFA for all four years of my
high school experience, two of those years I have been a chapter officer. As an officer it
is my role to be a leader and show leadership whenever it's needed.As a leader I have
experienced challenges ive had to overcome in order to be a great leader and those
challenges have taught me that leadership isn’t just fun and games its a serious task that
only a certain amount of individuals can take on. We have leadership activities in our
FFA program that are built to help and grow new leaders.These activities and
competitions consist of Job interview,Extemperranious speaking and prepared
speaking.These’s activities build up certain skills that a good leader should have and
with theses skills they are better fit to lead. With Leadership comes great responsibility

Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken
to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic
A big challenge ive overcome is public speaking.Freshman year in high school was challenging
for me I was very quiet and kept to myself. I joined ag classes and they were very energetic and
motivational. I felt as if I could be myself when I walked into class. We would give presentations
and speeches and my teacher noticed how good I was at public speaking or more like he
brought out a side of me that I didn’t know existed and then told me I should do Opening and
Closing which was parts and I got reporter and to my surprise I went and I dressed in full
uniform and ended up getting outstanding reporter which is like the best you can get. That gave
me the confidence to run for Chapter Officer sophomore year.Through my years of highschool
Ive been more confident ever since freshman year.When I would give presentations in class, I
remember one time my teacher junior year Mr.Schnider told me I had great speaking skills and
should strive to become a teacher because of how confident I am. I honestly thought about it but
I have a strong love for animals so I still plan on becoming a Veterinarian.

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