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Practical Coaching

Session Planner
TOPIC / THEME – Positioning – Shots


Method Phase 1
 The servers shots at goal
 The goalkeeper makes the save and then checks back to the cone on the goal-line before he
positions himself on the arc for a shot from server 2
 If he catches the ball he throws it back to the same server and if the shot goes wide, one of the
spare goalkeepers fetches the ball.
 After the goalkeepers takes the 2 shots from each server, he changes with the next goalkeeper.
Method Phase 2
 A number is allocated to each server
 The coach shots a servers number
 The goalkeeper must move into the correct position, in relation to that server.
 The server must shoot until the goalkeeper is in the set position

Position in Relation to Ball  A half pitch, with one goal
 A goalkeeper positions himself on an
imaginary arc in the six yard box, in
KEY FACTORS: relation to server 1.
 In both phases the goalkeeper must move into the correct position as quickly as possible using
 Four serves, each with a ball.
small steps.
 Other goalkeepers stand at the side of
 In phase 2 the goalkeeper must use side steps over a small distance (max 4 yards) and use lift and
lay/side steps over a longer distance. the goal.
 Once in position the goalkeeper
must try and be in the set position when the server is striking the
ball. 2
 Once on the ground he must get on to his feet as quickly as possible.

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