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Transformational leadership

Have you ever been in a group where someone took control of the situation by giving a

clear vision of the group's goals, and an ability to make the rest of the group feel

confident and energized? This person just might be what is called a transformational


According to White (2018) Transformational leadership is a leadership style in which

leaders encourage, inspire and motivate employees to innovate and create change that

will help develop and shape the future success of the company. This is achieved by

setting an example at the executive level through a strong sense of corporate culture

and independence in the workplace.

This leadership theory consists of four elements which can serve as solutions to the

company’s problems. The elements are as follows:

a) Individualized Consideration

The leader should attend to each followers needs, act as a mentor to the

followers and listen to their concerns and needs. The leader should give support

to the followers and keep communication clear. This allows for individual

contribution that each member can make to the team .The followers have a will

and goals for self-advancement and have intrinsic motivation for their tasks.

b) Inspirational Motivation

The leader must express a vision that is appealing and inspiring to followers. He

should challenge followers with high standards, communicate about future goals,

and provide meaning for the task at hand. The followers will invest more effort in
their work as they are determined and optimistic about the future and believe in

their abilities.

c) Intellectual Stimulation

The leader should challenge the status quo and encourage creativity in the

followers. Learning is of importance and unexpected situations are seen as

opportunities to learn rather than setbacks. The followers should ask questions,

and figure out better ways to execute their tasks.

d) Idealized Influence

The leader should be seen as a role model by the followers. Followers tend to

trust and respect the leader, they imitate the leader and incorporate his or her


Therefore since most workers that are leaving are younger than 30, company

XYZ should implement these elements as this allows the workers more freedom

and allow them to be creative. The workers will feel a sense of belonging to the

company and will result in their efforts being valued which will lead to an

improved efficiency.

Reference list:

Journal article

White, S.K. (2018). What is transformational leadership? A model for motivating

innovation. Abstract retrieved from


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