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s - what are you doing?

z - I am looking among the things of the camp

s - ok

z - whose is this cell phone?

t - those is David's

d - that's not mine, my cell phone is black.

e - that's my cell.

z - ok, whose are these sleeping bags?

e - the blue bag is mine, and the red one is Shubert's

t - the green sleeping bag belongs to me

z - there are two green bags, one has a blue line, another is pure green, what is you?

d - the green with blue is mine.

e - Does anyone see my jacket?

d - is this your jacket?

e - no, this isn't. i think jacket is Shubert’s.

s - yes, this is mine. I found some gloves, whose are these?

d - i think gloves is thalia's

t - thank Shubert

s - you're welcome.

t- Okay, that's it, let's go home

e - ok, let's go.

Name: Edgar Collazos
Age: 26
About me: I met Marlene and she is my girlfriend. we live
in Huaraz. Marlene is 21 years old and she is wonderful.
It's over the top and a lot of fun. We have many things in
common and that impresses me a lot.

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