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Practice Test 7 FCE Practice Test 7 ESRC) Parr? | tions 45-52, choose from the people A-D. The people may be chasen mare than once. Reading and Use of English You are going to read the transcripts of four interviews conducted as part of @ research project on culture. For ques- Which person: is glad their nation is made up of people from lots of different backgrounds? is proud that their country has kept a particular political syste? mentions something which attracts a lot of people to their country? believes money has had an effect on something? thinks their country has an unfair reputation? believes their country has progressed very fast? believes geography has influenced their country’s culture? feels their nation’s identity is threatened by something? wishes their country was as successful as it once was? sees evidence of the work and achievements of their ancestors around them today? 81 ARAB BRA AE

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