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Leadership In business

Leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a
common goal, i captures the essentials of being able and prepared to inspire
others. Effective leadership is based upon ideas—both original and
borrowed—that are effectively communicated to others in a way that engages
them enough to act as the leader wants them to act.
In a business setting, this can mean directing workers and colleagues with a
strategy to meet the company's needs.

A leader inspires others to act while simultaneously directing the way that they
act. They must be personable enough for others to follow their orders, and they
must have the critical thinking skills to know the best way to use the resources
at an organization's disposal.
1. Introduction
It has been said that without leadership, all other business elements lie
dormant. Strong leaders can help an organization to maximize productivity and
achieve business goals, whereas weak leadership can hurt productivity and put
the health of the business in jeopardy. Leadership is not one blanket
characteristic that cures all ills, however, there are many different elements that
must be present for an organization’s leadership to be considered adequate.
It should also be considered that there are many different effective-and
ineffective-leadership styles. Just because one manager is jovial while another
is refined doesn’t mean that either style will be more effective than the other.
To rate the leadership capabilities of the managers in an organization, we need
to consider how well each manager does the following.

Provides Guidance
Managers should be able to provide meaningful guidance and advice for
employees. If needed, managers should be able to show employees how to
perform their job tasks more efficiently and effectively. Managers should also
be able to provide the support that employees need to grow and develop.
Motivates Employees
Good leaders motivate employees to work hard and meet organizational needs
through one means or another. Some leaders may inspire employees to work
hard, while other managers may cause employees to fear the consequences of
not working hard. Both methods work to drive motivation and one may work
better than the other depending on the manager’s specific style and the culture
of the organization.

Initiates Action
It is critical that leaders initiate action by planning out who will perform what
tasks, when the tasks will be completed, and by what means the tasks will be
accomplished. Without a clearly defined plan to complete business goals and
good communication between managers and relevant parties, an organization
will fail no matter how strong the other aspects of managerial leadership are.
Managers should be able to initiate fast action to utilize human resources to
complete business needs.
2. Significance of leadership
All successful organizations and businesses need effective leaders. The
leadership of effective and well trained leaders is paramount to providing an
agreed upon goal for the company’s success. Leaders are invaluable when it
comes to formulating and communicating new strategic directions, as well as
communicating with and motivating employees to increase dedication to
organizational goals. Ongoing leadership skills training is essential to making
sure that leaders are on the right track.

Many people may assume that being a business owner automatically turns you
into a leader. You are, after all, leading the business’ strategy, making crucial
decisions,and driving the direction of the company, but is that all it takes to be
a leader? The answer is, of course, no. Being a leader is a far more complex
task which requires a range of key skills, personal traits, and often years of
experience. With the right leadership, a business will achieve more in just
about every aspect of its operation.

In the last resort, an executive must use his skills and his human insight as does
an orchestra leader—to capture individual satisfactions in the common
enterprise and to create fulfillment that holds the subordinate to his part. No
collection of cute tricks of enticement or showmanship can do that for him.

Leadership, despite what we sometimes think, consists of a lot more than just
“understanding people,” “being nice to people,” or not “pushing other people
around.” Democracy is sometimes thought to imply no division of authority, or
to imply that everyone can be his own boss. Of course, that is nonsense,
especially in business. But business leadership can be democratic in the sense
of providing the maximum opportunity for growth to each worker without
creating anarchy.

In fact, the orderly arrangement of functions and the accurate perception of a

leader’s role in that arrangement must always precede the development of his
abilities to the maximum. A leader’s job is to provide that recognition of roles
and functions within the group that will permit each member to satisfy and
fulfill some major motive or interest.

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