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Read the theory of the state and present your opinion based on the experts on the theory of the


1. Prof. Nasroen: The state is a form of social life and therefore it must also be reviewed
sociologically so that it can be explained and understood.

Prof. R. Djokoseotono, SH: The state is a human organization or a collection of human beings
who are under the same government

Senarko: The state is a community organization that has a certain area where the power of the
state is fully enforced (sovereignty)

M. Solly Lubis, SH: The state is a form of human association or a community. The country has
certain conditions, namely certain areas, certain people, and having a government.

Miriam Budiardjo: The state is an area whose inhabitants are ordered by a number of officials
and have succeeded in demanding from their citizens compliance with laws and regulations
through the control of legitimate powers.

From the 5, according to the experts above, this can be concluded according to my own personal
view that a country is a place to live in a group unit in which there is one leader and his ranks,
has people and also has different regulations according to their own culture.

Name: Ari Afriansah

Class: SI20I

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