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Report Wr. 13/72 A STUDY OF TEE COSTS OF RESIDUE AND GAS OIL DESULPHURISATION FOR ‘THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES Stichting CONCAWE ‘The Hague December 1972 2.1 2.2 2.3 204 commas PREAMBLE INTRODUCTION ‘THE COSTS OF RESIDUE AND GAS OIL DESULPHURISATION Desulphurisation of Residual Fuel and Distillates Direct Desulphurisation of Residual Fuels Indirect Desulphurisation of Atmospheric Residues Gas Oil Desulphurisation GENERAL COMMENTS Alternative Routes to Remove Sulphur ‘Timing Energy Consumption to Remove Sulphur European Crude Oi] ané Product Pattern Graph. Gas Oil Deesulphurication Appendix T Appendix II page Oo GAR es era oe 9-16 17-21 PREAMBLE ‘The cost estimates for the desulphurisation of gas oils and residual fuel oils presented in this study represent the joint opinion of the 20 major oil refining companies participating in Stichting CONCAWE. These costs are considerably higher than those to be found in the literature on this subject. In the opinion of CONCAWE, these previously published data represent the minimal costs which could be attributed to such processes since they do not take adequate account of the costs for site preparation, the provision and operation of essential offsite ancillary equipment, integration into refining services, etc. In contrast, the CONCAWE figures reflect the experience of the refining industry in installing and operating similar types of processes in refining complexes. The inclusion of these additional factors accounts for most of the difference between previously published data and those quoted in this study. These investment and operating costs must be recovered in the price of the final product so that the CONCAWE costs do represent the eventual burden on the economy of providing desulphurised fuel oils. 2.4 INTRODUCTION ‘The Commission of the European Communities has set up an expert group vhich includes non-governmental members to study the economic conse- quences of reducing air pollution due to S02. The aim of the group is to build up a pool of information which can be used for studying particular problems, e.g. proposals from member countries for S02 legislation (See Appendix I). At the request of the Commission, CONCAWE has estimated the costs for the desulphurisation of residual fuel and gas oil. THE COSTS OF RESIDUE AND GAS OIL DESULPHURISATION The cost data presented below represent the joint opinion of the com- panies participating in CONCAWE. It must be emphasized that it is not possible to have a single cost for residue or gas oi] desulphurisation for reasons that will be stated below and that particularly in the field of residue desulphurisation where experience is still limited, changes in cost estimates can be expected. In all cases costs are based on 1972 conditions in Western Europe. Desulphurisetion of Residual Fuel and Distillates val Situati EE The existing pattern of refining operations is that refineries are processing a variety of crude oils which can be classified as low, medium and high sulphur. In order to meet the varying market demand of products both quantity and quality-wise, secondary processing is applied to a smaller or larger extent, e.g. catalytic cracking, thermal cracking, catalytic reforming, distillate hydro-treating. Residual fuel oils are made by blending the atmospheric and vacuum residues available with residues from secondary processes and diluents as required. None of the existing refineries in the EEC countries has processes for desulphurising vacuum distillates or residues, since the actual sulphur contents required can be met by blending the residues and diluents derived from the low, medium and high sulphur crudes available. f sulphur levels in fuel oil have to be reduced further, and there are insufficient quantities of low and/or medium sulphur crude, some fom of fuel oil desulphurisation will be required. In considering the costs of this desulphurisation a distinction should be made between existing refineries and new refineries or extensions to be built to cover the increasing demand for products. 2.2 For new refineries or extensions where residue desulphurisation is required it is possible to optimize the whole operation and to estimate within reasonable ranges the capital and operating costs. For existing refineries the situation can arise where residue de- sulphurisation does not readily fit in with the existing operations, the available utilities facilities, the effluent treatment system, etc., resulting in fragmented off-site development. Furthermore, suitable sites may not be available, thus involving the replacement of non-depreciated equipment to provide space. Heat integration may be more complex and less efficient than in new refineries. The en- gineering costs associated with achieving the best solution in such a case will be considerably higher than the engineering costs for a grass roots package. Another difficulty may be that the residues available are difficult to desulphurise, e.g. ex thermal cracking and catalytic cracking feed preparation and lubricating oil manufacture units. The only solution may be a change in crude allocation and in types of secondary pro- cesses, which in turn create product surpluses and deficits which can only be solved logistically. In all these cases the costs of desulphur- isation can be significantly higher than for new refineries. Another important point is that the first «mall reduction in sulphur content of the fuel oil pool can be obtained by desulphurisation of selected easily treated high sulphur residues whereas every additional reduction in sulphur content will involve treating nore difficult or lower sulphur residues thereby increasing the costs in terms of tons of sulphur removed. It is clear from the above that it is not possible to produce a single cost for residual fuel oil desulphurisation. Unfortunately a range to cover the wide spectrum of situations will be so large that its inter- pretation will be difficult. The costs quoted in the following sections therefore are only applic- able to sites where no abnormal extra costs will be incurred for the reasons already discussed and to residues which can be easily de- sulphurised. Costs for the above-mentioned exceptions can be sig- nificantly higher. Direct Desulphurisation of Residual Fuels This process consists in treating the residuum with hydrogen at high ‘temperature and pressure in the presence of a catalyst. Because the total atmospheric residuum is treated, this process provides greater total sulphur reduction possibilities than the indirect route. It can achieve from 70% to about 90% desulphurisation thereby reducing fuel oil sulphur to 1% or less. Direct desulphurisation is required in those situations where with high sulphur crudes a fuel sulphur content lower than 1.5% is needed. The desulphurisation of residuum is much more difficult than the desulphurisation of vacuum gasoil discussed in a following section because some components present in residuum tend to deactivate the catalyst and to plug the reactor. Existing, and planned direct desulphurisation units in various parts of the world are listed in Tables 3 and 4 of Appendix IT. Six hypothetical cases have been studied, involving treating the atmospheric residues from two crude oils in two sizes of unit to achieve two product sulphur levels. The two crude oils, Kuwait and light Iranian, yield atmospheric residues with sulphur contents of 4.0 and 2.5% respectively. The residues both are favourable feedstocks for desulphurisation. The cost data given in the study therefore cannot be applied to the desulphurisation of residues which fall into a more difficult category. Unit sizes of 50,000 bbl/ca (7,600 t/cd) and 25,000 bbl/ed (3,800 t/ed) have been chosen as being representative of the sizes that would fit a large and a smaller refinery. wo residue desulphurised levels have been considered viz. 1.0% and 0.59%. Several oil companies prepared estimates for each of the six cases (Kuwait to 1.0% wt S and 0.5% wt S and Iranian light to 0.5% wt S). The results can be summarised as follows: Capital invest- Total operating ment §/annual costs §/ton ton capacity feedstock All cases 15 - 32 6.5 - 11.8 4% sulphur in desulphurised 15 - 27 6.5 - 9.9 residue 0.5% sulphur in deswlphur- 16 ~ 32 7.4 = 11.8 ised residue A further analysis of the data shows that the average difference between the highest and lowest estimates of the required capital investment for the separate cases amounts to 32% of the average value. The main cause of this variation is the difference in the estimated capital for the general facilities that are necessary. The general costs involve items such as: a. Site clearance and preparation for building b. Additional tankage and piping c. Extensions of the utility systems In addition, part of the variation may be attributed to differing engineering standards and differing design philosophies. ‘These costs may represent 2 considerable percentage of the total capital requirement and are strongly dependent on specific circum- stances, as mentioned under 2.1. Bssentially the same factor causes an average difference between the highest and lowest estimates of the total operating costs for each separate case of 25% of the average value. 2.3 ‘The remainder of the variation in the cost estimates can be explained by the cost differentials between the various cases in the following manner: Capital invest- Total operating ment $/annual cost $/ton ton capacity feedstock Size of Unit Cost of 3,800 t/cd as + 24% + 11% compared with 7,600 t/ed Depth of Desulphurisation 4% S to 0.5% S as + 20%, + 21% compared with 4% S to 1% S Sulphur Content of Feedstock 4h 8 to 0.5% 8 as +156 + 15% compared with 2.5% S to 0.5% 8 It should be noted that in desulphurising 4% $ residue to 0.5% S, 3.5% 8 is removed whereas, in desulphurising 2.5% 3 residue to 0.5% S only 2% is removed. Thus, while the cost to desulphurise 4% S residue is more expensive than desulphurising 2.5% S residue, the former xepresents a more efficient sulphur removal in a cost/ton S removed basis. The above data clearly demonstrate the impossibility of attaching a single cost figure to the direct desulphurisation of residual fuels. For the class of long residues studies desulphurisation costs generally will be within the indicated ranges. Residues containing higher levels of catalyst contaminants would be more expensive to process and have not been included in the study. Indirect Desulphurisation of Atmospheric Residues In the indirect desulphurisation route an atmospheric residue is vaouum distilled, yielding a vacuum residue and a vacuum distillate. The latter is hydrodesulphurised and recombined with the vacuum residue to give a fuel with a reduced sulphur content. The desulphurisation step is conducted under similar but more severe operating conditions than in the conventional gasoil desulphurisation. The relatively low content of catalyst contaminants in the vacuum gascil pemits the desulphurisation of residues which are difficult to treat directly. However, since only a fraction of the total fuel is treated, the overall degree of desulphurisation is roughly half of that obtained by direct desulphurisation. Existing, and planned indirect desulphurisation units in various parts of the world are listed in Tables 1 and 2 of Appendix II. The overall degree of desulphurisation that can be achieved depends upon the molecular weight distribution of the sulphur compounds in the atmospheric residue and the depth of vacuum distillation that is applied. It generally varies between 30% and 45. Cost data have been estimated for 50,000 bbl/cd (7,600 t/cd) atmospheric residue from Kuwait and light Iranian crudes and the results are summarised below. Kuwait Light Iranian long residue long residue MS 2.5% 8 Peasible % desulphurisation 30 - 40 32 - 45 Capital investment $/annual 10 - 13 9-13 ton capacity Total operating cost $/ton 4.0 - 564 3.5 - 542 long residue Note: The maxima and minima in the above columns are not necessarily related, e.g. it should not be assumed that operating cost for 30% desulphurisation is $ 4.0/ton long residue. The cost of indirect desulphurisation per ton residue processed is lower than that of direct desulphurisation. Sulphur removal, however, is less effective (30-45% versus 75-85%). Gas 0i2 Deeulphurisation Gas oil desulphurisation is a widely known process which is used for reducing the sulphur of gas oil components. This process consists of treating gas oil with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. This process is capable of a 90% desulphurisation. Four cases have been studied involving two crude oils (Kuwait and light Iranian) and two sizes of unit (4,000 t/cd and 1,500 t/ca). In all cases 90% desulphurisation has been assumed. The cost estimates can be sumarised as follows: Capital invest- Total operating ment $/annual costs $/ton ton capacity feedstock All cases 5.5 - 8.8 2.5 - Hed The variations between estimates can be attributed to different assumptions made for off-site costs and the effects of size of unit. These latter effects can be estimated as follows: 31 Capital invest- Total operating ment $/annual costs $/ton ton capacity feedstock Size of Unit Cost of 1,500 t/cd as + 20% + 10% compared with 4,000 t/ed Discussion The above wiit costs will give a good indication of total costs in- volved to meet a certain sulphur content provided it is known how many tons of gas oil have to be desulphurised. However, it should be realised that the lower the required sulphur content, disproportionally more gas oil must be treated. This is because after the high sulphur gas oil has been treated, only lower sulphur fractions are available from which only a small amount of sulphur can be removed in passage through the unit and this small recovery of sulphur does not result in any sig- nificant reduction in the cost of the operation compared to treating the high sulphur gas oil. Graph 1 shows the consequences of this, i.e. below a certain sulphur specification for the total gas oil pool there is a very rapid increase in the proportion of gas oil to be desulphurised and therefore in the cost. The break point is between 0.25 and 0.3% wt sulphur. In the calculation account has been taken that the individual refineries have been treated as one complex and is therefore an oversimplified situation whi cannot be equalled in practice. From Graph 1 assuming an average marketing specification of maximum 0.5% wt sulphur as starting point and a gas oil pool of 250 million tons a lowering of the limit to 0.36 wt would involve an additional capital investment of $ 150 - 250 million and an operating cost of $ 65 - 110 million per year. Lowering the limit to 0.2% wt would mean that an expenditure about three times as large would be required for the new capacity. In addition this lower limit would render some of the existing plants obsolete and additional expenditure would be re- quired to replace’ them. All costs are in 1972 $. GENERAL COMMENTS Alternative Routes to Remove Sulphur In addition to gas oil and residue desulphurisation processes, other processes are available or are being developed to recover sulphur, e.g. flue gas desulphurisation, fuel gasification, fluid bed combustion. 3.2 3.3 However, at the moment there is a lack of well-documented non-con- fidential information on these processes which makes it difficult to judge their costs and their technological merits. It is hoped that, at a later stage, CONCAWE will be able to supply some realistic cost data on flue gas desulphurisation processes. An important point to be realised by legislators is that regulations should be written in such a way that all viable processes will be allowed, e.g. an overall limit on sulphur content of marketed fuel would formally prevent the application of flue gas desulphurisation devices. Timing The quoted range of costs are applicable on the assumption that sufficient time is available to plan and implement the plant con- struction in an optimum manner. The general lead-in-time in Europe for building large units such as residue desulphurisation is 3 to 4 years which takes into consideration optimum location, building and operating permits, engineering design, availability of hardware. Any acceleration will almost certainly lead to higher costs than quoted. Furthermore, a sudden move to install residue desulphurisers on a larger scale will also strain resources and increase costs, partic ularly if, at the same time, the construction programme for nuclear power generation is competing for the same resources, e.g. for the fabrication of high pressure reactors. It is important therefore that legislation should allow a phasing in of measures, e.g. via a realistic time scale. oth The minimum cost would be achieved by integrating hydrodesulphur- isation units in new refineries or in existing refineries on the occasion of modernisation programmes. Energy Consumption to Remove Sulphur The processes to remove sulphur from gas oil and fuel oil require their own energy in terms of fuel. The costs of the energy have been accounted for in the operating costs but from the stand point of energy conservation it is good to note that direct residue de- sulphurisation has a thermal efficiency of 92 to 94%, e.g. for every 100 ton residue intale an equivalent of 6 to 8 tons is consumed by the process. ee desulphurisation has a thermal efficiency of about 95 to 96h. 3.4 -8- Assuming, purely as an example, that 25% of the European fuel oil pool would have to be desulphurised, some additional 4 million ‘tons/a of fuel would be required which is equivalent to that produced by a medium sized refinery. Buropean Crude Oil and Product Pattern ‘The quantity, quality and cost of crude oils available for Europe in ‘the future and the quantity and quality of products to be made will determine the amount of desulphurisation required and its cost. The question of crude oil availability for the future is very difficult to assess for a number of reasons, e.g. significant quantities still have to be discovered, political factors, demand for crude oil out- side Europe, the position of individual oil companies. SULPHUR SPECIFICATION GAS OIL DESULPHURISATION GRAPH A x X HIGH PROPORTION OF os HIGHS CRUDE ° (© Low PROPORTION OF HIGH s CRUDE os 03 02 on ° 25 50 75 100 % OF TOTAL GAS OIL TO BE DESULPHURISED o 380.600 760.1200 1140-1800 1520:2400 nT CAPITAL INVESTMENT S x 108 + ° 160.290 320580 490870 640.1160 a a TOTAL OPERATING COST $x 105/YEAR * ~ THESE COSTS ARE IN TEAMS OF 1972 $ AND BASED ON A GASOIL REQUIREMENT OF 250 MILLION TON FOR THE ENLARGED EEC IN 1975, Appendix -9- ssuoyqerteasuy SuyyeTx9 zo ELGLaenPay WAG Goss PEE suOTZETTEROUT AoW ZOy L6L ‘anny ug woxy eaTjoegJe ef uoryE TRIO STUL ‘4Mb on peroEMeas or FUTGROT SOME zor poon ‘Ayrrenb yous xoneqoun stems prMbYT Te Jo quoquoo anydns ayy YORIA UT aPOP] ‘ueHD ‘soxotaeua ‘eqesensg ‘dzenyuy +50 suarpawe ue se7}70 243 kos woTyooROM TeToEde Jo eouoZ seats “tog, ‘oqeoen wee 2eneD Ar em Jo re aaoddns uy “U61 tome wig2 pevED TeAOH prea | eke 998887 | ae | o¢ | ge | on - 90 repryrEanne out gure sorundaco Tyo woonjeq uemexte AresimroA | j OL6L~6-PL sr | ee J oae | ost - on rece 999at | 2,06 | 9,06 2902 106-26 wae ow ee be | oot - ot | Aosur | Aogor |o,06/s0at| o,02/seoi] = | /S0e ‘BEDUEAS anrsige -porrdae 4 snqdtns 170 Teng sayuyT ATeaT409I0 2 ouOT UF su/sorarom. 0S¢ wey €s: ows z0y PEE | ouog uF orsorsqs0x ArTsoosTA at ‘zou *8/°TeO OSL *OL JO sa9°9 & Burmese TIO TERS AWS TSE JORRATECRORTE GP “pomauoo rong Jo ermiown/anudne sommes? 2 peeoxe you TIES sese8 uorzenqmos up Zo 30 woryexqus0u0e eu, zeqvox# andqno yay © wATH saceumy uy pasn 9q ftuo Ae (9,06/8,06-71 ‘yreooera) "ETO TIO eR RA ump sezec9 yndino y20y aT esoeums up posn oq ATu0 Ae (9,06 /aghh Rereconss) TOTS TAT FRRTTOE wor sey20a8 Ie seowumy uF pose 09 ATH [i,5°2 “8 fyyeooeys) TO TERE ETT “(@ynaa got" “®9) EET GOST wth e69T JO qndqno wou © WTR soowuMS UF peer oq fea (110 se8) SOFTEST TO TOE fr | | | | are-ig ‘on csumt Ay7o unBTA exaeg Jo Kopureues = TORE wer go qaoddes uy ‘ol paw 91 fol 50 syzed pur siuemeserpuonre J) poe 6 ‘9 ‘2 ‘y= TSRGZ - vanes ur sour, 2 posvary tp6u"a°LL mp paaczy srava a SeT aawoe Her a son | a Ree | sven | serpen | oer | 3ST cine | even | sean | suet | REET stro str0 stro tone 5 stT0 tend 5 uoysetss07 20 ‘uopators79e5 vam 9g yuequos anuting uo 6 Turd -Aypaoasta Aq woryearsTseeTg Appentix I auoyavoTsTesETo Zo euoysoTI3E9x of Lt | an go"h 04 su/*Te0% o0o"008 < soorumS UT pen Tro Teng Jo quoquco~g ouy syTETT eATZOSxTE OTM $ 4A 3£*0 oF pogoTaaser oq TTA THO SED *el61 Areraree azopim oF pun uoyyeredesd up 8} WOTZETETROT May, euoT}eoTsFeeeTO 40 eNOTIOFIESeX oN seqeTeo mats opsyoeds ou 4nq ‘paumg oq 04 Tang Jo ueqWOD-g ou uo uovjorKieor 2 4yuxod sua TUL “UOTIETTE}EUT cw SuTSu—DTT WOYN poxopTSUOD oq 07 sxOIOEE UBTEeP pUE Zog 30 yoryuxqueouos opeydeomye 9x9 ZOF egruTT uTEN: 0 tony 4s Jo 4xOddne UT pomeST *(THL) ZTY UeOTO cor Tox GOO'OS Fo AyrOWMeD way UETA soBUME sToIUOD 426 syoxo4 PUES T9937H sazouoosaTa an exeqaTuTK sep pun et0] 8 UTETETZ0g pum -93To0ry ep eeTze =pimy omesuyon09 (Ge. te S91 soe p09 Tersaeneuz) ‘Bamrpzoaqonoy OmRED (sna *) ‘vrivaaisen, ~ANEREELAON. 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UE +a + ¥ souog tH09 uF Aydt Pinos worn amydrns 4% g9°o snurree seaueyo SuTMOTTOT ow pesodoxd « me 4 (Zh SeTOTISy |BuEHS 04 supaeuneo ‘216i+4 +12 pesep “(ovoe *H) RET azmC | (Brauoo) at¥ar Beet | eweax | mmrvex | 2 ert f098 | wean | urea et | RSET SE | cwwon pam | ater | eT EE | ewan | omspeg | aumen | TET erro 4 stro raze stro tent ps stro Tet 9 oxy Ter#01 20 oayaeayeTuFey - WOR POTTOOES 2 yn00 “an g quequoe anuding wo 9377 ‘Ayyepasra Ay worsTorsTs9eTD Appendix -15- vequp 20q0t ¥ 48 poMoTAOZ oq TTTA oemeusoat F161 3908 aun yuu; puE posTTOUANE eq THA STSTT gi au Zos avare omy Fo woTEUEyXe poaTUTT © ATuo yeu pooyssepun BT 41 -TOR9ACH, 9161 3090300 oss rxem aK AGL 2090900 wos “xEE aA Yeo ITFo ge Jo quoquco amutTns ey, UT suOTIONP ex SeqMOTTOS au pouTeqUos ose TeEcdord ug “guomuroscn oyy 04 paquasard us9q oe GL6L Z0q0320 fa AL;UMED OETIUE ayy ZEROD OF ‘gure pire Sonquawnon Aqquozmo ‘yEFT anydme gh ayy 30 woTsUo;e saTsseaord ayy 103 ommxBaxd oayeusyardacs ¥ oS oF SuTATéde 1 ' 1 \ ' ad seare £79 os “xe S 3 ‘SNENEIOD smoHx008s ee ad ‘By PORTaTT OTRO Teng FO SaOTUOO SARTTTE | wort eT SGCAS van ge oF POsTUFT eTeng DTMBFT FO suayMOOS FOL6L ZOATT oon oT4senop 0s POROTTE § 4A 39°Z ATH STONE fen TERRGEMPUE TOs VEMOTTE § 48 HE UETA STONE some Tpz0 ana . a96ice*Li 3° woFINTTod yuanend of socuRUTPLO enBsy 0} Sey HIOURNE [ROOT FuTTONCKN soxomT s961/lole eex00q arvas auotyeoTsTsseTo x0 SuOTZOREASAE OM suotqwoTyTSEUTD Zo SUOTIOTIISAT OF ‘rvonuo Eon aT a fovex | ane = E om el a pon | aur | eet a eH eto voxe erro Tene stro Teng, uoyaersyse7 20 am gf quaquoo amuttng wo s3TaTT AxTSoOSTA AQ WOTREOTTTESeTO uorstersTo0ds aapEReTcey Axyimog appendix I sspeey pure xegeoyoust uyoq zoy povodord uaoq eeu 2yUTt ZETTETS 7 sexe WOpUOT JoqbeID By} OF PEpHEZD eq phous 4TETT STH amu Tesodaxd © ef oxo *Lo6t Aa som g gf) oem gonm euopseTTeieuy 2ureTEE “es aN SL 0% Mow poxoTazsex 8 (uopuOT Z0xzex5 sou) wmopuoT Jo fr: uy peunauoo syns pRWbyT Fo yuaqueo muds oxy u2 UTUTA suOTFETTEySUT ASU 40a: | doar | a.oar | dona (19/6902 82) ors ste oF se - ort | /Scte | /s00k | foe | /socrar = | a001/s09 ‘prepieas WOTONTE CHEINA L6b-2ih smr0058d Og sea g Y6t0 Jo Ty6 TORE SUPFT BIGxe of SUT wee orgsenop STHIT 92 toTauOGUT guy uomzOA0D Axdéne - - 4 2 - ymamo “0ny | | “1 | 4.001 | goo E 18 - ic aaa (soc || Ca fic | - 6 6 (aus) paepaess cxwreenaAs pane! con | umn 1 yer Heer | gweon | arpa; ey | HOTT 8 ed a eS x [aren | vert] SSE oro str0 pore stro tong a0 stro Tex Teo | worgetsrfoq xo | onrqeayerurspy noryworrrseds zo sxyimeg “ang auoquoo amatTng wo 8q 787 ‘Ayysoosta Ay woyyeorsTsseT) -1T- Appendix IT SURVEY OF FUEL OIL DESULPHURISATION CAPACITY ‘The following Tables list existing or planned units for the desulphur- isation of residual fuel oils by either the direct or indirect routes. ‘The Tables have been compiled from published information and examin- ation of the various sources available shows some discrepancies in the capacities reported for some units. Whenever possible, information issued by the operating company or the licensor has been used. With reference to the coments in Tables 1 and 3, these companies were granted Ministry of International Trade and Induetry (MITI) approval on 23rd September, 1971 to expand their refining capacities in 1973/ 1974, the others applied for approvals without success. Since MITT refinery expansion licences are awarded only after MITI is convinced of each refiner's plans to manufacture desulphurised fuel oils, the plants Listed above can be associated with the refinery expansion applications. Where the approved capacity differs significantly from the capacity applied for, the deswlphurisation plant capacity may be reduced accordingly. Appendix II ~18- orbee | one | orgs] svh9¢ Ayyowdeg Tey0y eaTyeTMUM orgs epues TFO ROUSE ones ehosey, THO 23% 009 nH PESEAEY okrusy 205 bb. /6/E2 TATH £9 peaoaddy ore mE emenexey, oftuay 205 ose mr emeterem ofTuoy Oy tps ors ose Treus THOFEDION, FHOTEIOK BROUS ot Treus PRESEAEY nutes ehous 11, /6/<2 TEIM 49 pesorddy och ‘Treus: Foongewe, nepes nqTes ot | op Trews puonseue, népIes nates oro? HD ‘weZOTAHL mstorzeg uodd ry, orsz oud FusTaen mepoayeg uoddty oror 940 FUSTaHL metorieg woddTy ILI 49 penodde yef yon och ‘emryene TH Surety woddty orgh presensy nutryes OMTYOTN ores aon earueneT néppes FusTaNes TH orog aon, emrusnsTy mAs TUSTIN TH ose oon worun, ear TRO wemnrey, ors mr 370 TRO nystty orm on 370 THO nus 111 /6/S2 TEIN £4 penoaddy ovat aon rary | TAT IES OFIOME 0°09 on rari | mePIAS O4NOAy LLi/6/S2 TATA £q peaoadéy ole 980 =e80 TATHES BOX ora 940 xEO mriag Pox org 940 ASEH mutes eOx ILTW 44 peacadde yok qoy ose uo eurysey THO euPUsEX or0g ae Tes Tro Feswey STFevep on ore Feuoyewoy, wesoy neq TupT ole sus Texes nepieg Teteuep 1L./6/S2 ILIM Aq peacddy ort eueyeug uesoy TINE tL. /6/S@ TATW £9 peaorddy ors oH emnesopog Tro Ting ose ouD emneFepog Tro rma Gtlk | Sthb SurursTg FUOTeHAOR, TO ofATeC ors 980 epreres +09 FIOBCAY PTSY aera cuer [ ver | cler | eter | eteu> ee en ‘suedt0p ogeq daagaegg To uoTeTAMOD (ier sequehou) Pod (ser seamg/steared col) woTgonIysuog zepun zo SuTresedo sy Tun OFFS TANYA TRSET TNPTSey yoerTEUT woRyesTENGa RSET THO TERE TemeL Appendix IT ~19- 0°06 89 upeayed umeToxyeg ureaEg xemosT as opt £370 OFT 47S worasug aeary TSO wmeyee puery oroy ‘qaodeerg To seweyeg 0°06 oowxeg | exepa-y-ogurca PEPTHTY, oowxey, 0°09 Spuerer USAT) ror aon ‘xporg “3g seoy epexeny erenzoue, orcs Treus wopaeg equng treus 0°08 Treus oeowmng Treus seTrTaay oroe mm sugog feqnay (ca8g) ofe7 vyencou, 0°06 ovorL Focid foury (c8sa) sto=xo cle. | vier | squeumop F sseoorg ‘woTqe0oT Areduog aqeq dn-greqg zo voTyeTdmoy (1161 tequeacy) wary WeOAT TEED (Seq wearas/eTeter col) woTyonEysu0p zepun Zo SuryeTedo BATU UOTIESTAMUETHSEC TeMpTsey 2oerypUT worqestanudtnseq THO Te FetaeL Appendix IT (1161 tequeaoy) (sar weeags/steared col) uoTYonEysu0 aepum zo SuTgemedo syTun UOTZESTMMYATRSOE TeNPTSeH 208rTI ‘uoTyes mua TSEC TIO Tend Fetes i “T orsrg | 0609 | 07605 | sralz| srzce Ayyoedeg T2105 | oaTye TROND oror 379 SNBUTIO Tr 3mm) or9e sae FT) uonsemeg, THO nares TLIH £4 poaoadde yef 30H ovor ehoSeH Tro Por penoadde yet yo1r | oror PATIO Tro wemzeyt peaordde 304 30H | ozs exes TO Terewe 2 ITM £4 posoxddy | o-gt Tors TTo Tesuey TaIH 44 peaoaddy oro emekexen ofruan 20, tL, /6/62 THT £4 peaorddy oraz | eqTuo ognyosy, oror ‘eureyoxo, orse OpTeXES Ls /6/S2 THK 44 pesonddy ore earner, ae saz 379 eEPUSNSTH, 7 ele SH 379 orryena TH Surery woddTy och aou/aon | | PaTuSey THO SarPUSEH tls /6/$2 TOMA £4 pesorddy or0s | ehoPey wesoy N83 T09PT oror sm | o80.4y wes0y 159. 7UePT ILIN £q peacadde yok you oror don i eqtuo wesoy neq TuepT oror aon, eaTuD ‘wesoy N84. TUSPT cié. | ble. | cle. | 2der | 2leu> squeumog sseoorg NOT BOOT feeding ‘aged dn-yxeg a0 uoTOTEMOD wedep Appendix IT -21- | | | epang 47m 4809. Tepoxoumoo-Tusg Ge reas ‘samquemog swrexyzeddou/TT8us (eatgexedout) BuTyoRTOOTDAA oor xeuost | sexey ‘uoysnoz Tro Tewts (earyezedour) Bur yoeroorp AY over TOE corm ‘fem fee ossg ves 09 TY0-E ‘s0TTeI9 OXPT seoqares e779 BuTyoero querd 10TTa oe -er th spur ‘Sura THA +09 110 weoremy co pKent soueorKeyt Supyoexoorp Ay, cra TYO-H “ooueme res sostorea Suryoexoorp Ag ore xewosy | +¥+s ‘Smatoses ami sofegs Surmeta or06 upeaqeg xan Te sudtnsop ‘prsea 203 Gad 0000 Sur +09 metered ~yoerompAY Toy peusTsaq orsz TH0-E eareays TeuoTyeN 9 FeKNY remy ___TTO quep ose | gon xemsr | ‘uetimpay exert quedepur weopomy cle. | el6: | wer | ole | ol6r> syuommog sseoorg UOTABOOT Siredu09 eqn da-gaeqg x0 uoTseTduog (1161 zequeacn) seory aeqa0 (ser weong/steaze ,01) uoTyonaqeu0y topun zo Supyeredo sy FuN WoFHESTEMAsTHBET TEAPTSCH 40TH wopyesranadinsed TO Tend ¥ eaeE

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