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Product Review The Super 8 Sound Recorder I By JAMES CALDWELL hile more and more ‘manufacturers are com: ing out with sophisticat ed single system sound ‘cameras, double system recording for ‘amateur films seems to be an alter. native not often considered, For the serious worker, though, double system sound can open up a whole new avenue of filmmaking, In double system sound, the sound is recorded ‘ona medium separate from the pic: ture. The equipment needed doesn't have to be all that expensive. A good example is the Super 8 Sound Recorder | by Super 8 Sound, Inc “The Super 8 Sound Recorder is @ ‘modified Sony TC800B portable ree! to reel tape recorder. The modifica tions include guides cut to accept ‘Super 8 or Split 16mm fulleoat (in stead of 14" tape, a logic circult which Controls the speed of the recorder to match an incoming signal from @ ‘camera, projector, ora pilotone sync signal, and a meter to give the sync ‘condition of the machine. Upon first ‘appearance, the modified recorder looks no different from the regular Sony since most ofthe modifications are internal. The only telltale ap- pearance is five pin DIN plug and two three:position switches on the left side of the machine. The complete recorder will run you about the price of a good ‘quality Super 8 Sound camera; about 3795. In order to use the machine, you need a camera which has a PC or flash contact output or pilotone capability). Its plugged into the DIN plug on the Sony, whichis set for either 18 or 24 fps. Then shoot! The recorder will record your sound track, and the ‘camera will take the picture. Later, the sound can be resolved to the picture by using a modified projector. The projec: tor needs to feed a pulse to the recorder just as the camera did, The ‘syne meter atthe front of the machine will give the syne condition, Of course, if you have the money, the cables can be eliminated by using Caystal syne, At present, only Nizo and Beaulieu cameras can be crystal con- trolled although work is being done to ‘control other models, With the recorder also crystal controlled, camera and recorder will un in syne without the need for connecting ‘ables. Indoors, the Sony can be plug {ged into a household plug and the: Fecorder will sync itself to the 60 He line, eliminating the need for a erystal control. A filmmaker can also resolve his single

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