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Ani sapira poetri

Ag 1

I will analyze pygmalion play with deconstruct analysis

In this play The first is talk about language As we know there are a lot of language in
the world not only in Indonesia but outside the country has many languages. Seem
like in this pygmalion play. Higgins can easily guess where people come from based
on accents, dialects, and usage of certain slang. This indicates that higgins has above
average intelligence given .many people may not be able to know a dialect easily.
How different people speak the same language is thus able to exploit the language.

Eliza was able to change her identity only by learning to speak differently. In terms of
the language is displayed maybe yes, but if it is not accompanied by appearance then
it might raise suspicion. The key is learning to speak as well as changing your

The second is about social status this still refers to a language where it says that
people from the upper classes have a different language. The richer social class only
claimed that their way of speaking was the right way. Meanwhile it oppresses and
harms the lower classes. the play shows how this system also opens up possibilities
for those clever enough to exploit this connection between speech and class but, it
will be more threatening to status changers if they are found by exploitation of their
language and class.

Eliza, Pickering, and Higgins are, after all, able to use this to their advantage, fooling
high society and successfully passing Eliza off as a noble lady. they may be smart and
what they are doing is something good for the lower class but falsifying identity is
not the right thing.

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