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Complete the gaps in the article with the correct form of the verbs: get (5), fall,

fail,become, do, split, retire, leave, pass, move, make, change, start, bring up.

From Bottom of the Class to Businesswoman of the Year

At the age of sixty, Tessa Daley, Director of Newsgroup Publishing, has it all: she
______  so successful that she seems to be on TV or in papers every week, and she
___________  more money than most of us could dream of. But this is the woman who
___________  all her exams and ____________ school with no qualifications.

‘I hated school and couldn’t wait to get away and _________  work. I _______ a job at a
local newsagent’s. I loved working there because I could read all the magazines, but
unfortunately I was asked to leave two weeks later – for reading magazines and
forgetting to serve the customers!’

One of the customers was Simon, a good-looking journalist, who she ______ in love
with. They ________  engaged six weeks later after the first meeting, then
_______  married at the end of that year. Tessa devoted the next sixteen years of her
life to being a wife and bringing up her children. Simon _________  jobs a lot during
those years, and the family _____________  house several times. The disruption had a
disastrous effect on their marriage and they ___________  up when the oldest child was

‘After I ______   divorced there was a big gap in my life and I didn’t know what to do. My
daughter persuaded me __________  media studies.’ Tessa worked hard and
__________  her final exams with the best grades in her year. ‘The day I _______  my
degree was the proudest day of my life.’

Tessa has just launched a new magazine and is busier than ever: she has no plans
_________  yet!

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