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1. What is the name of the animal?

a. Cat c. goat
b. Dog d. bird

2. What is the name of the dog?

a. Willy c. Max
b. Doggy d. Browny

3. How old is Max?

a. 4 years old c. 5 years old
b. 6 years old d. 3 years old

4. What is Max favorite game?

a. Hide and seek c. football
b. Fetch d. basketball

5. What does Max know?

a. Sit , stand , beg c. play, run , swim
b. Sit , sleep, eat d. sleep, run, play

6. What does Max like threats?

a. Bone, biscuits or special stuff c. donuts, pizza, biscuits
b. Biscuits, cakes, candies d. bone, rice, soup

7. What does Max do when he’s happy?

a. Run around c. sleeping
b. Play around d. wags his tail

8. Where does Max sleep?

a. In my bedroom c. in the livingroom
b. In the kitchen d. in his own bed

1. B 5. A
2. C 6. A
3. A 7. D
4. B 8. D

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