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Learn English In A Minute

5 Idioms A Day ( Part 1 )


1 Barrel of laugh someone who is very funny Shu is very well known in his village as a barrel of laugh
because he is very funny.
2 Elvis has left the building The show has come to an end “Elvis has left the building. So, let’s get going”, said Uncle Joe
who took us to the show last night.
3 Odd ball a strange person Though Ahmad is an oddball among his classmate, the
teachers respect him for his dedication to the learning.
4 Joined at the hip to be exceptionally close to someone Saliza holds no secret to Amira for she is joined at the hip of
Amira many years ago.
5 Blind date A date where the two people have never met Rahim went on a blind date and was shocked that his date
before was a celebrity nationwide.

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