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Jia & Ani >> rn 50 Language Acquisition First-language acquisition - Language learned from birth by actively listening - Subconscious process - Does not require explicit instructions Stages : Cooing - Babbling - One word stage - Two word stage Telegraphic stage - Multiword stage Second-language acquisition - Language learned after acquiring mother tongue - Conscious process - Requires explicit instructions Stages : Receptive phase - Early production - Speech emergence Intermediate fluency - Fluency Gradual development of ability in a language by using it naturally in communicative situations with others who know the language. - Subconscious - Implicit knowledge - Stabled order Learning Process of accumulating knowledge of the features, such as vocabulary and grammar, of a language, typically in an institutional setting. - Conscious - Explicit knowledge - Simple to Complex Second vs. Foreign Language ____ Second language Learning a language that is spoken in the surrounding community. ___ Foreign language Learning a language that is not generally spoken in the surrounding community and induced by teaching. Foreignness ( Taught to non-native speakers) - Different from First-language ~ Phonology ~ Morphology ~ Syntax ~ Semantics - Degree of foreignness Process - Input - Output Communicative Competence - Grammatical competence - Socio-linguistics competence - Strategic competence

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