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| ual 1. “Eating at the same table” would be an appropriate description of: ‘A. Parasitism B Symbiosis © Commenalism D. Alllof the above 2 Which of the following use pseudopodia for locomotion: ‘A. Giliates ——-B. Amocbae ©. Flagellates DD. Microsporidia 3. A host that harbors the larval or asexual stage of a parasite is known as: ‘A. Definite host 1B. Intermediate host . Reservoirhost D. None of the above 4. Ribbon like helminth parasites are known as: D. None of the above 4. Ribbon like helminth parasites are known, as ATs B. Flukes © Roundworms D. Amoebas 5. The test essential for an accurate faecal ‘amination for ova and cysts is: MCQs in Parasitology © CT San D. Serological evidence of Eshistolytica 7. PAM (Primary Amoebic Meningoence- phalitis) is caused by: ‘A. Entamocba histolytica BL Nacgleria fowler’ ©. Balantdiurn coli D. Giardia lamblia 8, Whichof the followings non-pathogenic: ‘A, Entamoaba coli B. Entamoeba histolytica © Balantiin coli D. Trichomonas vaginalis 9. The infective stage of Entamoeba histo- Iytica iz ‘A. Trophoroile B. Precyst ©: Cyst D. Alloftheabove lyticn is ‘A. Trophozoite B. Precyst Cyst D. All ofthe above 10. Motile, reproductive stage of Entamoeba Nistolytica is: ‘A. Trophozoite B. Preeyst . Cyst ‘A. Direct wet mount for motility B, Permanent stained slide ©. PCR D. Serological test 6. The best test to distinguish amoebic liver abscess from a bacterial liver abscess is: ‘A. Ultrasound examination B. Good physical examination by an expert D. None of the above 11. Bundles of crystalline ribonucleic acid ‘A. Chromatoidal bodies B. Karyosome CC. Peripheral chromatin D. Pseudopods 296 Medical Parastology 41. Following intestinal infection, hepatic (ibeary abscess is most likely to develop with: ‘A. Entamoeba histolytica B. Giardia lamblia . Kscspora belli D. Balentiv coli Leishmanial infections are usually treated with: ‘A, Sodium stibogluconate B. Metronidazole €. Fentamidine D. Chloroquine ‘Dumdum fever or black poison isthe name ven to: SE Vitra ehmanins B. Cerebral malaria CC. Peumocystis infection D. Hepatic amoebiasis Chagas’ disease is usually treated with: ‘A. Nifurtimox inte review D. Hepaticamoebiasis Chagas’ disease is usually treated with: ‘A. Nifurtimox B. Nidosamide . Praziquantel D. Ivermectin . Which of the following is ot an anti- protozoal drug: ‘A. Albendazole B. Tetracycline C. Trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole D. Pyrimethamine . Amphotericin B is effective treatment for all the following except: ‘A. Leishinaniasis B. Amosbiasis C. Nacgleria infection D. Acanthamoeba infection Which of the following is not a flagellate: A. Naggleria—B. Giardia ©. Leishmania D. Dientamoeba Which of the following is not a cestode: ‘A. Diphyllobothrium 1B. Hymenolepsis . Shistosoma D. Taenia 49. All the following are sprozoans except: ‘A. Plasmodium B. Isospora . Balantidium D. Toxoplasma All the following drugs paralyse the worms except: ‘A. Pyrantel pemoate B. Praziquantel C. Metrifonate D. Paromomycin Malignant malaria is caused by: . ‘A. Plasmodium vive B. Plasmodium falciparum © Plasmodium malariae D. Plasmediurn ovale 52. Which Plasmodial infection is more often associated with nephrotic ‘A. vio B. P. malariae © Pflipanom —D. P.cenle ‘Anaemia produced is severest in: 51. 53, Page 256 © Pifleiparum —D, P.ovale 53, Anaemia produced is severest in: ‘A. Falciparum malaria B Vivaxmalacia €. Ovale malaria D. Malarize malaria 54. Which of the following ie not true about falciparum malaria: ‘A. Central nervous system involvment is maximum B, Duration of primary disease is 2-3 weeks CC. Relapses are common D. Periodicity of febrile paroxysms is 48 hours 55, Merozoites produced per sporozoite in ‘vivax malaria are about: A, 2000 B, 6000 © 10000 1D. 40000 56. Relapse in case of vivax malaria results from reactivation of a dormant malaria parasite form which is known as: ‘A. Hypnozoite 1B Sporozoite CC. Tachyzoite D. Bradyzoite 298 Medical Parasitology nm. Which of the following parasite known for undergoingantigenic variation very frequently: A. Schistesoma mansoni B. Trypanosoma brucei . Plasmedivm viene D. Ascaris lumbricoides Montenegro skin test used to be done for the diagnosis of: ‘A. Kalaazar —B. Hydatid disease C Toxocariasis D. Cysticercosis. The eggs of which of the following schistosoma sps. are elongate and have a Prominent lateral spine: ‘A. S.inansoni—-B. 5. japonicum C. S. haertatebium D. §: intercalatura 7. is not common in India: ‘A. Amoebiasis B. Kala-azar C. Schistosomiasis ss not common in inaia: ‘A. Amocbiasis B. Kala-azar C. Schistosomiasis D. Whipworm infection ‘The eggs of Paragonimus westermani are usually confused with: ‘A. Diphyllobothrium iatum B. Threadworm C. Hooiaworm D. Whipworm 5. Amoebiasis can mimic in clinical pre~ sentation with: ‘A. Appendicitis B. Ulcerative colitis ©. Bacillary dysentery D. Any of the above Entamoeba histolytica gains access to the liver via: ‘A. Lymphatics B. Portal system C. Direct invasion D. Through perineural space In cases of hepatic amoebiasis ESR is: ‘A. Normal B. Almost alwayselevated . Below normal D. Variable 79. Meningoencephalitis due to Nacgleria ‘fowler best responds to: ‘A. Amphotericin B B. Chloroquine CC Metronidazole D. Tetracycline 80. Thenatural habitat for Balantidivm colfis in the large intestine of: B. Monkeys D. Allof the above 81. Theapproximate size of the trophozoite of Balantidium coli is: ‘A. 16-22 mm x 4-6 mm B, 40-60 mm «2030 mm . 60-80 mm * 25-40 mm 1D. % 40-70 men 82. Malabsorption seen in giardiasis is most likely due to: ‘A. Mechanical barrier to absorption B. Poor enzymatic digestion . Insolublising the proteins and fats likely due ‘A. Mechanical barrier to absorption B. Poor enzymatic digestion . Insolublising the proteins and fats D. None of the above ‘There is 100 percent infection in Giardia Jamnbtia when the number of ingested cysts 83, ‘A. 1000rmore —B. 1,000 0r more 10,000 or more D, 100,000 or more A ‘pear shaped’ trophozoite is normally ‘A. Entamoeba histolytica B. Giardia lamblia ©. Buco D. Dientarsocta fragilis A 30-years-old male who is anaemic, cachexic and has hepatosplenomegaly ‘accompanied with fever, shows ona bone marrow smear many organisms within macrophages. These organisms have a nucleus and a smaller but distinct kineto- plast. The likely diagnosis is: ‘A. Leishmania donovan B. Histoplasma capsulatum ©. Toxoplasma gondii D. Taxoeara cis cy 85, f left untreated, Kala-azar is A. Self limiting disease B. 20-40% fatal ©. 75-100% fatal D, Occasionally fatal Blood smears for suspected malaria should first be taken: A. Just after the fever B. Before thechills C. When the diagnosisis first suspected D. Atnight After initiation of specific treatment in ‘malaria, how soon the patient's symptoms abate: ‘A. Within 6 hours B. Within24-48 hours . Withina week D, After one more febrile attack a7. A chest X-ray in eases of pneumonia due to Pneumocystis carinii can reveal all the following except: ‘A. Cavitation B. Nodular densities - Ground glass appearance D. Lobar infiltration 90. Treatment af choice For vainitis due to 89. A chest X-ray in cases of pneumonia due to Pneumocystis carinii can reveal all the following except: ‘A. Cavitation B. Nodular densities C. Ground glass appearance D. Lobar infiltration 90. Treatment of choice for vaginitis due to Trichomonas vaginalisis: ‘A. Metronidazole B. Thiabendazole © Piperazine D. Chloroquine ‘The partner ofa patient who suffers from trichomonal vaginitis be treated: ‘A. Onlyif symptomatic B. Only ifexamination is postive . Always be treated D. Noneed of treatment 92 What percentage of males infected with Trichomonas vaginalis are symptomatic? ANI B. 5-108 ©. 10-15% D. 50-60% 98, The drug of choice for treatment of acute ‘Chagas’ disease is: A. Lampit B. Metronidazole © Preziquantel D. Corticosteroids ‘Anisakiasis is usually caused by: A. Third stage larva B. Adult stage of the worm Ingestion of raw fish containing eggs D. None of the above ‘The number of eggs produced by afemale Ascaris lumbricoides in a day is about: A. 100 B, 20,000 ©. 100,000 D. 300,000 The eggs of Ascaris Iumbricoides when passed in soil become infective in about: ‘A. S days B. 7days © lddays D. 21 days 7. The parasitic disease recently eradicated ne eggs of Ascaris tumbricoider when B. 7days D. 2tdays disease recently eradicated ‘A. Bilariasis B Guinea worm C. Balantidiasis D. Kala-azar ‘The guinea worm infection is acquired by: ‘A. Mosquito bite B Sandily bite © Ingestion of infected cyclops D. Inhalation of eggs Enuresio is usually associated with fection of ‘A. Accarslumbricoides 1B Trickinella spiralis © Enterobius vermicularis D. Entamoeba histolytica 100. Threadworm infections are mostly found in: ‘A. Upperclasses B, Lowerclasses ©. Temperate zone D, Allofthe above 101. Which of the following can infect the central nervous system: ‘A. Teeniasoliume B. Toxoplasma gondii ©. Echinococeis sps. D. Allof the above 102. All the following parasites can be encoun- tered in the lungs except: ‘A. Prteumocysts carinii B. Paragonintus tesiermani . Echinococcus sps. D. Taeniasolium 103, Carbolic acid is the name commonly referred for: A. Phenol B. Methylalcohol €. Bthyl aleohot D. Potassium dichromate 104. Parasight F test is used for the diagnosis of ‘A. Filariasis B. Falciparum malaria C. Amoebiasis D. Cysticercosis 105, Entero-test capsule is used for sampling: ‘A. Duodenal contents B. CSF D. Cysticercosis 105, Entero-test capsule is used for sampling: ‘A. Duodenal contents 1B CSF CC. Urogenital specimens D. Rectal smear 106. Modified acid fast staining is used for demonstration of: ‘A. Leishmania donovent B. Isccpora bell C. Pneumocystis carinit D. Dientainoeba fragilis 107. Which of the following is not acomponent of Lugol's iodine: ‘A. Potassium iodide B. Ethylalcohol . Jodinecrystals D. Water 108. All the following are advantages of using formalin in preservation of stool except: ‘A. Good overall fixative B. Easy to prepare , Long shelf-life D. Preserves trophozoites well 3. 109. Aseries of 3stool specimens for diagnosis of parasitic infections be examined within ‘no more than: A. 2days B. 4days © 7days D. 10 days ‘10. The size of a sandfly is around: A. 2mm B. 5mm © 10mm D. 15mm ‘11. Quartan malaria is caused by: A. Plasmodium vivax B. Plesinodivon malariae ©. Plasmodium falciparum D. Plasmodium ovale ‘112, Crescent shaped gametocytes are seen in infection with: A. Plasmodiuan falciparum B. Plasmodium vivax ©. Plasmodium ovaie D. Plastnetuo marine Multiple rings per infected RBC are commonest in infections with: ‘A. Plasmodiuan falciparum B. Plasmodium vivax ©. Plasmodium ovate commonest in infections with: ‘A. Plesniodiun falciparum B. Plasmodium vivax C. Plasmedium ovale D, Plasmodium malariae 14. Schizont stage of the parasite is not seen in the peripheral blood in infection with: A. Plesmodiwon falciparum: B. Plasmdium vivax ©. Plasmodium ovale D, Plasmodium malerie 115. Plasmodiuon falciparum ring stage can be confused with ‘A. Babesiosis B. LD bodies ©. Toxoplasma gondit D. Histoplasma capsulatum 116. Thealdehyde testis based on the principle of ‘A. Alterod WBC: RBC ratio B. Altered albumin: globulin ratio C. Decreased cell mediated immunity D. Antigen antibody complement complex formation 117, Which of the following is not true about 125. West African trypanosomiasis: ‘A. Humans are primary reservoirs B. Minimal lymphadenopathy. C. Low parasitemia . ness is usually chronic si, ‘118. Normal life span of Strongyloides ster coralisis around: ‘A. 2ycars B. Syears © years. 30 years ‘119, All the following nematodal infections ‘occur by ingestion of infective eggs except: ‘A. Ascaris lumricoides B, Strongyloides stercoralis © Enterobius vermicularis D. Trichuristrichuria 120, Larva currens of racing larva is the term ‘generally accepted for cases of: ‘A. Strongyloidiasis B. Cutaneous larva migrans €. Leaking hydatid cyst D. Ascariasis 121. The organ most commonly infected in Echinococcus granulosus infection is: A. Lung, B, Liver way. 128, 2. D. Ascariasis 121. The organ most commonly infected in Echinococeus gramulosus infection is: A. Lung B. Liver ©. Spleen D. Brain 122. The eggs of the following intestinal trema- todes are similar in size and shape except: A. F.buski B. E. hepatica C Eillocanum —D. H. heterophyes 123, All of the following trematodes parasitize the biliary ducts of humans except: ‘A. Paragonimus spo. B. Fasciola © Clonorchis D. Opisthorchis 124, Concomitant examination of stool and sputum be performed for the presence of eggs in: ‘A. Paragonimus sps. B, Fasciola © Clonorchis D. Opisthorchis yaar Casont’s testis done for the diagnosis ‘A. Hydatid disease B. Cysticercosis C Kala-azar D. Trypanosomiasis “Pseudocyst” is the term used in relation to: ‘A, Entemoebe histolytica 8. Giardia lamblia C. Texoplasma gondii D. Entamocba coli Winterbottom’s sign is present in: ‘A, African trypanosomiasis 8. Larvamigrans © Leishmaniasis D. Malaria Romana’s sign refers to: ‘A. Ocdema of eye B. Enlargement of lymph node CC. Decreased sensations D, Hallucinations Kerandel’s sign is positive in: ‘A. Amoecbiasis in AIDS patients B. African trypanosomiasis ©. Toxocatiasis 129, Kerandel's sign is positive in: A. Amoebiasis in AIDS patients B. African trypanosomiasis, . Toxocariasis, D. Filariasis, 190. “Basket nucleus” is seen in cysts of: Ay lodamocba butscilit B. Giardia lamblia C. Entamoeba histolytice D. Enteromonashominis 131. The trophozoite of which of the following parasite shows progressive motility: ‘A. Entamoeba coli B. Entameet« histolytica ©. Endolimax nana D. Entamoeba artmanni 132, Cysts of all the following intestinal protozea have 4 or more nuclei exept: ‘A. Entamoeba histolytica B. Entancebe coli © lodemoeba buts D. Entamoeba artmanni ‘€COs in Parasitology 303 1148, Which of the following parasite can be 142. Ticks are the vectors in which of the pretent in duodenum: ‘A. Giardia lamblia following: ‘A. Malaria B. Babesiosis © Loiasis B. Entamoeba histolytica ©. Balantidu co D. Taxoplasnaa gona 150. Which of the following parasites get D. Chagas’ disease 1148, Which of the following causative agent is ‘A. Leishmania donovani B. Trypanosomes C. Plasmodium sps. D. Allofthe above ‘concentrated and are best detected in buffy coat blood film: not transmitted by mosquito: A. Plasmodium vivax C. Wuchereria ancroft Di. Loa loa B. Brugia malayi ANSWERS «a0 awa aad aval ona oad Naa cos a4 sng 4s o

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