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Ever since I can remember, I have been exceedingly fascinated by how the health sector could
be alchemized to meet exceptional care. The concept of nature and nurture which is still under
debate has been a challenging factor in shaping and directing my path in the health and research
sector. After my evident decision to seek a future in the dentist and research world, I decided
to take my first step into the future by enrolling myself at University of Ghana, where I started
and continue to form part of college of Basic and Applied Science under the department of
Animal Biology and Conservation Science as my program of study.
With my acceptance to this program, I was allowed to begin my journey all of my academic
and career goals. My academic goal or aspiration is to obtain a second class upper or better in
my field of study. Also, my career goal is to be a dentist and a researcher. The stated goals
would continue to be an applied imagination without the necessary skillset and knowledge set
deemed necessary for its attainment. As a researcher who sees a future and economy full of
invention, innovation and solutions to complex situations, the only compliment to supplement
this is higher education. Nevertheless, my zeal to work as a dentist is a natural call and a service
to humanity I own to society and the country at large.
To crown it all, my little philosophy of life is that; the greatest person is the one was able to
mingle with the least and made them became great too. This undisputed principle has however
been my force which has guided me as an action-driven and vision oriented young lady who
desires in exploring and discovering new things.

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