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Industry Standards Russia Design and Manufacturing

Regulation 877-PP
On the application of inscriptions, images by painting, stickers, murals using the technique of "graffiti" and other methods on the outer surfaces of non-
residential buildings, structures, structures, apartment buildings in the city of Moscow
Постановление 877-ПП
О нанесении надписей, изображений путем покраски, наклейки, росписи в технике "граффити" и иными способами на внешние поверхности нежилых
зданий, строений, сооружений, многоквартирных домов в городе Москве
STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: OS3287061
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact WWW.RUSSIANGOST.COM for price and discount offers.

Regulation 9
About additional measures to prevent the spread of COVID-2019

Постановление 9
О дополнительных мерах по недопущению распространения COVID-2019

STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: OS3289463
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact WWW.RUSSIANGOST.COM for price and discount offers.

Regulation 900-PP
About the order of installation of separate building envelopes in the territory of the city of Moscow

Постановление 900-ПП
О порядке установки на территории города Москвы отдельных ограждающих конструкций

STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: OS3287062
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact WWW.RUSSIANGOST.COM for price and discount offers.

Regulation 985-PP
On approval of administrative regulations for the provision of public services of the city of Moscow "Reception of notification of the planned demolition of the
capital construction project" and "Reception of notification of the completion of the demolition of the capital construction project"
Постановление 985-ПП
Об утверждении административных регламентов предоставления государственных услуг города Москвы "Прием уведомления о планируемом сносе
объекта капитального строительства" и "Прием уведомления о завершении сноса объекта капитального строительства"
STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: OS3287063
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact WWW.RUSSIANGOST.COM for price and discount offers.

Regulation 9-rp
On approval of examination tickets (tests) under Section B.1 "Industrial Safety Requirements in the Chemical, Petrochemical and Oil Refining Industries" of the
areas of certification (knowledge testing) of heads and specialists of organizations supervised by the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision
Service, approved 9-рп
Распоряжение by order of the Federal Service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision dated April 6, 2012 No. 233
Об утверждении экзаменационных билетов (тестов) по разделу Б.1 "Требования промышленной безопасности в химической, нефтехимической и
нефтеперерабатывающей промышленности" областей аттестации (проверки знаний) руководителей и специалистов организаций, поднадзорных
STATUS: службе по экологическому, технологическому и атомному надзору, утвержденных приказом Федеральной службы по экологическому,
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: OS3287216
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact WWW.RUSSIANGOST.COM for price and discount offers.

Resolution 1309
On conducting a national inspection in Antarctica

Постановление 1309
О проведении национальной инспекции в Антарктике

STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: OS3287598
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact WWW.RUSSIANGOST.COM for price and discount offers.

Resolution 1365
On the preparation and certification in the field of industrial safety, on the safety of hydraulic structures, safety in the field of electricity

Постановление 1365
О подготовке и об аттестации в области промышленной безопасности, по вопросам безопасности гидротехнических сооружений, безопасности в
сфере электроэнергетики
STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: OS3287599
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact WWW.RUSSIANGOST.COM for price and discount offers.

Industry Standards Russia Design and Manufacturing


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