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^ ^i
Presented by Lady Dorothea Ruggles-
Brise to the National Library of Scotland,
in memory of her brother. Major
George Stewart Murray, Black Watch,
killed in action in France in 1914.

28(71 January 1927.

'^^ir^ /^.^^.

m/' ^^

^^r^.r^- 1
. 1282 FoEBBS (John) Cantus, Songs and Fancies to 3, 4
*J or 5 Parts, u-ith Irief introduction to Mustek as taught
by T. Davidson, SECOND EDITION, morocco super extra,

fSk^^ /^
borders of gold, g. e. by C. Lewis, Aberdene, J. Forbes, 1666
*^* An extremely rare Aberdeen Cantus, wliicli cost
£5. 12s. 6d.
/ C /^' ^1283 Forbes (J.) Cantus, Third Edition enlarged, morocco
Z^'^/^a 3
' ^ ' jxtra, g. e. very rare Aberdeen, 1682



PAISLEV, March 22, 1879.


To FORBES' i No. -^ £1 • I o

Received Payment, QjL£t:^t- 1879.

ii .;
fa: >^
Digitized by the Internet Archive
in 2011 with funding from
National Library of Scotland



Reproduced hy Photo-Lithography for the New Club Series.

F csre doth caufe men cry. Why do i not complain ^ i t every

wight bewails his woe, Why do I not chcfame^

since 'htitamongjl tluiii allj Fora!! things living hi ih i ThePeifand andtbePoft,
I (lire well fsy irnone SodieiinteaquyctfcSt ; Which are ai a!i affaycy,
Sofarfrom joy, for;jllofwo. The drawirj^ Ov, rhc bearing Afs, r The Ship-boy> and ihcGaley (lave.
Nor haih more caufe to mouin. I And cycrj other Bcafl. { Halhiimcso take their esfc.
C Save

Save I, poor wretch> wiiom care Or wheit 1 hear the found Even like a wandering ftieep.

Doih fo m« now conftrain, Of Song or Inllrument, Long have I gone aftray;

To wail the da>, and weep ihe night, T think all thing chat jo>ful is, Lord, bring me to th> flock again*
Continually in pain. Dothcaufe int to lament. And guid me the right way.

from painfulnefi to pain. Even as the ftricken Deer Gramme thy grace to rifsi
From pain to bitter tears. Withdrawn himfclf alone, And (land in time to come.
From tear] to painfull pain again, Sofeek I thtnfome fecret place. That i may mend my wretched Hfe^
And foni> life it wears. Where I raa> make my mosn. And mourn for rime by- tun.

Each thing under the Suj3» • Although that for a f ime Call roe not to accounts
That I can hear or fee. r>oth roucn appeafc my grief Of former faults mifdcne :

It makes ir.e to bewail m> Woe, Yel doth it breed me further pajai But let n\y Saviory bloodjr vvciindsi
And cruel defiinie. To caufe me my* mifchief. Be ranfoms for my i\a-
When I fee men rejoice, Since that amongft them all, In mcrcj. Lord, m> God,
Seeing I cannot fo, JdarewclHayis none Receive me home to thee j
Itakeniore pleafure in my pain, More grievcui finnernorlam, That I may vTalk in th_> true fear.
It doubles but my woe, Andhathinoia caufe to mean. And praiie tby Name trulie.

OtvvhenI feemtnhaye, tAy jrouthful >ear$ roifpent Relieve my burthen great

Their moft defired fight, Ja health and ignorance , Of fin and vvorldljy care i
Atace ! think ail men are well;
.' Not caring how i fpent my time* That 1 maj in th^ Sanctuary
Save I, poor wofid wigh(< i /q floath and negHgence« 5ing praifes evcrmair.
p 1 li 1 S.

Lufty May with Flora Queen^ The balmy drops from Phebus fheen,
PrelufanE beams before the day,bef ore the day.the day By chec Dijnagroweth


green, Through gladnefs ot this lufty May^Through gladnefs oi this laky May.
•rt-._ « .1... ..r-L-.-L. 1
Then Aurora that is fo bright. All Lovers hearts that are in carci
To wcful hearts he cafts great lighf, To their Ladies they do rrpare.
Right pleafantly before (he day, &c. In frefh mornings before the day.
And fhows and fhads forib of that lighti And are in mirth ay more and more.
Through ^Udnetiofthis luftyMayi Through gladnefs. &c.
Through gladnefs of this tufty May.
Of every monerh in the year,
Birds on their boughs of every fort. To mirthful May there is no peer i
Sends forth their notes, and makes gteafmirthj Hf-rgli/lring garments are fo gay, Sic.
On ^anks that blooms on every bray, &c. Your Lovers all, make merry cheer.
And fares and flyes ov'r field and firth, Through gladnefs of this luft May,
Through gladnefs, &c. Through gladnefs of this lufty May.
e I y 1 S.


Njoamirthiuli May morning. As Phebus did upfpring, I faw a May
C 2 both
\ -
both fair and gay, Moft goodly for to fee i* I faid to her be kind, Tomcthac

wasfopyn'd, For your love truly.
therefore when Ididyouknowi
Fitft WhereforfJ pray-.havf mind ontne,
Since Fortune falfc, unkind, untrue.
Youibitl'J my heart folow j
True Love, where ever you be : Hath exy'ld me from you ;
Unro your Grace but now in cafe, Where ever I go bolh too ?nd fro,
; , Byfudden chance \ fhall advance
Banifht through fal(e report r Youh37«iny heart alright.
Your honor nnd your fame*
But! hope, and [trow, 1 O
Lady.' fair of hcU', Ahove all enrlhly wfighf,
Oncefortofpeak with you, me commend to you, To you my truth piight.
Which doih mt comfort. Both the day and night. In eamefr, or gain.
F I N I 5.


N a Garden fo gfrccn, in a May morning , Heard I my Lady

pleers of paramours. Said fhe, my Love fo fweetj come you not
yet; nor yec ; Heghc you not metomcetamongft the flowrs f Eloie Elore

EiofCj Eiore, I love my lufty Love, Elore, Lo.

The Jkyssupfgringrtli, the dewtJown dingeth, Live in hope, Ladiefiifi and repot all difpair •
The fweet Larks jinge th ifaeir hours of prime. Truflnoithat Jourtrue Love IJisljcou betraji.
Phtbus up f prpntcth joy to rift went »cli,
. When deceit and Inngor, banilhri from jKour bowt,
So loft irinine intents, and gone's she time I'le beyoiir paramour, aodlhalj^oupleaf^,
Elore, Elore, Elore, Eicrc. Eiore, Elore, &c.
I love my lufty Love , Eiore, Lo.

favour and duiie, unto jour bright bcautie.

Danger my dead is falfc fortune my feed is,
, Confirmed hath lawfie, oblipdg'd to truth,.°

Andlanguoimyleedis.' bur hope, IdiCpair, Sothjt yourfoverance, heartlte butvariance,

Difdain m> df fire is, fo ffrangenf(i m> fear is; Mark in jour memorarjce, metcie andtutK.
Deceit out of all ware. Adewj I fare' Elore, Elore, &c.
Elore, Elore, Sec-

Yet for your courtelie, banifh alljcaloufic;

Then to my Ladle blj^th,
didtm>ptefercek>tli Love for love luitily, do me reftore :
Sajing, Kly Bird, be glade: am Ir.ot >ours ; Then with us Lovers joung true love fhal reft and teign;
Sointr>armes<wo, did I the lulHf (o ; Solace lli^' fweetlie ling for evermorei
And her times rao, chennieht hath hours.
kiire<3 Elore, Elore, Elore, Elore.
Elore, E!o;cj fr^c. I love in^ luAi« Love, Elore, Lo.


Hen as f he Greeks did enttrpriTejTo Troyes town in armes to go,
shey choofed a counfcl fagcand wife: Apollosanfwetfortoknow,

How they fhould ipeed and have fuccels , In that fo great a bufincfs.

Then did they fend the wired Grcekj, That Troy and Troyanshave theyfhould.
AppoUo; aoJwcr for to know, To ufe them fully as t!icy would-
Who with the tears upon their cbeeksj
But and ibc fiery flames of wood, Which anfwer made them not fo gladi
With sll fuch rites as was the guife. That they fliould ihuy victorious be,
They did thtir great God iacrifice. Asrven the anfwer which I bad,
D'd alfo joy and comJort me.
When they had done thus thrir requeft, For thus tiieii faid Appolio mine,
And folemiiiy their fcrvice done, AUthatihoufeeks, ic fhai be thine.
And drank the wine, and flew the beaft,
AppoUoPivcthem anfwerfoon f I N I S.

OssL^s^cts all that low would pfove. Come learn go know true

f oire ifidced. FirS, lo?c t^e Lord youi Cod abo^e. From whom

all gcodnefs docts proceed; Prajr-so felia feithfuily, TogrtRt feis $p*dt i©

fhcc^ Thy fias eo morcific , Aad that with f peed.

La Cb rift his Sea thu bought uj>
FortoobejL Praj to the Trinitse (cieaiv
Dealing whb all mtaduhhMyt OnrGodi aad PcrfonttlarM*
An to thyl'eU ibouvvoulddalwaj. -Siege Ait the rime 1 1 her« hwfcort
Bcfeedt ilMi Lord ofraighi, That we sa ?»rib att to iadurc } Wkbktinyuxre.
His Sp'rii to guide thtsrigfeis R^loice in Cod «ad luve coinlonj
Thcfacrifice cXhoA and pniftt Thee Shalt thou atthtlatMr day, Now Ictus all ftiil watch and prayj
Sing to the Lord both dzf and night When Cfarift tbec to acccur fhal call, Still wailing on that day and.bour,
Wica tb9r.kfg!Ttng to him alwayJi RcjoicttoGod) and not affray Whe Chrift (bal come without delay
For all bi} b«a<fit& (o bri|ht. Fur fear of ante fudden full. To judge all earthly crearure.
Thy time in venue fpend: Therefor* live merrily Then be prepar'd therefore^
Remember on thy end j loLoTcand Chirlty. With lamps and oyl inftorc,
See thou thj Ufc aB!«nd» Thankingthy God truly* Toinretthat Kingofglore9
Witbailthy jiitghtr What may befall. Thoiccineifor ay.


He thoughts of men do daily change, A s fantafie breeds in their breans>
And now their natofe fifo ihAngetThstfcw can find where fiiendftiipreftc;

For double dealing bears fuch fway, That honcft meaning»ihac hoocft naeaning

B O amttMW i ww i^iiww

dath decay.
: :

The ftedfaft faith that frif nds pfofeftj Doth hope for fruit of withei'd plants.
Is fred fiomthein , and feldomus'd : But who can judee by hew of eye, (iTiould he.
He who a faithful friend piofeft, Since deeds are dead, fince deeds ate dead, where truth
Doth make his friendfcip now abus'd.
found a friend indeed, The faireft way that I can find,
VVbeie one is
Is Grft to try , and then to truft
A fcore there be) a fcore there be, that fail at need. ;
So fliall afFeftions notbeblind,
For barren trees will bloom right fair, Por proof will foon fpy out the juft J
As wellasthofe that fruit will yeeld, Andtryal-knowswlio means deceit,
Whofe bark and branches feems aj fair. And bids us be, and bids us be-v/are of their !>a!t.

As snief **'"'!'"'''* fi*'^'

Without good proof be not too bold.
As fimple looks the fubtJle man,
If thou ray counfel to take i
As he that no, as he that no, kind faithood can.

In painting Words there is no hold,

A friend of words whcte deeds be dead, Theybebutleares that wind do fhake ;

Is like a fpriiiff that water wants But where that-words and deeds agree,
Andbe thatwith fair words is fed, Accept that friend, accept that friend, andcrediime,

ik& k&i&i& i &A&&

h'^^ &&&&A& i hi&A
f 1 >J J S.

55i5~|3|~|i=iiip: mmim
Hen chyle cold age flial ceafe upon thy biood, And hoary hairs do

(how the winters falhThy joints which firfi in full perfetjiion iloodj
D now
now fick and weat,makcs thee thou may ft not crawic. then^lfay.for sU thy

paflTcd pleafure, A confciencc clear is worth a world of treafure.

When on thy bed in anguiOi tliou do'ft Ijr, When foul fin fhal appear in its own we«iJ,
Infomehardfeaver, ftrivingftillfor breath ; Shalthydiftraflcdfenfes foaffiright.
Thy wife and children thtn upon thee cry : In recordation of thy former deed ;
Some wifhing life, yttmoft for goods thy deaih. Nothing thou'ft have but dolor for delight*
Othen> I fay,for all thy pafled pleafure, Othen, ffay, for all thy pafled pleafure,
A confcience cleat h worth a world of treafure* A confcience dear is woith a world of £r«afure.
e i }i 1 s.


M h>^^M Emember, O rhou man, O thou man, O thou raan^Remembsr,

O thou man, thy time is fpent^ Rsmembeij O thou mau, how


ehou was dead and gonSj And I did whas I cao | therefore repent.
Remember Adams faits O thou man. O thou man. Bethlem did they go, O thou man, O thou man»
Remamber Adams fsll, from heaven toheiL iTo
To Bethlem they did go, the ftiephurds three.

Remember Adams fail, how we were condemned all, To Bethlem they did go, to lee if it were fo or no »
In h«li perpetual, thetsin to dwel. Whither Chrift was born or no, to fet man free.

R?Hi«mbBr Gods goodnefi, O

thou man)0 thou man> As th'Angels before did fsy.O thou man.O thou man
Re0i»R»bet Gods goodneifs, his promife made. As th' Angels before did fay, fo it came to pafs.
Renieber Gods he fent his Son doubtlefs, As th'Angels before did fay, they found a Babe where he
Out tins {or to rsdrefs : be not afraid. In a manger, wrapt in hay, fo poor he was. ( lay.

The Angels did

all fir.g, O
thou mani O thou man, In Bethlem he was born> O
thou man thou man,
> O
The Angels all did (Ingt onthefhypberdshjU. In Bethlem he was born, for mankinds fake.
The Angels al! dfd firg praife to our heavenly King? InBethiemhewasborn, for ns that was forlorn J
And peace to man living) with a good will- .^nd therefore took nofcorn, ourflefh to take.

The fUepherds smaz'd wasj O thou man jO thou man Give thanks to God always,0 thou man.. O thou man
The fiiepherds araaz'd was, to hear Angels Cng. Give thanks (o God always, moft joyfully.
The ftiephsrds amaz'd was, how it ftiould come to pafs, Give thanks to God always, for this our happy day,
ThatCHRlsT ourMESsiAs, fhouldbeourKing. Let all now ^g and fay. Holy, Holy.
F J S^ 1 S.

Ow Is the momh of Maying, When merry Lads are play ing» Fa la
D 2 la Is
laialaiala la ia la la la la la lab. EachwichhisbonyLafs, Upon the gceeny

grafs. Fa la la la la la la la la la la la la la la fa la«

The..VpringcladeaI9 in gladne{s> f y then > why arc we muHng,

Doih laugh at Winters fadnefs, Fa la la, &c. Youths fweet delight refuGng i Fa !a h^ &c>
And to the Bag- pipes found} Say, dainty Nymphs, andfpeakt
The Maids (read out their ground, Ea k ia, Stc. Shalwe play barley-break i Fal^la, Sec
f I U I S.

Et not, E fay, the fli3ggi(b flcep clofc up thy waking eye. Untiil

ihu shou with judgemeni ise^^ tby daily deeds do try. He shat


one fin in confcience keeps, whilehetoqayctgoesj IVfore venteious is then

he that fieeps with twenty morialfoes.

wherefore at night call into mindj The frisking fleas > refetnbleth well
how thou the day hath fpent the wringing worm to me.
Praying to God, if ought thou find, Which with me m the grave thai dwel,
and then in time repent. when I no tight fJial fee.
And fincc thy bed a paiem is Themightia bellwhich I heat knel,
o{ denh and fatal tears >
when I am laid in bed.
Bedwait it (haS notbcamifst
Mod like a bitter trumpet fell,
this to recced in vetfe.
ev'r fhouting in tny head r

My bed is like the grave fo cold > Myrjfinginthe morn likewife,

and fleep which mine eye,
ftceks when flecpy night ispafii
Refetrbleth death ; deaths which mc fold , Puts me in mind that I mufi rife
declare tK« mould (o dry : to Judgement at the laft.


Aran, my foe, full of iniquity, Thy fubtil fnares of fin aiTaul'teth



iiiiilii^^^ii^^i It

sne, Agalnft my Lord and Maker to rfbcll, WkbfwectaUurcEients Jeads

the W2y to hell,

C iS R I S T. Fly Gntberefore. the Sabbath daythoa k*«p s^

O finful man> fince God bath cic at tliee My Word will dta® tb«;efe\otn thatfiafBl flcep.
£ living foul) toftrye him faithfuUic $ J K N H K-
hnA ftora dtc htl! he thee redecsit'd again r Alace ! myLotdj IfigfitcontinualSy
Obey nay voJcei and ftons thy fins rrfrajn. Againft ths Divil, the world, andfiefcj all three J
S I N N £ R. So that my wits aad fccfes are grown dumfc>
Alace '. Sasan,tfe« world, and fltfli alfo, Qogged with worfdSy things, aJmoSoT'ieoias'
AU thre« in oa» confpired hath my wosi C fl R J S T.
Me to intrapt in finful pleafurss here. Cail fjrft thy care to con<3uer hca?«n sboTCj
Through fin andfathan> dsith and eodicfsfeas, Through fajtfe ia me> aad godly works in love t
CHRIST. Thy Patfesr who doth know thy prefejit needs
Bt!i(TC my word, and Sn thy heart iraprint WUl thse fupflyof worldly things with (peed*
My foffrings for thy fa k« , and do repent. 5 / N N £ R.
P ray to our Fathetfor the Sp'rit of grace : Profperity makej me fo^aetimet misknow s
To tnend^hy !ife» God gr^nr thee tiaie and fpace. Adrerfity makes me defpair and low-
5 1 N N 8 R. Whiles with the one and othsr ana torment,
Alace! myfote-faidfoes faU craftily M^ich marts my coind , and makes nse raiS-cotilCBt.
Dotb me entifs from thy precepts to fl y i C i? R / S T.
Andfollow plsafurei of ray fle(h and Go. If riches grow Jet not thy heart thereon,

The which is fwest to pafi tny time therein. Lefitbst if make thee like the rich Glutton.
C « « J 5 T.

Riches well us'd, Gods bifffing doth procure ;

O carelefs man .'
that fweetnefs brings co gaioi 1 Ucioft with want* tbcn Lazarus was poor.
But in the end eternal woe and pain. Betwist
: : :

S I N N B R. 5 I N N £ R.
Betwixtthjfetwo. Icrave to fUnd content. I fhal befcech my Lord and Godofmightf
If fo it pleife my God for to confsnt The Father , Son and Sp'rit, to guide me right.
Playing therefor* 1 fcek to pleafe his willi That I may walk in thy true fear and love,
And be grought borne , thy flock and fold until. And at thelait attain thy joyes abote.
Thou art not able forte run that race, If fo thou do thy prayer fhal be heard)
To pleafe his will, wiihow hisSp'tit of grace A nd in the heavens foe thee a place pr«par'd«
Therefore btfeech his divine Majeftie, Then ferve thy God. andpraile his holy Name
To banifii fin; and grant his Sp'rit to thee. Obey roy vojcei and aill vvith me remain.
f 1 N 1 S.


F floods of tears could change my follies paCt, Or fmoiks of fighs

:*==«;= 3=1

could facnfice for fin : if groaning cryes could free my fault ac laft,

or cndkfs moan for ever pardon win; Then would ! W€ep>fi§h.cry ^and ever
» .V ( 4

':. V^SV i
groan. For foliieSj fauks, fauUsj for fins and errors done.

I fee my hopes are blafted in t&eir bud. Since man is nothing but a nsafs of clay.
And find mens favours are like fading flowK: Our days not clfs butfcidovvs onthewsll;
I find too late that words can do no good, Truft in the Lord, who lives and lafts for ay ;
But lofs of time, and languifhing athours. Whofe favour found wiill neither fade nor fail.
Thusfincelieei I figh, and fay therefore, My God , to thee I refign my mouth and mind :

Hopes,favots,word$,begone, begone, begaila no more. Notruiiinyouth, in youth, norfanh in age I find.


Omc Love, kt's walk in yonder fpring, Where we fhal bear the

Black-bird iing, The Robin-red.brcaft and the ThruOij The Nighs

^^^^±^^=^=iBMM^E^^^- ^z=.^
tmgak m thorny bufh j The Mavis fwccdy caroling. This to my Lovi
— ; : ; : ; :

y—^f-rr*: —^ t&^;

this to my Love Content will bring.

In yonder dale grows fragrant fiowrj, Thus whilft he view'd Dianas train,
With many fweet and [hady bowrs 1 His life he loft , his life he loft.
A pearly brook, whofc Jilverftreaiijs Her love to gain.
Are beautifi'd with Phebus beams,
Still ftealing through the trees fo fsir Another af the fume.
fiecaufe Diana , becaufe Diana; /^Ome, Lordi let's walk on Sion Hill,
Batheth her there. ^—'Thereto remain (oreverftiil ;
Where Prophets, 'pofties, andjuftfolk.
Behold the Nymph with all her traini With Martyrs en a tow do walk,
Comes tripping through the Park amain The Angels fwcKtIy catoling:
And in this Grove fhe here will ftay, This to my foul , this to my foulj
AtBarly-breaktofport and play Content Ihal biing.
Where we fiiall iir us down and fee
Fair bcauiie mixt, fait beautie mixt TnGods houfc manie manHons are.
With Chaftitie. Which Chrift is gone forte prepare
porhisEleft, and own dear friends;
AH her delight you fee,
isi as Where joy remains and never ends.
Herefortofporti andheretobe, Gods Saints fhal thither all repair i
Delighting in this filver ftream> Becaufe the Lamb, becauietheLambj
Only to bath her fel( therein ; Of God reigns there.
Until Aftcon hcrefpy'd.
Then to the Thicket, then to the Thicket We fhal behold the Lord air.ain.
Sheherhycd« Come through the clouds with Angels train
And in the twinkling of an eye.
And thereby Magick Art Hie wrought} We fhal afcend up through the skie
Which in her heart (he firft had thought. Where we final fit us down and fing
By fecret fpeed away (o flee, Sweet Pfalms of praife, fweet P/almj of ptaiie
Whiifthea Hart was tutn'dtobe. Tojehoyah Ring. .



% Ow fiioald nay feebk body fure,The double (dolour thct[indure J

The mourning and the great mahsre, cannot define, ft doth my

baleful! breafl combure. To fee another have in cure, thse ihouid be mine.

For well I wot was never wight» Were s!l tlie wotid at mj behove, Who ftia! my dulled fpirtts rajfe.
That couid inforce his mind & might She fhou)d it have at here behove, Since not for love rojiLadiegoes?
To love andferve his Ladie brighti for to be nsitie. Farif godd feivice might her pleafe»
and want her fine ;
fas fnould incline.
As! do martyr day andn!ght» Now who to fiia! I m^ks my tnoani I die in dolour and difeafe.
Without fbat onlie thing of right, For truth nor conftsncis is none
And others hath her as theypleafet
that fliould be mine. For all the faiihiul love is gone,
that Qiould be mine.
of feminine.
Were I of puifTance for to prove It Would oppreSs an heart of fton« I ma> perceive righ: yjellbjthis,
My lowiie aud ray heartiie love, I Tofeeisylofkj *V.r her
alone Thats!5cheJbljthnefsj}o>arsdbHss»
I fiiouid her mind to tnercie iroyCj
j thatfhouldbsniine. Theluftse wamon life I wiih
wiihfuchpropine. •
of love 1 biiine.

what remcdie fince fo it is : thatvvorfe doth dine, [

Andhiinas Vaiu$fubj«a grant,
5obufilyto busklbovvn, and keep hcrttinej
But patience, fappofe I enif* I

jhat fhould be mine. And others beats thebenydovvn, Parcbancehe (hal findmercj^kant,
that lliould be mine. . And able his reward not want,
For Nobles hitli not ay renown, I ;is I do mine.

Mor Gentles a> tha gaytfl gown Who can the rage ofjiouihhood daut ]
Tfscy carie TtiSuiis to the town Let hi(B to Lovers Coutt go haunt, I f I N Z S.


O wonder is fuppofe my weeping eycs,Bc blinded with the rainy

dood of wo, And with the Iword of fliarp adverfuies. My dooiful

hesft thm pierced been in two, Aiacel fweet hcart,ali comfort is ago.Difpair is

Lord, good hope is in exiie j That e*r I lov'd aiace 1 this fory while*
E 1 As
: : . : , ::

As vmh the wind oppfefled u the corn Now is ivycarethrough oldoccafion.

The atone ihirled vvith rainy dtopi great > Old is mjfvvound, my pains are very fore ;
And with the worm the (carlet rent and (homj The more Ifeekforconfolationi
So is my hsartoverthtal'd ardoveifct My heaviness increaffih more nod more
MyfiU tears arc mingled vvith blood>f\rvear, ilove, alace! and all myloveislore.

More wo T wtlfa dread never man on eard t

Paleisiiiyface J and faded iiinyh«vv,
Of Loves lair, alate ! ihacever I knew. Such is my chance, fuch is my haplcfs weard-

I feek lemead unto my dc3dl> woundi 1 have enojighand moreforto complean

^t fite in>eei and beat itl marble (lone Of evet> care that n«y m> dool diftrefs
I fmd a quadrant in a figure round> Hov» may my tongue or hand exprefs the pain t
A deaf Soptiift a probleme to expound ; BecauTe the truth unable is to guefs
I letk the iruth in heart where ih»re is nonf 1 lovC) ^Uce ! not vvith ihofe cates expreG'd,

^s who would RQn upon the mountains hicf Mydeadlyghofl : but rather vvhh the dard
Or go to gather berttes in the (ea. Bereave wy life > as thou haft dona my heat t.
F J ti t S


Hat if a day, or a month, ot a year,Crown thy delights wich a
May not the change of a mght,oran hour.Crofs thy delights with as

thoufand wi{ht contentings. Fortune, honor, beauty, youth, Are but blofloms
many fad tormentings. Wanton plea(ures,doting love, Arebut ftiadows
} : : : ;

dying. Aii our joyes are hue toyes „ Idle choughts deceiving.
flying, Nonehathpowerof an houcj Of hb lifts baeaving.

Th'eaftH'sbut a point oftfie worW , and a man, What if the World with a lure of its vresltbi
Raife thy degree to great place of hie advancing'
Is but a point of the Earths compared ccnture
Sha! then the point of s posnibe fo yain. May not the Woi id by a check cf that wealth*
^stotrium^l]li« a fiilj)> points advennue, I Bring thee againtoaslowdefpifsd changing.
^)Hsh37.ard thatwehay*. While the Sun of wealih doth Slime,
Here U nothing hydiag .* Thou (hah have friends plesstie i

Dajisofpkafura areasftreams Butccme want J they r«pine»

Through fair stieadov vs g'ydiftg, Not one abides of twenr.e.
Well or wo, tifsie c'olb goj Wealiii and itriend* botdi and ends.
Time hsih no returning. As thy fortunes rife and fait
Secret Fates goidcs cue StateSj Up and down, fniila and frown,
Both in mirth add ^nourning. Certain is no flatc sit all-

WbtJf ifmilc, orabeck, oralook I Whstifsgrip, oraftraijis 0iraCf»

Feed th^fond thoughts with vastxy vain conceivings I Pinch thee witk pain of the fecijng pangs of ficknefs
MsynotthnApile, orthstbetk, orthatlook. F Maynottfcar grip, or that fhain, orthatfit>
Tell ehse a5 well they ais a!! bui falfe dcctsivings, I Show thee the fortn of thine own tnie petleft licknefs.
Whyihould Beauiic bi fo proud, Health is hut a glanc* of joy,
In ihiog5 of nofurmouming Subjeft to all changes }
«^!5 herwaalth is but a ftitcvvda Mirth is but a (illy toy,

Nothing o£ actountin;^. Which tnifHap «ftrangcs.

Then in thii, ther's no blifjj Tell me than s fiUy man,

"Wliith is vain and idle. Why art tbou fo weak of wit.
Beauties f?owrs have their hour?, As 'o be in ieopardie.
Time doth hold she bridle. When thou mayft in^uietfit.
f I H I S.

— -1- 1 I I II
- — I

' .. . , 1 ^ " - «..- g — —
Ike as the dumb Solfeqamm, with care ov'rcome. Doth forrow


^•faeii she SuR goes out of* fight f Hargsdown her headland droups

as dead and wsll oot fpf cad j But lurks her letves itsrough langor oJ the oigbt,

T«U foohfh Pnaefon rife with whlplo haodj^To dear the criftal skyes, attd

light £he !a,nd. Bird& la their bour, waits for that hour^ AndiothcirKioga
'L t
; . } :

g!id good- moirow gi¥es,From thence chat flowr likes not ro four But laughs

on Phfcbus op'ning out her Leaves.

But on hiy ttately ftalk I flowrith freDi
So a»nds't with me, creeps 1 be where I may fee
Mybcnpoflight, inyLadie and my Love: I ff ting , I fprout my leaves break out

(houfand darts from lundde airts. My solar changeth in an heartfom hew '-

when fti» departs, ten

Thirles througfa mine heart but reft or roov€
No mote I lout, but rtands up ftout,
mice snwsi d gricfi iAjgisiiofhcr, ofwhomlojjliegrew.
lAj countenance dsclares
And Hope almofi: difpairs to find rtlstf. Ohappisdaji.' go not aws)i> AfoUoffay
I die, I dwine. love doth
me pine ;
down into the Well
Thji cart from goiilg
I Joath on evttie thing I look , alace ,
I Ofme(houm3keth> Zodisck, that I inajtakfi
Tsli Titan mine upon inefhinei
Mjrpleafure to behold whom Hove beft.
That 1 re?ife througt favor of her grac«. j
'. Her prefencc me rellorcs to life from deajh,
Fra fhsappearJntohfrSphesr,
begins to dear
Her abfence aUo Thores to cut my breath i
The dawning of any Sonigdefircd day: i J thee to remain}
IwiOi in vain
Then Courage cryes on Hope tonfe . frafhetfpyes j Since Frimem mohilt- dothfa> inenaj.

The nojfome night of abfence weK away iAtleaft, niyvanci hafte foon again.
cor yet inipcin} Face-well, witk patience perforce, till da/.
No WOMB me awake i



He Gowansaregayjmy |o; the Gowans are gay They make me


wake when I fliould fleep, thefirii morning of May,

About the fields as I did pafs, Shefaid, Towafh my Ladiecieant

the Gowans are gaj the firft morning of May. where th«fe wire birds (jnging full
I chant 'd to meet a proper Lafs, the Gowans are gay :
! asked farther ar herfinei
ciiefir(i morning of M3>> Unto me comfort was fui! in««t>
the Gowans are gay :
the firit morning of Ma^.
Right bufie was that boiy Majd. To m>' win if (lie would ir!cliRe>
the Gowans are gay : the firft raorntng of Maj*. And thereabout Ipadnvydme,
Andf thertafttr to hcrfaidi the Gowans are ga^;
inorniiig of May.
She faid her erand rvas not lher«>
the ijrft While that it was the hour of Primej
the Gowans ate gay:
the firft momiog ofMay.
OLadiefait, whatdojouhcrcl Her maidetl-head on me to warej
the Gowans ategajy: (fpearJ the Gtfl morning of Maji And thtn returned home3gain»
Gatbiing thed«w, what needs _you the Gowans are gay:
the hrit morning of Mi}'.
Thus left I her, and paftmji vvJy,
Panfing what Maiden thai bad been»
Gowans are gay;
the fitftt morning cof Mrj.
TJie dew-tiuotb I; what cstn that m«u; Into a garden me to play ,

(be Gowans aie gay the firft morning of May. F 1 N I

.* f;


Leep wayward thoughts, and reft you with my Love Let not ;

Touch nor proud hands , left you her anger move: But pine

my love be with rny Love difeas'd. Thus while (he fleeps, I forrow for her
you with my longings long difpleas'd.

fake: Sofleepsmy Love, myLove, and yet my Love doth wake.

But. O the furyofmyreftlffs fear? My Love doth rage , and yet my Love doth reft
Fear in tny Love, and yet my Lovefecure:
The ludJen anguifh o( my fl'fh defircs
Peace in my Love, andyet my Loveoppred
The gloticj and the besutics that appear^
Betwixt her brows, near Cupids clolcd fires. Impattont. yetcf perfrift tcmperalour.
Thus whiU ihc deeps moves fighing forherfakc ; Sleep, dainty Love, while I flghfotthy fake.

So fleeps my Love.and yet my Love doth wake So flccpj my Love,m>' Love.and yet my Love doth wal!«
¥ I N I $.
):»: f . /,
\/ \/ ^^^ Fa-rher A-datn firft didflee.Frornprefence of the
T W hisdoaths was ilioftfcarcecoverd his knee, The greai Godcry'd.,and

Lord his hcSs SsayAdam ^ faschihe Lord , Where arr thou, Adam.<'
held biro in chace» I was s-fraid £o hear thy voice, And aa-ked thus to

turn rhee and ftiy ; Who hach revcai'd tothec.That naked thou fhouldft be, Or
come in thy way r

haft thou eaten of the tree. Which com mded thee, h touch'd
{ it ftiould not be,

Therefore beginneth thy mkrk^ O Adam I poor Adam ! ! pity fhee.

: . : :

The Woman wHch tbou gare to me But thou the Serpene that did go
To be ray helper as I ihoughtj
. So fliely up upon the field ;
Did eat. and alfo counfel'd me, Shal on thy belly creep alfo j
Which now. alas*! is dearly bought. The dud (hal be thy meat and bield
The Serpent falfe hath mebeguil 'di Cutfed fhalt thou be for tyec,
That rebel to thy Majefty ; Enemy to the womans feed
Foriohaveus and oursexyl'dj He (Vial prevail > but thou fhalt never}
With his company'
rebeilious i For be (hal bruife thee on the head j
That no excufc
is And (hal reftore again.
To leave the Lord andufe
, From death and endl efs pain,
The counfel of thine enemi« i My fenrant Dav id to be with me.
Bleft freedom to refuic. Where he fhal ay remain
Soul and body to abufe : With me his Sovcrain,
P iiy, O Adam ! I pity thee : In joy and blefs et^nally :

O Adam poor Adam

! ! t pity thee. OAdam.' OAdam.' thus fiialitbe.

Yet for thy fault thou puntfht jhalt be ! A way went Satan moft difcontent,
And in place of pleafure and eafe, Chrift being promifed for to rtign f
Nothing but labor fhalbetotbee : And metamorphos'd his intent,
Thy meat win wiib fweat and difeafe. Through power of htsmightie King.
And thou, OEve.' in ftead of rairth, Our freedom, Lord, we have from tbeet
And pkafant Paradice preclajr. That bowels of raerciepowredout
In gtjevous pains (ha) he thy birth Uponlhy whole pofterity.
With many a figh and groan fuil fair J Of thy free grace wirhoutten doubt.
Yet from thin* enemiej Therefore we all humbly
And jatam crueltie, IntreatthyMsjeftie,
IwiUfurely ay fe«t thee free i That Wff may ever thankful be t
If chou wilt turn to roe. And for our (ins contrite:
Obey and thankful be : Prayingtothee rooftfweer,
Surely thou (halt be dear to me O Jefus ! dear Jefuf ! have pity on me.
OAdam.' poor Adam! dear fhaltthoube. O Adam ! deat Adam I pity thee.

r I n 1 s.

y bailfull bicaft m blood all biuirt,ADd ,i!l my corp#,alac</ in

pain,Thaf force nor ftrcngth have I no maughts,To nfe thcmfBlvep

f!::|:*. J:i— *^:::-^t*S

- fc
as they wf re mine. My body doth but dayly dwine in deadly wo^

without offence ; My heart it hath aoMcdicinc,Sin€C 1 moft pafs horn her

preicnce> Since I muft pats fiom het prcfcnce.
: ; :

Uncerrain of the f ims and place, Albeit as yet I fuff«r painj

When rhat wc !v. o fhoultiinert again Not ail is Taia, my time is fpent
Noforceof all yet gaTC her grace, For (he that hath my faithful heart,
VVouldonte rtliere ins ofniypain< Would heart out of my bowels rent:
JMsct fair words art But z train.
! Amd alter ttiany wits content,
And fcrvf s thj bady hut afpacsj Wholiftjtolook on her afpace.
VVkhout good hope, time's TpeRt in rain Was neTerbcautie more ftxctlknt.
Ifaynoaiore, butofcjhsUs/ But may be fcen isto her face.

Alace that ever Haw h'rfaccj And>etfuppofe Ksyheait Wfirefre*

Orhad itinrcmtmbirancc; A t liberty but any pasn^
Alacc ! tkstcTcr I kc.caitfaepiace. Itwere impoffibletomc,
Where firfl we made our acquaintance; But it would foon return again
VVo worth the !oTe of ignorance. To her with whom it did resnaits,
To love where no love canibide. Aboveail earthly wigtrt alive-
VVo wordi the framed ignorance, Sweet heart, relieve rat of my pain ;
Since dol'rous death inuft be try guide. Relieve me, or 1 end ray life.
P I ^ 1 i


Wak?, fweetLovc,thouart return'dj My heart which long in
Les Love which ne^ver afefeac dyes j Now live for c-vffr

izs:^-: ^2 j| ^gg|jiECT|^^^^0
absence mouni'd. Litres now in pcrfcft joy» Only her fclf hath f«€-
in her eyeSjWhcnce came ray firft annoy. Difpair didmskc rae wiOs
med She only I could love. She only drew me to difpair,
fair, When
to die^Thatlmy joys might end She only which did jraakeme flee, My

unkind did prove,
ftate may qow a- mend.

If fhesRttm thet now onght wortf; i Th>haripiB«fswin fwiererpiotej

Shs will not gritTe thy love hencsfor Js Rail d up from dtep difpait r
Which fa difpair hath prcT'd. Asdifthat now thou wrkotaebej
Difpa it hath proved BOW in m«» V
Vhtn thou with her do'A mtel i
Thatlove will not uticonftant be s She bH this while but plaj/d with thss^
Though long in tsin I lov'd. To make th^ jo^ss more fwisf-
If fhe at lafi reward ray lo»e,
And all ni> harmcs rcosir. F I N I 5.

nl^t IS
— iii i»^'« »
i n*Jw i^in j>i» »»*ri» ii— pr*iiiiBi w 'iail '' i

g i

Vea Death, behold I breath i Mjr breath pi ocu^es my paiu ^

, : ;

doior after death, fliould flack when I ana Haia. Butdeftinies difdaiD, fo fpaa

my iroward thtecd, But mercy to remain a Martyr quickand dead. O cruell

deadly feed i O rigor but remorfc .' Since there is no rcmcad. Come patieocc


The Fates, iryifrowardFattJ, Mybeartbut rcftof ifote, Yet timefhal tr> my truth,"
With wicked VTierds haT«TTrought Reulhj reafon or refped, And painful patient part)
IVt>r>ateofaU cftates, (Cithfomins death and lorcj Though love would rage but rcut&i
Unhappieft to be thonght. Is kef p«d under check, ..^nd death with deadlj dare
Have I offended ought, That noVT there is no neck. Should Day to cure m> fmarCi
Or wrought againft theirvnllj Nor draught to make debate i On fortunes fickle wheel,
Buctnerclc thf d theji might But needs muft burf) and break, ^11 fbal not change my heatCi
Conclude my corps to kill For love muft haTe bis mate z K'hich is as true as ftetl
But as thty have no skill Relief, alacel is late, .7 am not like an Eel
Ofreafon, nor regard, Since I am forc'd ro flie ; To flip awaji and Aide ;
Tile innocent and lil. I ftand in ftrangieftate , Love, fortune, death, farewel,
Receive a like reftatd. IloTc , idvT^ J Idle. tfhere I am bound , j'le bide.
f 1 a I s.



Ike as che Lark wichis the Marieons toor, Wirh piteous voice doth

chirk her yeddwg lay ; Eves fo do I fince is no ocher booc, Ren-

dring Soug unto your will obey.

Your v«rtur mounts abore my force fo hie, U'oundsd t ami with deadly darts dint,
That TTStli jour beauties Jeas'd Szmiofutss of relief >
Fettrr'd with fetters, difp3in'n|
That ihtre remains refiilance none in me as careful captive tint,
Lying in langor
Bo: patientljf>our pleafure to endure. And yc the eaufc of all my wo atid grief,
.^d in jour will my fancie flial depend; Andfince there is no pity raoii in place.
My life and death conHlls into your v^iil :
But that yourcrtldty tSoththjiftmy blood .
1 rather TTtiuld my life were at aa end* I am content to have no other gtacti
Then in difpair this TTay ccncinuc lUll. Butletitouti may doyougood.
if it

f i N I S.


Love great God above, I'm moe oppreii wich love- Qm daily may

remove, When iikcthme.Be (he for my behovr,l lift for no reprove;

Ay when I lift to lovc,I may let be, And d^oole aRothcr Jove that wiUiove mc.

I f«e Lowers anew, Beare'h tbegref: Ay whfn Ilifttoiovi, Imayletbe,

That ar« both tiuft and frue, Since faithful obfervance, And choofe another Love that will
Forlove changfi hidcand hew» Can getnorecompence : love me.
Andblaikncdbe, Ay wheal lilttoiovc, ! rnaylet b«. sines lam nothermeafej
When Cm lifts not to rewj And choofe sHoihcc Love that will She jsfn ill loplealf,
Why Qiould I more purfuc J love ine. Love doth her moft difeafe,
Ay when I iiftto love, I may let be, Sioce faith cannot befoundj Thatcannot flee-
And choofe another LoTc that will Norpity can abound, Since ai good comas as goes,
lo»eme. Why fhould I run on grounds ^!}' heart yet fbal { caife :

Since wicked variance, Andciintiofilee ? Ay when I liil to love. I inayletbei

And falfc difianulance, As good love loft as found. And choofe anoihcr Love thit will
And doubJe lacooftsnee Far better loofe then boiind : love nse, fJHiS.
> t


5 He Jo'ivcft trecsoavetops, the aather gall^ The flee her fplecthe

litde fparkits hear t The (le/ider hairs caft iliadows.tho but fmai-

and bees have ft!ngs,alchough jhey be nor great. Seas have fheiycourfe, and

fo have litde fprings ; And love is love in beggers as in Kings.

where wafers fniootheft are, deep are sheFootdl;

The dyabfturs yet none peictivrs it move
, :

T!ie firmeft faith is in tliefeweft wor Js ;

Budics have fops , hut the Cedar greater;
The turtles cannot fing, and yet they love; A hair csfls fha Jow Id's then Pharaobs towr :
True hearts bare ejes and ears, noiongiieto TpeaJt The frstk raftj heat , but greater heat the fitc,
TSiey hear; and fie, and ligh, and then ciie> break.
A bee can fting, notlike akofpionspowefj

Se-M have their courfr , and Co hsTe !it»Je fprings The fscmeSfaicIi ssflill confirm'd withworjj,
So beggu-j lovei but greaiet love have Kingi. And futtfci mourn in loofing of tfatir lovs.
If hearts have eyes and earj, the tongue tan fpcal: i

Reugh arr deep f«2$,when Unoolh run TnaSIow foordS; I'hey'i heari and fee, and ijgh before theyi bresk.
Th e ran m jk«J nolle 8 before ibe dyal move. e I N J s.


Here art thou,hopc,that promis'd me relief fCosas hear my doom

ComCjtraitOf liopCjKhat all men doth mifchief^Come here kc lee.

fwaomccdhydiCdtm. Alacc! fwcet hope, where is thy fcope? Or where
and eafeme of roy pain: Why flees thou in«, to make roe die? Wiit ihou

fhak chouieasaiiJ^ Since hope is genCjand caonot mc rcmta<^,Fn bondage thus

not come again/

I mufl bide fortunes fead, I muft bide foiiunes fcad*

I bad
G s
» : } , ; : :

I had a heart , and now 1' bearllefs go Where is m>Iove, who is the meeteft place
I had a mind that dayly waj oppreft : Ofa!lfhs earth tbat is myconfidence :
I had a friend that's now become niy fo, She hath my heart, till I depart,
I hada will, yet can I g«t no reft. Let hrt do what (he lift i
What have ( now 1 nothing I trovv. I cannot mend, butftill depend.
But fpitewhere t had joy. And da^tT toinifift.

What am then ! a h<;artle(s man :

I TopurchafeJove, if lore my lore defcrve | '

Should ioTc me thus dcflroy ) if not for lore, let love m_>bo4)ifttrTe.
I love and ferre one whom 1 do regard*
Yet for ray lore, difdain is my reward. Come he!"* i ye Gods , and judge my caufe aright 8

Hear m> complaint before je me condemn :

If promii'd faith, andfecret love intend. Take jou before mjLadit moft of might
And choofe but doubt, I thought I had done well j Let not the wolf devore the filljrlamb.
If fixed eje and inward heart do bind If (lie ttnaji faji , both night or daji
A man in love, as now my heart doth feel That ev'r I did her wrong,
What pain is Jovt I O" what may move M> mind ftial be. with crucltj.
A man for to djfpair To l>in prifon ftrong »•

Nothing fo great at hie defpite Then flialjiefave afakelefs man from pain,
Of his fweet Lady fair.' Tr>. wel! my caufe, and th en remove difdain.
Such is my chance , as now I moft confefs :

I love a love though llis he raercilcfj. O Lady fair whom I do honor mo(f.
Your name and tame within nyibreaft/haT* t

What pain can piercea ijcatt that I do wai»f> Let not m> love and labor thus be Jo(t
If lore be pain that doth ante fubdue ? SutftiH in mind, I pra^i >ou> to ingra IT,
What pin can force a bodie to be fainr i Thatiamttuci and (hal not rue
If lore be paiohow can I paioefchew i
• A word that I have laid :
Since ! am feft, knit tothemaft, Iam,yourroan, do what ye can,
This tormect to indure. Whro all thefe plajfrs are pUydj
And have no might, by law not right. ThenfaTe>our fliip unbroken onrhefand.
My Lady to procure .-
Since man and goods are all atjiour commaru!'
What ftial I fay, fioce will gain-ftands the law J

I have a willj yet will makes me ftand aw- Ttieochoofe tokeepor lofs thatjehave done,
Your friendljr friend doth make jou this requeft
Where final I go to hide my weary face ? Let not friends come us Lovers two between.
Where fljai I gad a pbce for icy dtfsnct ? Since late detsftei eaus'd^ou me to detaftci
K««p hop* in ftore, Jiou to deploK, Wbcp friendt xftiind will need :

Con<ju«rjiourfii«nd indeed ; You hav« a friend fa f riendlic and fo truei

R«inee)beraji> will come thedaj. Keep welljrourfritnd : 1 hy no moKi Adue.


O worth che dme and eke the place. That fee was to me known.

For fince f did behold her face,My hexrt was nevei min€ owo.miae

©wsfo, S5iae&w% My tort was aarermiafeowa.

BtttDOwJdonotfo: L4il«arthljthiagJ,adu«. I ^nd no tcmwd can crave

^adw.U not cams nit. (rue, |-'ndaUthewitt>oubaYe. Oouhave

Jia I can love no ICO. (sao^f

,«. ?. n k ^



LAir * mm
Ho doth behold my Miftris facC; And (ecih
not good hap

[Who hears hcr(peik&mukshetgtace,Shal thiok none ever (pake

hath (he. In Oiort for to refound her praife. She is the faireft. the f aircft,

but (hi.

^ Ml^^^M
the faireft^ the faired of hCi days.

who knows ber wit & not admire.'j Her red is like unto tha rofe> .y*ad mth the red Is mtxt a white,
Shahbinkhimfbl^Toidofal! skill When from a bud unto the Sun : Lifcstothefame of fair Moon-ihine,
Her vcrtues kjaiiies itrong deities, Her comelji colors doth difclofe That doth upon the vvattriighf,
in thofe who think upon her dill. Th: firftdegretof ripeisefs won- ^nd makes the color feem divine-
Inftsortj fortorefound herpraifej In fhort, for to refound her praife. In (hort for so refound her praife,
She 35 the f,-!ireftjthe faireft, the faireft> SIis is the fairtftjthe faireft.the faired, She is Lht faiieft.tke faireftjthe foiretlj
:he faircftofhejdajiSi thefairtftoCherda^l. the faired of her days.
1 N I S.

: :


Hough youY ftrangcnefs frets my heart. Yet muft I not complain
You pcrfwadc me it's but ArtjWbich fecret love muft fain.

If another youaffcft, It's but a toy to avoid fufpfd j Is this fair cxcufing ?

O no, O no, O no^ O no, O no no. no, no, no, ail is abufing.

Whcn^ur wiGii fight I dffirei When another holds >'our hand, Would a Rival then I were,
Suip'Uon ye prtienti, Yoii'I fwear hold yout hcait
1 Ortlfe yourfrcrctfricnd ;
C3\s([ehye ycw(eUtelhe, While wy Rival cloCs doth ftand, Soinuclittfsfhould I voufear,

Whilft vain attend :

I 111 ^i^ii I fu far apart, >^nd not (o much attend :

am nearer j'et (hen they, They enjoy youeverieone.

Thus a Lover, asjoufa)"! 1

Siill made more t3ger bydela)!, Htdin yourbofom, a5youfa>: Yet muft J fceiii your friend alone >

Jsihis fiir excufingf Js this fair exculing'

I this fiir excufingi
Ono, Ono, Ono, Ono, O no, O no, O no, O no, O no, O
no, no,O no, O
O, no, 1 Ono, no, no, no, no, O no,no, no>no, noj
./*)! is abufing. •411 ii abufing. .•*li is abufiug.
f I N 1 S
: .


—^1^1 nm^ EfeilE^EElliE
Omc,rwe«LovSj Iccforrowccafcj BsninifrownSjlcaveofFdlf-
Lovesw'arr makes the fweetcft peace, Hearts u - niting by con-

ccnrion SuR-fliine follows after raio;
Sorrows cafing, this
tenriorj After forrow comethjoy. Tiuft me^provcme,try

|=fci^^|: -^ e^§e|e|
IS pleafing. Ail proves fajr again,
me, love me, This will cure annoy.

Winter hides bis froftie fact,

Colling', clapping. kifiing.blcfTmg.
Blufhing ever to be rpore moved :
Spring returns with pleafanr grace:
And give Lo»e hii due.
Flora's f reafures are renewed.
See this trighifhine ofibineeyes
Lambs rejoice to fee the Spring ; Clouded now with dark difdaining:
Leappjng, skipping, fporting, txipping :
Shal fufh Ttormy tempens rife.
Birds for joy dodng. To If Lores fair day a
t raining)
Let your fprings of joy renew ;
Mcnare glad the Jkr b:ingclcar,


Lightly foying, fportings {oying When tacfc creature (iijgs aIoud»

with their loveSy pier : Killing hearts with over- joying :
But are fad to fee the Ihour BTerie Dots doth feek her mate i

Sadly dropping, louring, poutJngi Jointlie billing , flie is wiUing>

Tuining fweet to (out. 5wsets of lore to tafce.
With fuch warrs let us contend,
Then, fweet Love, difperfs this cloud. Wooing, doing, wedding, beddings
Which procutes this woful toying : This our ftrife Jhalend-


ailll^l^^lEl^PiEia^i^ ^
Wcet Kate, of late,ran awayjand lefc me plaimag Tee; h££j
Abide, I cry'd, or I die with thy difdaiaing. Never

hee^ quoih Oie^ ghdely would ifec. Any man todie for loving.
any yet, d'yd of s'ach a iiCjNeithcr have I fear of proving
Unkind, Ifind, thy delights are in tormentingi Her words , like fwords, cut Kiy fory heart sfunder.
Abide, cry'd, or J die with iby difdaiiiing.
Het flouts -Avith dcubfSjkecp my heart affisftioBtundet'
Teej hee, bee, quoth fr.e, make no fool oi me ; Tee, hee, bee, <juo'h (he, vvhst a £00! is he
Scaaus in aw of once denying J
Men, i know, will hare oaths at pleafure :
But their hopes at end , they bew ray their faifi'd. Caufe I had etiough, to becosns mote roughs
And tlwir oaths are kept at leaiure. So Ldidahappytryinfi.
J .



JfzfiZjr: "«

Oy to the peifoR of my love, Akhough flic me difdain .•

Fixr arc my thoghts Scmtyrot movCj But yet I love in vain.

Sbal f loofeehefighe. Of my
joy &
hearts delights Or fhallkavemyfute^
Shal I ftrive to touch? Oh.' oo, it were too much; She is the for bidden fruir»

ili=ilii=^pgiii^i=iliipp|if ;^
Oh/ wo is me, that ever I did fecj Thebeaaty thatdidmebewirch.'
Yet outs alace! I mu^l forgo that face. The treafour I cfteem'd fo much.
0-' (hall range iato fome dalt If 1 flee away,
Or to tlie mountains mourn 1
ShewUlnotfo tnefay, ftay.
Sad echof $ fhal refound my tale : My forrowi so conveif
Or whether ftial I turn } O no, no, no, fhe will not once fay fo i
5lial I buy that lovcj But comfortlefs J muft be gone :
No life to me will give, Yet though Jhe be fo thrawsrt unto ms»
But deeply wounds m j heart 8 rielovefjgr, crlfhaliovenone.
O .'
SA t -

O.' tliatlmtgbtbat undsrihind Thoufandfortuns fall to her fhare,

Tiie re»fons o< her haiti, Though (he tejc^ed me.
to him would beat her sommandj And fiU'd ray heart fuUof difpair.
3si !ove> if) life, inflate; Yesfhallconftantbc-
Then fhould 1 no more For file is the Dame
Sn heart be griev'd fo fore, My tongue (hal evei nargic>
Norfadwith dircoDtent. Fair branch of modeftiei
But fince that I bayelov'd ChaHe of heatc aod mind.
A Maid that To bath prov'd Gh i were (he half fo kind >

Unworlhic JTdortpent., Then would fhe pity t^e.

Something urikind hath htied in her mind^ Sweet, turn at 'afi , be kind as thou art chaflaj
Tbat caufed her to leave me fo : And let me in thy bofom dwei
£w«et, fesintome but halffo kind cobs. we gain the plcafure of loves pain
•Sc ftial :

Or ietme che occafion know* XiUtheO'* .T.ydiareftLove, FareTvdl.



Wsyjvain world,bewitchcrof my heart i My forrowsftows my

f%m makes w& to fmarc ; Ytt mil I not d ifpair j But so my God
H 2 repalrj

repair. He hath mitcy ay, rhcreforc will I priy : He hath mercy ay, aod lovej

Bie* Tho'Jgh by his humbling hand he proves me.

Away, away, too long tboB haft mefoar'd : Once more, away. though loath the world coleave-
I will no: ipend more time: f am prepared. Biddetb oft away with that heltilh flayc.
Thyfubtt] flights fo flie > tbey have deceived me > Loath am I toforgC) thatfwfetallmiogfo.
Though they fweetly fmiU, fliely they beguile; Though thy waysbe vain, fha|jtth'<e retain J
Though they fweetiy fmilc. forget them s Though chy ways be vain., I qnks thee
The firoplc h!ly foul rcj«fts chem. Thy pleafucs I'hai no more dclite me.
f 1 V I S


Hen May is in her ptimcjThcn may each heart rejoice, When May
the livdyfap creeps up; In;to the blooming thorn. Theflowrs

1$ biisk'd with branches greos , Each bird kt% forth hervoicei All natures imps
from cold is prdeat kepr, Dothkugluhefroil to (corn*

. . .- .

triumphs while joyf ull May ioth l^ik. Take May in dmc, when May is gonCj
The pk^fans tifsie is paft.

May iiwises »[ie chearfut bew« I S.ejoke la May, as I do nowi Then Judges al! pctverre,
Miy breeds and brings new blood, |
Andute your May withjkilh Shal figh that t!sey were born.
W.-,ymarcheth Throughout evsry limb ! UfeMay when diatyemayj Whei'caftiReveriafting fire,
Msymafcss tbe merry raood For May hath but a time I Becauf t the truth they ftorn
JVtay prickfth tender beartSj Whcasll thefraicjsgoaejitis All Natures impi fhaJ mourn,
Thtir vvarblingnctes !o tune, Too Ja?efh« ;ree to ciirab- Wata wealth aad eafe k pafl* _
Full ftrange it is thatfoine wefe. !i Your liking and yourSuftj Take time in time.vtrhen time is gone
Do make their May in lune. Is fra3i wniie May dotJj ladj Eternity comes laft.

Xliofe things are ftrangelywroug&t* Take May 5a time, »;!i«n May is gone Take tiraf in tinie,wh«n time is gone
While joytul May dofKlart, The pleaf ant lifne is paft. Eternify conies !aft»
_ j

Take May in simesWheD M»y is gonC) Take Mays &Ci

The pleafant time In time well fpeat > rejoices
is paft.

Take May srs f jinfiiwhcn May Is guEe» The Second VHf. For that's the way to reft?
\%] Hisn titee aad fpats is fptnt, TJrae is that point whsreia the Lord
The plesSaot titn» is paila
^ *
Thersmayeachheartbefeat't]; Kates evilj and loves the bsfts
All ye that life on earth. U'he beyod time ihe judge fhsl comt P ray for 3 tender heart
And ha^e your May ae wiilf In w(3th, wfeat ftrengtii can bear't r . Best here youi' grief and paifl :

; :

Pertmjcifis dsat many are, I AH ye that he in time« It is too fate to mend*

Who fpcsjd tbdr iifein vain. And hath your dint but ftiof r» Your liking andyourluCi

TJiac iikingi be ftrangeiy wroug&tj Redeem yourdrae.asGodcoEnands. Shs.l ceafe whsn tioie is paft

Before aiS time U paft > IhumbJy you exhort Spend w<:Ii your tim« , when time h
Ihough timcbe now$ n Sial uot be> i Ufe time while yehavsome* Erernity comes kft. { gone.
Eteraity comes !aSi Por t»mf wiU hay« an »nd .* Spend well you( time s whet; time is

Though timei &e. I Wheis all your life- time fcal be fpent, Eternity coines laft. Cgone


P--rr iTii r*" ir-r- -'i

— ir-r imn -i Tm iw n w ^^ r [ il
i "i i i

Rave begins eo soufe, aod he doth bead his brows.

Mjjts; Bo-
He Jhaemay loofeihe£eldj yselet him ae-veryseld, Though

reas burffs our in blows, gresg Eiaeas fire. When cannoiis are leariag, stid
ihoufaods Hboaid be kiU'ds let fouldisrs cry it.

»«»**««»- BTM *4» *•« „a.«„„..,i,«« .i„^

bijSicts are fiyingj He tha« would-honor wia, mull no? lesr dying.
: : : :

l^ough CeaPaiitm be deadt So}Miers with fwordls m hsaist Captains in open &ldis
who left us honor, to th« walls coruingi on their foes ruihingt
Aast caught brave CbtiftUsKiB^ Hor^e-meD about 4hc ittettu Gfiotleaiea feconds thenii
usdsr his banner. ty&gmd ruuniag with their Picks pufhing,
pagans amazed Hood, SentineiUon th« walls. logyniers in th« ersnch
m a grczt wonder, armSi arme; a crying, earth, earth uprearingi
To fee biavs ChriSians comei Psttards sgainK the ports, G«is-pt>\vdtr in the mYnes>
like d»ps of thunder. wyldtir* sflyJEg. Pagaas upblowing.
Wbes! Canons , cc. WhetiCaocas, c«. When Canons, &-c.

Rais'daretlie Worthies nyne, TrKiupets on turrets hyes Portcuhies in the ports

and now afcending ; thefe are a foundings they are down letting.
Ev'n by a power divyne > Drums beating out aloud« Burgers comes flocking by.
DOW peace is sadiag ; echoes reroundicg foo their hands fciting
$o raaoy Chriftiaa Kings ASami-bciis in each place; Ladders againS th« wall,
withtbaiBtoemetj they are a rioging» they are uprearingi
A gainJl their HerceS foes Woaaen with iloaes io laps, Woaien great timber bogs
shat°s bra?e adventure. to the walls bringing' to the walls beatings
When CanooSj cc. When Canons, &«. When Canons » vs,
i N i S.


Uri€ came to kbus^Salcia j Ml the world was UKsd then j BklTed
, . :

Marybfoisghcto Bahkheai, Moiclhesi sll shs world ??gain ,-

A gitifo bleiV, h

good, fhe bell.* th&t e'rc wss feeo, was heard ^ ©r doi:se .; e\ Kmg , a Chiifl,

Prophetj and PdeCl |,

Idm to us, lo God a S©k.
O, bappyoigfit! a «f ay was never Suhnt fiifoi fought to find h'm,
Half fo happy, Ywset and fair ? Witha pufpafcbjack as h«!! c

Singuig fouWiers, bldfed eyer But a greater power combjia'dhJiMj

FiJ! Che's kyts withfeeeseS air, And his purpofe did reptS!.
Ainaz'diaenfcar, tfeejjfce, thsyEear, Who fbo»Id betraj), jioa?!obg(.
As Snitig was it fhould bs dos«.
Twasbid, Be bold; ui{£ore-told, Tb^jiaUadoca, and kntxibtiou
This fiight God hatbhimielfaSoH. jefoi J God j s Man , a Son
7b is
Twas upon a Cemass b!asjng» Tbef«3{spsar'4£ goldm U&er,
fKMi! to ^Kgwflns (did. Kiofs aittadiRg oa the train s
This fori-!ho\ss ana^ amazing* The brjgHjtSan could not o«{-b!uilihetj
Of a mother , fHl! a maidc Such a fist oe're ihons agasft.
ABabeftialbear, wliscisallnGagfey, Behoid it (!aj!.s , fseiaing i; f^_>isi
And fuddeolj; it jstjft be done. Go in and fee what there is cone ?
Y«a, Ctfarthoiir tohiiurouftbow A Babe, whofe birth leagues heaven and earth
Hee'sJefuJi God, a Man. a Son. I«U5«ou53 to God a Son.
: : : :

Was not this a Ucfled wond«r> 6ebo!d him bound* and guarded rounds
God was man, and Man was God i To Czipbas brought to loofe his breadi
Foolift) Jtws iniftook the thunder There fee the Jews, heav'ns King abufe«
Sliould proclaim thai Xmeabfoad. A nd think upon hb precious death. Behold the King*
In Bethlehem where this was dooe. Sec him in the hands offilatei
Thenweastheji, rfjoiceandfaji^ Like a bafe offender Ilript.
Wc bare a Saviou r, God a Son. Seethe moan and tears thrjftniie at>
Tie StcMd tift. While diey lee our Saviour whipt.
TUrn )'our ejes that are affixed Behold biir. bleed, his purple wccdj
On I his wotlds deceiving tbbgs, Record while ve haye life and breath :
And with jo> and for tow mixed, His taunts andfcoras, bis crown of tbotnjS
Look upon the King of Kings i I
O ! think upon his precious death.
Who Itft bis Thron > with unknown)

drew breath See him in the hour of parting ,

Took fltfh like ours , like us :

Hanging on the blood> Cr ofs.

Forus fodie , here fix jour f>e,
See his wounds , conceive his fmarf ing^
And think upon his precious death.
Andcurgaia. byhislifjlofs.
See him in thr garden praymgj Oo cither tide , a fellow dji'd.
While his fad Difciples fleept The one derides biin leaving breach >
See him in the garden fweaiiog The other pra^s, and humbly fajifo
Drops of blood, and how he wept. Lord , fave tuc hy thy precious death.
As man he was , hew'pt alact? ,

Sec at in tbofe pangs he thriikd.

And trembling feat'd to loofehis breath j

Yettohea^'fjsVJill) he>ecldedftillf
And that to cool him he did call
HowthefeJews> Hke judascutfed,
Then think upon his piecious death.
Bring him vinegar and gall-
See him hy the fouldiers takeOj Hts Spirit then , to heav'n again,
When with hve, and a kifs, Cotnmending with his latsft breadi
He that heav'n had quite forfaken. The world be leaves, which men deceinr«S>
Had betro/d him, and with this.' Lord( keep us i^ thj precious deat&a

f 1 V 1 S.

i ^^p^^p
Hue as Lillks washer fac«8, Wheo fhc fmiJed,fIiebegoiIed,Quiting

faith wiih foul difgracc. Vercuts fet vice ithus ii«gkdedsiiar£ with

forrows hath infcded,Qutf ing fateh with foul difgrac«. Venues fiervke chus

negkdkdj Hears with fowows hath Infcaed.

5he difdained 5 I coinpiaincd,

Vows and oaths, and with aSuied, I O .'
that Love flwahlJiavcthe hm
Cofiftantev^r, changing never, ! B> furmifc5 , and difftoifitSj
Yet fhe isfr m? overthroYvn Y«t fhe could not be procured i
1 To defUcjia faithful heart i
Csrelsfs of n>> bitter groaiiiog, To briteve wy pains excrrding, I Orthatvvanjon Jookiogvyomcn.
Rusihlefs bent to oordievins Frcmherskiiar negkft proctf oing. I 5henld reward 'hiiiftif ds zsio-mm.

AH in vain is Ladies Iove> Changfefeft&nk vnihtoaliiffait, More dcfjpifed in iove dxea wy.
Qui(icl> choot'ed > rhortlji loofcd i \adsajt fcrvice bith envied>
For their pride is to remove Aiidtn>fiiCCours t»tii d^oied. For roy heartjthough fet ar noughf,
Our,aUce! iheirJooksfirftmn»ut Sincejiouvriil itfpoiU andlcillirt
And theit pride haibftraightuodooe B> thim error dtou had lol! I vviii never change my thoughts
(us. Heart uiifained , cnith undained, But grieve that Beauty e*re was boM»
Totfijifelf, the f?»eeteft fair* And die Svvaia that loved iDoft To banifh love with £rovYard fcorn.
^ou haA wound«d,and confounded More adured in love thtn thty. P 1 N I S.


Egoaej I weec nigttt, and I ftial csU ihcs kiod ; Where doft rhou

dwelj liace noi apoa mine eyes ? Ik's moie thefi time that i my way

ihouldiiod. BegO'Cie. and when ihealghsihaS come, corae twice. Away.away.

Far I rault go and meet my Law by the peep of day ; But «feon le death, sho«

art coo nigh of kin, To come or go, as thy defires have bceOe

Arifei bright Day, it's time to claim thy right Let never fifing Day beresve thee oUhy right.
Djfperfe the clouds , and with thy goidsn beamSs Who can betray thee with his golden beams.
Both comfort mc , and ftrick the churliOi Night, Let usenjtvytheeftill, fwect gentle Niglif»
That would not go and y*«ld mc plcafanf drsams- That we may (urjfit in thofe pleafant dreams.
A rife , arife. Advife. sdviff :
And with tliy rofie fiogrys point me wher« flie ly'ts ; And never letfhe light of Djj' fhine where fne !;ie!: ;

Teacfe ine but once , and put mc in her ftgttr .>> But if ihoudoft, or let me in hrr fight,
That I may know who gives the greatcft sight. There is no doubt , flie gives tht greater light.

Stay gentle Nightj left thou prove more unkiijd,

, And if thou wilf fo D^> refign thjy due,
To leave us langnifli who enjoys cur lore
, s- ,/md fo divoi-ce me fromtnylweereft Dear,
Gonotawajy, but let us here confin'd, In Secret rilence (balmy heart fo rue,
Nor part ui from thefe pleaiurts which we prove. Wifiiing the Day were done,if^ou were there j
But ftay , oh I ftay ; That file, that fhe.
For I muft go, and Jove my Love, if you peep Day 5 And LmayTpend thefiient Night where we would be|
Andifjiou do, ;'ou turn fofoon again? Where ^ratling Day dare never more appear,
1 hat our dtdres miy feel no worUs difdain. Norjiet prclent to wrong my dcareft Dear.


Here is athing that much is us'd, It*s called LovCj with mcti abui'dj

They wngh,and figh^and fwear rhey die-. When all is done/hcy know they lie.

Bur let them fwear by faith and truth, Tie fwearthey care not for an oarh.

ThtyfirftirtifthaveaMifirJs fair, It is a praftKr in this Age,

Andihcn iMsr favor for to wear : To lay their credit itito gage,
Andfo chey goto flatteries fchools Bywifj byvowes, by neat attire.
And calls her wife , thffv know a fool To conqueft that they laoft dcljte.
But Sctthtm (wear byfr.irhand truth. But !et them fv/ear by faith and truth<
I'lclwcar they care not f^raa oath. fwear they care not for an oath.


^ Ycompiaiuing is but faking, All my 5ovek butm left, Fa.iaja,

!a, la, k,!aj la, kj ia, k^ !a^ Ja, la, Is, la, h. Is, la^ ISj k, la^ la, la»
Aad my coamfig isbue Ipoitifigs Inmofl iliowiQg,tissan!og !aft. la, k, Isslaty

»ffliM^W*»»rriiiiM.^0i,|»,-,7Biiiiii— *HMWfi«iagB>|piifni>aii iwai—i iiniTil i i - ,

—| — *- - f - -j^ [^ H il i r ii n Wii«
i ilillll WM i
h, la, h» 1^1 hi kj k$ II9 S^j Is, la^ !%» 1%, l^ la^ la, k, la, h.

Outwtrdiaeincfst inwar<i gladeefsn Toward* Ladies Aisoiftradelst

Reprefentki^inaty mind; Fa>la,la> tye. I
T0O miadt in ooe bfesft [tvear* Fa, la, la, s^c
A nd my oieafute at nsy pteafurei
Such goodfaitb in lore I &!d»lFajk; l£» 9'i* YceaiuiJSaiQciny&cediMSsii^fg Fa(!A,bj &^,


^fc^ ^k/ JtlSa . I
. . ..— m^ . ,|ii.g ii||| 11 l i ..Ml. .' . i-il ^'j. A.^^Jiii^^l-^i^^^

my Love, my life wasncfted; In the Sun olhsppinefs 5

From my Love, my life was wreftcd,Toa world of heavhicfs.


O let love my life tcmmt 3 Skh I live not where ! love.

O lei love my life smiwe Skh I live act w hcire I love.

Where the ftoiih once w&s , and is not, O / true Love, Since dicu haft kfimffj
Sfudowsara hiK vanities. Mortal life is tedious ;

blowing W3n«» sHas help tkej^caisnet^ Death it is to iive without thee t

ArebutflavtJ ofmifeties. Death of alS nsoft odious.
Painted meat iw buagcr feeds, Turn again, and Jake me with jheej
D^iugiJlfesad! deaihescseds. Let nie die ^ or live ycu with me.
f 1 V t S.

Ehold a wonder hesrc,L©vc hash receiv'd his fighr, Which mznf

huiidrcd,hyndred,hundr€d ygsrs, Hath notbehdd thu lighr.

Such besati infufrd be Not wske for them shst fleep, This Beautie fhowihertHight
By Cynthia in his cj^esj Kcr isghfotib^mtfaatfiTiye. To be of doubie kin«i>
As &^ have made htm fee. So powerful tstheBesatie,
In giving Love bis fighc,
And then have made him wife. That Love dosh now behold;
And Uniting Folly blind.
Love MOW ncaaore wiHweep As Loveistum'dto duticj F 1 jA

From !H?m that iaugh the while rhar& neither blind not bold. I

#- f T.


Ver the mounrains, and iinda the caves, Over the fountainSjand

™$x:r=:Jq -4- — qt„

under ihe waves : Under wateis that are deepeft. Which Nepson

ftill obey ; Over rocks chac are the fteepeft^ Love will find out his way.
Some may extern him a childe by his fore?, BiifidLove, if ye do call him,
Orfome they may deem him a coward) that's wotfe: He will gf ape out hii way
But if ftic whom he doth honor,

BeconftntingtopJay. ,

Well tTiay the Eagle flouj' ciowr- the fvift.

Set twenty guards about her,
i-ove will find out his way.
Or nets foinve3|!e the Phenix of the Eaft i
With tears ye may
iHoye the 7'ygsf
To give over his prey I
Manydloloofehiin by proving unkind j
Or fome may fuppofe him, j But never (lop a Lover."
poor heart, to he blind Love will find oU£
But !f n« re (o ciols y* wail hi^m.
his way.
Do the heft that ye may : I
If ih'earth doth part thcraj hc«'l foojs coarfe it oVe;

S -i.r^

Ilfaas do thwart ibem, Hee'l ftvini to the iliof* : But if Lore come hee'l enter,
Jfhis Love become afwallow. And will find out hit way:
Id theait fot toftay,
There is no driving to'crofs his inrent
Lovr will Tuid wings to fo!!o\v= There is no .rontriving his plots to prevent 5
Andl'wift flee out hii way.
For if once the metlsge greet hititj
Where is no place for the glow-worm to ly, That his true Lo^e doth ftsyj
Where is no rraccfoi tbclcatof a flci!< Though Demons come and meet him
Where the gnar dare never vemurti He will go on his way.
LtahtrWf faftftielijf ; f i >! I S.

hMkMMk k kkkk k k k h k^k kkkkkkkkkkkhk



Hen from my Love I look'd for love, and kind affcftions due. Too

#- iiliilliiillllii
well I found Iser vows ro prove mod faichlefs and untrue For when 1

did ask her, Why f

moft Hinply ihedidrsplyj That Ihe with nic did ne'i-e

agree to love , bu: jefthigly.

Mark but the fubtil policies like feathers in the wind 1 Yet by and by, tbcy'l all deny,
that fsmali lovers find. Althongh theyfT'^earanddoproteft I and fay, /c Tvajbutjeft-.
Who ioyistofii their coadancics; shey love you chiefly beft, | FINIS.


Enicmbetmc, my Dear J humbly you requirc^lior my rcqueft

that loves you bcO:, With faiihful heart indre,My hearr fhal refl

rz::|-3zzz^z:^~i^4:EKir:::§E: "^^ :
"—I'lrr^ nrrrz

within your breaftj Remember me, my Dear.

RtmcmbEr nit , alace !
To my joy sntlfolace. Renicmbtr rne in. pairr.
ftnaSeta;! ligorpafs, True icvc to move / muft bshove
| , ; I WithiinkindnMs novvfl^fr,;
ltiatInr,.aypror,e in you kra^IoTe, Reracmbcrroe, aUct That through delay ofvi-uEi vvaj.
: : : :

Thafin you doth re nain, Yor words ujitind.fifits in nvymind [Ready when I do caJl .•

Remit, J fay, alacc away

! And doth irKreaTc my fmatt I With tiuf inctnt, i do confent.
Rtincniber ine in pain. Yet dial ye find me inieairt) kind, | Heart, mind, hcdy, and all

Rememberon me, dear Heart. , Never to rcponl, but to confent

R»m«mbtron tr.e, dearHeartj i

I Reraembtr on rtiEin thrsL

Thatof pains hath my fart * Remember on me in thral, { I^ 1 N ! S.

#, I P. P. MA k k k ^. k kkk A^-^^^ khkk k i I 1 .1 4 i ^


Ow aow, Shepherd, what means ihtt? Why wcatllchou wiUows

IE (hy hatf Are thy fcarffs ofred anai yelIow,Tum''d tobraaches

o^greea willow/" They are chafigedg fo am i| SoKowshyes when joys do dye;

Ie is Phylis only iije. That makei me wear the willow EKe,

K2 Is*l
Ti*( «Iie Lafs that lov'tl thee tong! Faith 311(5 and ooduj
truth) \'ows

Is it (lie that doth thee wrong ? Ate and broken both

J-orgot :

She who lov'dthes long sndb«ft» Cruel P bylis fslfc to me,

Ijherlovcnow turr/d to{«(l > Which makes tne wear ths v;iiIow tree.
She who lov'd me Song and bift»
Courage m^n, and do siotnoourn
Bidsme fet mi^ mind at reft :

For Kc n'hc holds thy iove in fcorn ;

Shclo7c$anew Love, ioTcsnotrae,
Refpcft not them who loves not tbe«.
Which makts me wear the willow ttee.
But caft away the willow tne.
For thee ftia! Hive in pain i
Come now J Shepherd, Setusjoiaj
Phylis once W3i iru= Love mine.
Since !hy Love islike tomine;
W^iich fhai nt-'ie forgotten be,
For even (lie I thought ti'ofi true*
Ha;h alio chang'ii me for a new- AHhough I we«£ iDc willow tree.

Hcrds-mzn, if thy hap be fo,

Shephird bt thou rui'd by rnsj
Tfaou art partner of my wo j
Catt awsy the willow tree ;
Thy ill hap doth mineappeats.
For thy (otrf^w'i her conti;j;r,
Company dolh (ortoweafe.
And file is pleas'difthculaaifnt.
Is it fh^ who lov'd thee nowi Herds Hsan, I'l-jberul'd bytKee,
Andiwore he roath wiiH lohmn vcw S Herf jyes grief and vviiiovv ttee :

Faith and trath lo truely plight. Henceforth I wii! be as they,

Cannot be fo foon negleft. Thatlovssanew LovaeTeryday.
f J tl 1 S


ILL faid to his Maramie, Thac he would go woo; Fain would he
Soft a whiiejmyLsmmiejSiay andyec a-bide. He like a

-j-c . j| . B—M I II I I mniiiii B 111 II nwn ri'irij

W.> u, j
i l|
-| .l^ lj;. . ..l>» -.

l| .. I
I .—<.<W«^ 1W T1 " j| iM m. ,,»lJw» I— »J| »W 1 > U B»«-^

wedd, Buche^'^'ifl not how. Indeed Fk have a wife, a wife, a '^ife.

fool as he was, re

O what a life do I lead Forswsfemmy bed/* Iraayootrdlyou. O thereto

have a wife, a wife, a wife, 01 k's afmarc to ray heart, it's a rack to my back,
tejsviM^nmiVEaSMsHkVSWaacA^ *

And to my bdly too.

Scarcely was be wedded O! there to bave a wif« a wife,a wife "fken like a iFoo! vvicfi a fool to cry,
I j
Full a fourt. nights fpsce, \ O'. it'sarinart to my heart j i A fig for Aicb a wife, a »if£, a (fife :

Fo?fhat he was in a heavy cafe ; It's a rack fo my back.- | ' llhsr a life do I lead*
Largely 773$ ht^beadeil, Aadtomy belly too. With a wife ju my bed J
And hi; cheeks look'd tbin : 1 may BOt till you.
And to repent hf did thus begin ; I Aliyouthatbe Batchelorsj Oltbere to have a wife, a jcife-.a wife
A figforfuth awifcj a wifciavvirs: Be lesrn'd by ctying VVill s it's a Tmart to my heart,

O wvhat a iife do ! lead,


yc are vyiill, to rensaia foftilJ- It's ;i rack to my back.
U'srh a Tvife in my bsd Better for to tarry, _ And to my belly too.
i may not teU yoa. And alone so ly, FINIS.
: •

Are. away, go rhou from me For I am not fit match fof thee

Thoa bereaves me of my wits.-Whereforelhaceihy frantick fits.

Therefore I will are no more, Sioce that in care? comes no feftore:Butt

ivillfing. Hey down adown.a die, And caOcareawayj away, from me.
Tflwant, Icarefoget: Tj not (his «/orldl a nippry ball f
The more I have > it doth ine frel Anil thiaki meo ftrangc to carch a fall.
H^iv-e I much , I carefor more : Doth not fbt fes both eb and flow ?
Tncmoro Ihave , Ith'mk I'm poor. And hath not Fortune a j'sinred fhow i

Thus doth grief my mindopprjfs. Why iliould men take care or grief.
In wealth or wo , no rtdufs.
finds Since- that in car; cnfties no rehr.f;
Therefore I'li care nomorgj no more in vain j T!is!r*'sn£>ne (o wife but mny be o'rsthrown,
l-or care haih coft me ir.iekli; grief nnd pain. The carelefs may rtap ijfhat the careful h^th fown.
Well then, learn to know thy felf- 1$o ftialtthou then live ateafe,
And care not for this worldy pelf ; Kofuddengriif (Vialthefidifpleafef
Whethtr thine eftate be great or fmal. Then mayA thou fing> Hey down, a <}own,a disi
Give chanks to God, w'Hat c'te befal j When ihou haft caK all care and grief fi -.m thee.
F I N 1 f.

Here was a time when /illy Bees djd fpeakj And in that time, I was

a filly Bee, W no fed on Time, until my heart did break. Yet never found

that Time wouid favor roe. Of ali the fwarnij I only did not thrive. Yet

i— *:

brought I wax and honfy to the hyvs
•^ ^^ •'iN-
Tlius ftill I bifs'd yet Time oo hp would give 8 MyLieJge, God grant thy Time may neverend.
Why iliould this bleHid to me be dry,
T imt, And now vouchfaf^ to hear my plaint of Time :
Since by the fame she lajfie dron doth live. The fraitlefs srefoucdtohavta friend,

The vjufp, the worm, the gnst, «be fcuttct-flie } Yet I calt do climb*
off, while atomies
Matted with grisf , I kn«e;led on my kneeSj The Prince reply'd , and faid, Peace, pievifli Bee,
And thus complained to the Kicg of Beris. Thou'rt made to (erve the Time, the Time not thee.
^ I i I -I i i m
I i

i i I i. i ^ i ^ I ^ ^ ^ 4 4

Hepherd,fawthounocfny bjrloveiy Phylis, Walking on yon
She is gonethis way to Diaoaes founfain^ And hath left me

mountain, or on yonder plain^ Ayjlieis fo fair, and wiihouc compare:

wounded with her high difdain. Love is
full of fear, love is full of care ;

Sorroiv comes to with me. Thus my palhons pains me. And

fit my Love hath
without this cannot be. Pjay to Cupids mother. For i know none
: : :

(lain me. Gentle Shepherd play a part.
othefj That caa eafe rae of my (cozn.

shepherd, I have feen thyfair!ovciy Phylis, Thus I do difpa jr, !ovc her I fha! never,
Whtt* her flocks are feeding by the rlTcr fide ; I£ ftie be fo coy , loft is all ;ny Sove :

Ah I I much admire , ftie is {air exceeding. But flie is To fair, 1 will love her Ever«

In furpafling beauty, flhould furpafs in ptide All my pain is joy. which for her I prove,
Buti alace I find they aie all unkind
.' : UI friould her loveand (he fhould deny.

Beauty knows her powt r too w«l! Heavy heart with incwould break
When they lift they love, when they pleafc they move; Though agsinftiny will, tongue thou muft beftil!
Thus they turn their heaven to Iiell -. For IhewiUnoc hear thee fpcakf
Where their fair eyes glancing, Thfii with kiOes move her.
Like ro Cupids dancing, They fhal fnow I love her :
Rules wci! for to deceive us, Lovely Love i be thou my gaide :
With vain hopes deluding. But rie fore complain me,
Still their prailc concluding. 5he will fiiil difdain tne ;
Thus they lovC) thus they leave us. Beauty is(o full of pride.

Il$#l$il$tl§l ll$tt$it.####ti#|#|#4#lfl#itl#
F When
Ain would I ycaog Maid.ihaE day and night could pleafeme.
vvsd afair
my mind or bodie's gtiev'd.thsE bad the power co eafe me,
L Maids
Maids are fuiroHonging thoughts, which breeds a pain = ful iickoefsj
And that oft I hear men fay , is on s ly cut'd throgh quicknefs.

Oft Ihave been wooed, and pray'd, yet never coutd ! Surely, Ithink, I [hal adaftflie to fome fcoly Order ;
be moved. j
WJjen I am onc« i'ttkd there, I theucsflfiienofarthsr;
hfanyforadayortwo, I have moil dearly loved ; « Yet £ would not die a Maid bscaufe 5 had a mother ?

But this fooiifh mind of mine , ftrajght loathes the thing I As I was by one brought fori b j I would briog foit!;
rtfoiTed. another.
If tolovebtfininmej thsttin isfoonsbrdved. I F I K i S.


Ou minor beauties of chcnighr; Which poorly fatisfies our eyes.

.^ ::iz:~4:zr±E^+-z:;iE;:rr:-xi

Moj-e by youf number then youriighfj As common Officers in she skycs-


What are youf what are youf Whac arc you^ when the Moon doth rife ^
, } ;
» ? }

Ycu wan Jting Chanters of the wood, Although yoiuwre tcrre/Jrial

That fills iiiiiie naturcslayes,
ears y.itl) What arejou r what are jou !
Thinkinj^ your pafTions underftood What arejou when thsMoondotb rife.
In wekker accents, what's Jour praife ?
What's jaurpraife i what's yoiii praife. You ftars, what do jou mean
Wktn Philomel her notes doth raife »
To rob bright Phebus of his iliine J
Ortoobfcure his princely light,
But, ah/ pure light, pure voice, purcfmclt Turninghis daj^in darkfosn night
What src you when my MiiJrifs fhine J Leave ofFintime, le.irn to be wifej
Moon, Violet, and Philomfl.. LsTii: offjour foolifh interprife.
ft dore her all, c;iurc fhe'i divines
i hi- 's (divine, ilie'sdivine, You tnufiur number as thefand.
The quinttflfenceof women kiiid- And fome clear light joutJocorninand :

But what arejiou whf a that jour Qu«cn

Ycu Violets that firftappear Wirh borrowed light begins to ftiinc }
Your pride in purple garments fnown» What <!re>'ou both when Phebus plyis
Taking poircilion ci ih^jear Upon the centure of his ta;vs
*^i if the jour own i
ipring were ail
Whstarejou, whataiejou! Should Httle dreams cninRiand greatfeas ?
What areycu j whpo the toks bloom ? Orlit^iesntsthc- dinging bees J

The Second Ian. Jhouki little bjrds w'.tb eagles foar ?

"VOufninor besutJES of thenigliCi Or littlsbeafts with Ijons roar

That iliows JourilgnscaieOiali No,nO( not fo> it is not meet)
Mortis Jour number thcnjoutlifhf, Tht h«ad Qiouid floup down re the feet.

Low my tcarSjfan from your fptings ; Exii'd for evei Ux roej

Down vain Ugbfs, Oiine )o u no coore. No nights ar^ da?k enough f cs-
L % mourr^

mourn. Where nights black bird her fad infanny lings jThere kt melive torlorn.
thofe Thae in di{-p»it ebeir kftfortuns deplore.Light doth but ihanaedifclofe.

Never may my woes be re -lie- ved, fince piiry !s fled; And tears, and
From the higheftSpheacot comentmenr^my fortune is thrown- And fear, and

fighs andgroaos,my v/eary days^my weary days^ of aU joys have deprived

grief and paia, tor my deferts, for rny deceits, are my hopes,fincc hope is gone

Heark you Oiadows that in darknefs dwel, learn to contemn light.Happy, happy


they that are in heaven^ feel not the worlds defpighc.

F 1 ^( I S,

Severall of the Choifefl:

Giovanni Giacomo Castoldi da Carravaggio.
Together alfo , with fome of the Bed

ColleSed from cheir chiefeft Authors,

M in 7hree Tarts,

Vl^. Two T1{S'BLSS and a "BJSS.


:gt-^-r zzfz
5He thar love% mc formy felt ForafFedlon, nor bafe pelf» Onely Ihe,

ondy (he yea onely

, /he . defeives to be beiov°d of me,

B A S S FS, Di Gio. Giac. Cafioldi'

5Hethatlov€.smeforicy fclf, Forafredion, not bafe pelf, Onely ftie,

onely (he, yea onciy (he, deferves to be belov'd of me.

Til Cio. Giac Cajloldi.


QHethat loves mc for my lelf. For affedioa not bafe pelf, Onely ihe,,

ondy ^^> ysa onely fhe, defervcs to be bclov'd of me.

Di Gh. GUc, CapML

she that ieves me v^hh refohe^

'Ke're to Alter , till diffolve ,

onely She^ onely Sde^ yea onely She^

jyeferves to be helov'dofme>




"Y' V ^^^ ^^^" yet fairer then thou ar!5\^Siich lies nor in rhe powerof Arr,

I l«H Qll I I
''Mil |lll "I I II

Or hadft thou jn chine eyes more ciafCs, Then C«/>if/ ever /feoi at hearrs.

Yetifrhey were not thrown at me, I would noE caft a thought on ihee.
B A S S r S, Di C/^. (7//?^ . Cafloldi.

^"y Eft thou yei fairer then thou art^ which lies not in the power of- Art

Or hadft thou in thins z^s^ more darts. Then Cupidc\a lliot at hearts.

Yei ifchey werenot thrown at me^ I would notcaft a thought on thee.

J. ^.Fk. cantus secvndvs.

y \/ Eft thou yetbirerchen thou aicwhich lies not in the power of Arr,

Or hadft thou in thine


eyes more darts, Then Cupi^ ever /hot at hearts.

m S=3

Yet ifthey were not thrown at mc, I would no: cad a thought on thee.

Di Gio. CiAC. CaftoldL

I'd rather wary) A (^ifeafc

jbm court a tlnng I cmmt pleap,
She that would clyerijli mydepres^
CMttsi ccurt my fiames ivith equal fires

Would you kr-ow TV hat that will he,

riethe-fi loveyoa when joi^ love me.

M Bring
C/INTVS PRIMVS, A. ^. roe.

gRincbackmytoin^orj anc! ic- - turn , For well thou knoweft that I in iuck a vig'rous pallion

burn, That miffing thee I die. Return; return, infuh no rrore, Return, return, infult no more,

Return, return and me reftore I To fhofe fequeftred joys I had before,

B AS SD S. Di Gio. Giu Ca[hldi,

gRtng hack my comfort and return , For well thou knowcd that I, in fuch a vig'rous paflion
_j.4i(— A--. :

— t:J'

burns That raillmg thee I die, Return) rrrurn, inKilt no more, Retnrn, return, infuit no niorcj

Returtij tetura and me rsfiore > To ihofe (eijueffred Joys I had beforti


RRiiie back my coinforc and re --turn, For well choLifenoweft tbac ! in fuch a vig'rous pa(Tior>

burn, ThatmifTingthee I dici Return, return, infule no more, E.eiurK, return, iiifult no more.

Return, return and me rslloie. To thole fe.-jueilred joys I bad before,

Di Gio. C'iAC. Caliddi,

Abftnce in moH^ that quefichethlove^ The CUaxime therefore I denf^

And iooli this x^Atm deftre^ The Maxim therefore 1 deny.
The ardour of mj heart Wjprovi.^ i_Andterm it though a Tyranny ;
And make the §<ime ajpire^ The T^urfe to Faith » to Lovs^ to Cenpncy.

i -.•
' < :.

pHillis why fhould we delay, PleaCures Ojorcer then the day ,
Could we

which vvc never can J Stretch our life beyond three ipan, Beaucy like a

fhadow Hies » and our youth before us dies.

B AS SV S. Di Gh. Cidc CaflMi^

pHtllis why ihould we delay, Pleafures fhortcr then the day. Could we

which we never can, Strerch our life beyond three Ipsn, Beauty like a

i)iadowi1ies, and our youth bebre us dies.

pHiliis why ihould we delsy, Pkafurcs ihorter rhtn theday. Could we

which \v£ never can , Stretch our life beyond three fpan ^ Beauty like a

(hadow flies, and our youth before mdies.

Di Gh. Gkc. Casioldi.

Or'Vpould Touth md'Xeamy ft<iy

Love has tpsTUrs andHfill aT»ay.

Loye has (DPifter lyings than time,
Changtng Loye too oft does chtme,
Gods that never change their fute.
Very oft their loye and hate*
CAN TVS PRIM VS. A. 5. rec^


^ t ay,, ftay, O Qs^y that heart I vow 'tis mine, ravifn'd from hence by her

whofe parts divine, Inchantsd itaadfentthe woful Noi whicbtook'taway,

and fiird it's place with \voe.


gTay^ ftay, O ftay thai heart I vow'ris mine, ravift'd from hence by her

whofe pafts divines InehaarcdiCjand ienr i:his fatal No: v-fhich took'taway.

I* eSKtfB'ne KTVPSMar* KXXaStW

and iili'd its place wiih wee,



5Tay, ftayj O ftay, that heart I vow 'tis rainejravilh'd from hence by her

whofe parts divine, Inchanted ic and fent this wofui No ; which took'c away,

and fiii'd lu place with woe,

Di Gi0. Giac. CafioldL

holdk f(iHy I come, yet let it ^y^

1 cannot move 'tis pity both should dyCy
FareWeif FareVpel my heart Vvc pleas' d mine eyes
Thou being loli, fees thee her Sacrifice,

O So>
a '..j, I:''. • -..y ,!- ^- <


iQ Sovereign ofmyjoy^trmmpher of anoy. Star of my <lerire, and Iwect Etc,


For in v/hofe fhining eyes,ar lights oi Cupid's skies, And whofe voice whe it fpcaks

all fenfe al'under breaks, Whofelicav'nly voice is (uch^ that hearts doth touch.

B A S S F S. Di Cio. Giu. Cajioldi,

V. —.— j^


Q my of my
Soveieign of joy,triumpbef anoy. Star of delire, and ivvccc fire;

For in whofelhining eyes,sr lighrs of Cw^/^Vsklcs, And whofe voice whe ir fpeaks
ail fcnfcaf under breaks, Whofe hea/nly voice is:fuch.that heartsdoth couch.

Q Sovereign oiniyjoyjtriumpher of anoy, Starokny defire, and Iweee fire

iiii z=rM-=itdmL
For in whofe fhining eyes,ar lights of Cuftd's $kies,And whofe voice whe Icfpealcs

alilenfe afundcf bieaks^, Whofe heav'nly voice is fucb, that hearts doth touck

Di Cw. Gias, CaI

Anh in vohc[e bcdy is , Each charaBer ofBliJs^

Full 01 true delight. Fare andhright.
My Dear whea jhaUitbe That i thine eyes (lia/lfee^

AtidtbatTRj greedjear^ thj heAvenl-j mice may hear^

Let btbctmixt thee andme.^ A Harmony.

N How


IJOw happy art ihv^uand Ij diatiscver knew how to love, there's no fuch

BIcffings here beneash, what s'rc ihere is a « bove: *Tis libcrryj 'd$

- -J— 1~ v~~TTTr~"T""S"T*~-i
" tjfo^'tti"'''~w^'^r' "»
— »——
™" ——

'• •

liber - cy, that cvay Wife Mai! Icv?s.

J, 3. roe. S ASS VS. Ut.Hemf Lewis

p|Ow happy sfuhou and I^ that never knew how to love, there's no fuch

Ings here bcneaih^whar ere there is above; Tis liber-ry, 'cis


uOw happy art Ehou and I,thac never kocw how to love, there's no fuch

BleiTmgs here bencath.whae c're there is a . bove ; 'Tis U-ber-fyg 'eis

«.> w^n'U ^OtfuA^WrdKwi^M^

li-ber.ty, that e. very Wife Mao loves*

A. 5. Foe, B ASS FS Mx, Henry Lewis,

W&^m^M ii-ber-ty, thate-ve-ry Wife Man ioves.

CA NTUS PR I M r; s. ^ J. Tof.

>^Ow we arc met let's merry merry be, For one half hour with mirth and

glee, To r*°crea£e our Spirits dull, Lci's laugh and fing our bellies full.

^. ^. Voc, C A N T U S S E C U N D U S. Mr. Simon Jves.

J^Oware wcmcsjes^'s merry merry be. For one half hour with mirth and

glee. To recreate our Spirits dull, Let's laugh and (ing our bellies full.
B ^ S S V S^ ^!i- iirnin Iris.

]^Ow we are met let's merry merry be. For or^e half hour with mirth and

g!ee,To recreate our Spirks dull, Lets ^-sugh and (ingoorbellies full.
C A M T U S PRIMUS. -^ 7. Voc.
±t-z:: =||=gE.fe|E|p5|i|E||:||^g=|
\ wifli no moie thou Ihould'fl love mc, My joys are lull in lovln^ thee

My heart's too narrow to contain, My biifs,if thou fhould'ft love again.

'y^. i. Voc. C A N T U S S E C U ND U S- Mr w.U. webh

I Willi no more thou ftouid'd iovemc. Myjoysarefull in loving thee,

My heart's roo narrow to conrasn, My blifsj if thou ihould ft love again.
^ 7- Voe. B-^SSZ'£.
Mr William Well

?Er~~EfeEE±^^4:i^fc:i: ±i|: :iE:|:E{EI!i: E
wifh no more thou (liou!d'ft ioveoae, My joys are full In lovirig thee,

My heart's too narrow to contam, My blifs^if chon Oiould'ft lovcagain*

j[-|Ail happy day, now 2>i?rBf fie thee down, and figh no more; feehowthe

sky^ thesky is cleanng, our King's returned, return'd, and/oyfuHdayes

appearing; let Mirth appear, let Mirth appear^ and chearfully let's fing, we

have our Lawes, we have our Lawcj„ our Lawes^ wehave our KiRg.

|-| Aii happy day, now Doms ik thee down, and figh no more -• Ice how the

:_.:-|_r^:r -* -:

skyj thesky is clearing, our King's rejura'd, feiurn'd, and joyiull days ap»


pjAil happy day^ now Boms fit thee down, and figh no more % fee how the

sky, theskylsclearingi our King's reti3rn'"d,* return'dj and joy full dayes

appearing let Mirth appear, lee Mirch appear, and chearfully kt*s fing, we

have our Lawes. we have our Lawes, our Lawes^ we have out King.
A S S V S,
- ——^— :if:;

pearing ; let Mirth appear. Jet Mirth appear, and cheatf uliy let's fing, we

have our Lawes, we have our Lawes, our Lawes, we have our King,
CANTVS PR I M V S. A ^- Voc.

QAtlieryour Rofe.buds whilft you may, oldtim2 isftiLaflying, And

that fame Flower that Imiles to day, tomorrow will be dying,


QAther your Roff^budsivhilft you may, old Time is /till a flying, , AvA

that fame F/owcr diat fmilcs to days co-morrow will be dying.

^ y ^


^^^''^^^t^M^^M^-iff-'^M ea3E2
QAther your Rofe^buds whilfi you may, old tlmt is ftill a Bying, hnd

^i^^^^iiil —=i=Pi

ihat fame Flower sthaE ftniles today, will be dying.

7 he glorious lamj> ef Heaven the Sun. Her Anfwere.

/ gather tphere 1 hope tegam^
The higher he is getting ;

jhefoonsr will his race he run, \ hmwfwift Time dothfiie i

Tho(e fading Buds me thinks arevdnf

Jnd nearer he's tofetiing.
To tKorrow that may die„
That Age is heft which is thefirp^
WhilH md Blued are w&rmtr^
Ttioth The higher Phchu%gocs on high
ExpeCi net then the UU and wsrft^ Thelmveris hi^fdl y
Time ^tlifucceeds the former. But length of day es gives me more light
Freedom to know i>y thrall.
Then he net coy , hut ufe your time^
Andwhilji jou maj gs marry ^ Thenwhy do ye think llofemy time^
F9r having once but loH pur prime Sec4ufe I do not ma. rrie,

JOH may Jer ever tarry. I Fain fantafies makes not my prime,

CANTVS PRIMVS. ^. 3 yoi^.

aFa,ISjla,(jr^. ?, ., ,
Con-ver-fi-on to his E-ne-mies, with a Fa, !a, la, (^c. 3

will nor oJedge hisHcakhj! wiflihim neither Wk nor Wealth, nor yet a
Rope to hang himfelf,with a Fa.laJajUjl3,lajia,!aJajIaj with a Falaja crc

J, 3. Foe. B A S S V S. Mr. lohn Savile.

f^Erc's a Health unto his MajeftVjWith a Fa, la. ia. laja, Ja5la,7
r^ r u- r -u r
. 'i i 1
^And hethac
Con-ver.ii-on tohisE-ne-mies,witha Fa, la, laja1 .
la, la, la,

l|P§lliiiliiiliiiil :P
—— — >"

will not pledge his Health, I wifh him neither Wit nor Wealthj nor yet a
*;.(, >J

^Ere's a Health unto his Majefty, w?tb a Fa, la, kj c^r , p

if- c-w.u-T-
Con«ver-n-on -i-T-... •

to his F-ne-mies,with aFa.Ia la &c.

^^'^ he chat

will noi pledge his Heakh, I wifh him neither Wic nor Wealth, nor yet a

Rope s(j hang himfelf^wich a FaJa,Ia.!3,la,la,Ia,!a,laj with a FSjIa l3,Ia,e^(;.

;5 ^ J ^ r ^. Mr. John Savik

Rope to hanghimfelfj with a Fa l3,Ia,Iaj!aj!a,Ia, with a Fa,lajajlaj!a,la.

M 2 Fr

FRooi the fair Lavenian ShoreL your Markets come to ftore n ^

! ,

, „ > Such is the

Mufe not though io far I dwell, And my wares come here to iell. J

Sacred hunger of Gold: Thencometomy Pack,whilel ciy, what d'ye lack^

what d'ye buy, for here it is to be fold.

A. 3. Vce, B A S S y S, Dr« Wilfin

FRom the fair LAvenUnShoxe. your

I Markets come to ftore 7 ^ , . ,
y Such IS the
Mufe not though fo far I d \vell,And my wares corns here to fell. ^

Sacred hunger of Gold, Then come to my Pack, y^hile I cry, what d'ye lack,
i '


pRom thefarr LavsnknShoiQ^ I your Markets come toftore \

"Such is the
Mufe not though fo far I dweU^And my wares come here to fell.

Sacred hunger of Gold, Then come to my Pack while I cry, what d'ye lack^

%: Ptt:
— "6-+-^— ts "^•— "S"" v''"-*fi"**~
what d ye buy^ for heee it is eo be fold.

BASS VS. Dr. fFi^»

what d'ye buy, for hcf^s k is to be fold.

I have BeuutyyHomm CrasgiForistne ,F avsm.Time and'Place, Then coine tomtLad,

^nd ^ht elft iheu would'fl rKjKefliEvm thg thin^ thof» li kfff ^eji, Thoti Jhali have what chy Dad
Firfi let me have but a tsutch of tby ^fld % " Ntvtr gaygyjot here tttsto bt feid
ifzt «3'TS fA> iHZi .
W?' W'

It jnuejc o| mable,
Of all the Son^s contained in this Book,

. fiveet
x^-sfay vatn world
Love y.%n% I
*• Air.
flow my
weald I wed III]

xssv ! tears iv

Eave Mais hgifis U roufe Oiv (hculd my feeble hody XV

Begone^ fivret night xl Hon* nov^ ^het'he^d xlviij
Bsbofd a rvonder here ;:liv

^>-^OfKe Love let's walk X!V f
F care do caufe men cry
4 mirthful M^Y

Come fwea Love Ci^u) In A garden ftf green iv

Care away go thou pom me If^ocds of tears iould xii)
I love great GOD
above xxvj
Joy to the ^erjon of my Love xxxiv
HrenD cath, behold I hmh xKiv lury fT^wf/iJlebus- Salem xxxviij

r,-, r= u. |..%
The gowam are gay xix
i^Etnof, I fdy^ the/Iti^gifh xj The (owefl trees have tops xxvij
Ltkeas the dumb So\{t<i\xi\xm xviif Though ^cm flrarsgem^ xxxj
Like as the hsxk within XXV There i$ & thing that much is %\\
Theresas a time whenJiiiyZ^Ct \\
,r bailfsillfreaj} xxij
My com-^laimng is but xlij Hen as the Greeks V
When chile cold age viif
0'^ is the month of Whu.t if a day , wa month xvij
T{o w&f/der ts fiippofe xvj When Father Adam xxf
Where an thou Hope xxviif
n Who doth hihold my Mijlris XXX
Over the wountaim Wo wsrtb the time xxix
IVhen May is in her prince
R Entemher^
JxCmewbernie^ my Dear
thou M&n
white as Lil/ies was her face
my Love m-j life was

Whenfom wj Love I lookt xlvi

Athan^rr^jfoe^ fall of xij WILL (aid to his Mamie xlix
Sleep SS\!ayivard thoughts XX
Smeet Kace, ofUte, ran xxxiij Ou Lovers aU ihat love vj
shepherd, faiv thou net lii Ton minor Ssmttes iiv

Be thoughts off^ef} v'j A


A Table of the Itaddn Songs, A Table of fome choife new

Compofed by Giovanni Bnglisb zAyress in three parts,
GiACOMo Castoldi da two Treebies &nd a Bajs

Carravaggio, in three which are alio further add-

partSj (W:^ tv^oTreebUs ^nd ed to this Book.
a '^rf/jj added £0 this Book.
How hd^fj art thou and I
she $hAt loves ms far m-jfeif 2Ye!f we are mst, iefs merry ^ njcrry be
Wen thou yet fairer then thou art I ivi[h m more thsa p-jOMUf} love me
Bring hack my crmfort and return Hail happy day, Mtv Dorus fit thee dovfn
Fhillis why ptoaldwe delay Gather jour Rofe-huh rxihiljiyou may
Stay iiiy, Q flay , th^t heart I m^t/ Here's a HeAlth unto hu tMajefly
O! Sovereign of my joy From the fair Lavenian ji)ore.

kkkkkk i^l khkkkkk iikkkkhkkkkkkkk

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