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Software Requirements Specification

Detection and Tracking Contagion using IoT-
Edge Technologies: Confronting COVID-19
1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The Proposed CoVID’19 suspected person Surveillance mechanism gets real-time values by
sensors through wearable and non-wearable gadgets.

1.2 Document Conventions

In our system mainly three users are there; first one is user who uses a system i.e. patient, second
is doctor and third admin. But in the SRS, we are taking two users, because the operation
performed by admin is done manually.

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

Audience of this SRS are other project developer, users like students, viewers that will use
system. This SRS contains detail description about the product, its functioning, different external
interfaces required, system features, Nonfunctional requirements and some additional

1.4 Product Scope

The System gathers data wirelessly through its specialized BLE/Wi-Fi gateways which collects
patients’ temperatures via their Temp smart patches attached onto their bodies. It reveals the
cloud monitor system can save medical staffs’ time, reduce record errors, decrease consumption
of protective clothing, and their risk of infection. The system’s networking technology is
relatively straightforward – the thermometer connects via Bluetooth/Wi-Fi to gateway, which
reports anonymized data back to AWS/ Azure cloud over the Internet.

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2. Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
The proposed system contains the following sensing elements – temperature sensor, SPO2
sensor, and heartbeat sensor. The System gathers data wirelessly through its specialized
BLE/Wi-Fi gateways which collects patients’ health data via their smart patches attached onto
their bodies. It reveals the cloud monitor system can save medical staffs’ time, reduce record
errors, decrease consumption of protective clothing, and their risk of infection.

2.2 Product Functions

 Sensing Parameters- Temperature, SPO2(oxygen level), Heartbeat.
 Low Powered and Battery Operated.
 Store data on Amazon AWS or Google Cloud.
 Visualization and patient monitoring on Web and Android App.
 Fully Wireless
 Protocol Used: MQTT
 AI based algorithm for Predict health conditions.
 Eliminates Risk of COVID19 in Medical staff.
 Realtime notification of Patient's health.

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics

In our system have mainly two users, first is the who uses a system(patient) and second is the
 patient: patient can only wear device and device will send data to cloud.
 Doctor: These users has an authority monitor the patient’s health and send prescription.

2.4 Operating Environment

Our project is based embedded system and user application runs on iOS and Android platform.
So, we need android or iOS smart phone to run the application.
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints
There are three major components for our system are doctor’s App, cloud and ESP32 with
working internet connection.

2.6 User Documentation

User manual will be provided with this system.

2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies

Only assumptions in the system is that user(doctor) has knowledge of smartphone and internet.
3. External Interface Requirements

3.1 User Interfaces

The user(doctor) must have an Android or iOS application or system with working internet

3.2 Hardware Interfaces

No hardware interfaces needed except IoT Gateway.

3.3 Software Interfaces

Our project is based on cloud application so cloud account and subscription must be done.

3.4 Communications Interfaces

The internet connection plays important role which is updating the notice in real-time.
4. System Features
4.1 System Feature 1
4.1.1 Description and Priority
Sending SPO2 and heartbeat: Priority is high

4.1.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

 System start alerting when device not properly fit on patient’s body.
 Run system in manual mode when not connected to cloud (Internet).

4.1.3 Functional Requirements

 Sensing Parameters- Temperature, SPO2(oxygen level), Heartbeat.
 Store data on Amazon AWS cloud.
 Visualization and patient monitoring on Web and Android App.
 Eliminates Risk of COVID19 in Medical staff.
 Realtime notification of Patient's health.
5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirements

The system should take immediate action when any health parameter exceeds threshold value.

5.2 Safety Requirements

The maintenance should not be done without turning off power supply.

5.3 Security Requirements

Here the embedded system-based system and data is on third party cloud so, there is no need of
security mechanism.

5.4 Software Quality Attributes

• Reliability
The reliability that doctor can easily view the alerts or notifications and prescribe medicine to
patient without any overhead.

• Availability
System will available at all time until power or internet problem. If we provide backup power
supply, then we can say that our system availability is 100%.

• Maintainability
Our system usually not required maintenance until some modification to be done.

• Portability
The application is works on both android and iOS platform.

6. Other Requirements
We require a working internet connection to update from cloud.

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