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Basic Delta Formation:

Delta as an ending ridge,

Delta as a bifurcating ridge,

Delta as a short ridge,

Delta as a point on a long ridge,

Delta as a converging ridge and

Delta as a dot.

Delta as a point on an angle

Rules Governing the Choice Between Two or More Possible


The delta may not be located at a point of a

Bifurcation which does not open towards the core. To

Be a delta, a bifurcation must be the initial ridge

Formation in front of the divergence of the type lines
And the bifurcation must open up toward the pattern

Rules in choosing delta:

A bifurcation is at all times chosen as a delta, if there

Is another type of delta formation just equally close to
The point of divergence of the type lines.

When there is a choice between a bifurcation and

Another type of delta neither of which is a bifurcation

And when both in the vicinity of the divergence of the

Typelines, the delta nearest to the divergence is


When a pattern illustrates a series of bifurcation

Opening toward the core at the point of divergence of

The type lines, the bifurcation nearest to the core that

Opens towards the core is selected as the delta.

Delta location is relatively confusing when several

Bifurcating ridges opening toward the core, but the

Delta are located at the point of the first bifurcating

Ridge just in front of the divergence of the type lines

Two legs of a bifurcation will serve as type lines when it

Opens towards the core, but it should be so far outside

The pattern area that the legs of the bifurcation run

Parallel some distance before they diverge. In this case, a

Bifurcation is considered as a type line.

Core Formation: The core is referred to as the inner terminus

And the delta is often times called the outer terminus. The core

Approximates the center of a finger impression. The core is the

Heart of a pattern. Since we put our attention only on the details

Anside the pattern area surounded by the type lines, we must

And the core somewhere in the center or as near the center as


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