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Name Umali, Jay Jay J.

Program/Student # BSCE/1911988

Course/Section EMAN 001 – CE21S1 Date 12/6/2020

Module 1: Individual Assignment

Table 1. SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weakness
 Efficient and Effective  Oral Communication
 Planning in every task  Lack of Confidence
 Time Management  Fluency speak in English Language
Opportunities Threats
 Good position at work.  Increasing population of Civil
 To plan a design and construct Engineers
buildings.  Client’s dissatisfaction
 Growth of knowledge or become  Current situation of the world


The mission for myself is:

 to become a professional as a civil engineer and have a licensed to work with a develop
 to alter myself into someone who are passionately with work and having an ability to
socialize with co-workers in a nice way.


I visualize myself in 2025 as a professional in the field of civil engineer that has a lot of
opportunities and challenges to become better. Also, I see myself working with other people as
individuals that I may learn from them and may help them.

“I affirm that I shall not give or receive any unauthorized help on this assignment and that all
work is my own”

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