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Maximizing the new horizon

Learning are experienced and is not limited on the four corners of our classroom. NSTP-
LTS opened doors for me to learn the real situation of the locals that I did not even falter
to know. First, the seminars and activities that we are required to join during the 1st
semester allowed me to learn new knowledge aside from the usual Accounting subjects
that I am taking. It involves basic understanding in first aid, making bandages and many
more that I tend to not give concern before learning that helped me to be more ready in
assessing emergency situations.

The best part on our Literacy Training Service was when we went to different barrios in
Tarlac to teach the children. It is an excellent opportunity for me to experience teaching
children that were eager to learn and have fun at the same time. It was a breath of fresh
air since I was not involve in any community service during my Senior High. I consider it
as an eye-opener since I myself, sometimes forget the perks that I have at present. Those
children became an inspiration for me to always persevere and push myself to the limits.
They also become one of the reasons why I need to become a better individual for me to
make a change and welcome them with greater opportunities. What deeply struck me was
how they were very grateful to us even though we only taught them for hours. It made me
realize that even though they lack in resources, they did not forget to have a good

First Semester Fieldwork

Our first semester fieldwork started off with meeting young kids within their
corresponding barrios. We got to see their situation and despite of the lack of resources,
we were welcomed with their smiles and showed us how to have fun. They are full of
sunshine and optimism that made us inspired to move forward. Their struggles in life are
an example that in defiance of it we should always see the good in every shortcoming that
we encounter.

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