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Thank you so much for picking up NFT Exposed.

I truly appreciate

you taking the time to join me on this crazy journey. The crypto

game is going to change the world forever. For me and many

others out there in the world it already has. I have been in this

space for over 8 years and have seen it blossom. At the same time,

we are SOOO early on in this space it is unreal. When you have

Elon Musk talking about traveling to Mars in a few years you really

have to take a step back and say what is really possible?

Before we dive in …

IF you haven’t picked up the upgrades or want to see your options

for upgrades go HERE.

This pdf will hopefully spark your interest not only in NFT’s but

the crypto space in general. You need to learn about this world as

much as you can as it will put you at an advantage over most

people. The vast majority of the world knows about Bitcoin and

that is about it. The crypto space is so much more than that. Today

we focus on NFT’s.
On March 11th the NFT craze hit a milestone I didn’t personally

think would happen (at least not that soon). My own mind was

blown. An artist known as “Beeple” created a jpeg. That is right a

jpeg, an image selling for 69 million dollars! You might think how

is this possible? How can a jpeg which can be copied with a right

click of a mouse and copied infinitely be worth 69 million dollars?

In fact I technically have 69 million dollars on the front of my sales

page. That my friend is the core notion and question of NFT’s.

First, what does an NFT stand for? It is a “Non-Fungible Token”.

That sounds like a mouthful but it isn’t that difficult when you boil

it down. It means that it is “something” that is unique and can’t be

divided. This is different than Bitcoin for example which is

fungible. If I trade a bitcoin to you, you can break it up in to 10

pieces for example. Send 1/10th of a bitcoin to someone else and

you still have 9/10th of a bitcoin. That new person could then break

up that 1/10th and send it to someone else. The Bitcoins are not

“unique”. You can’t tell one Bitcoin over another. They are the

“same” in terms of their value and utility. The same thing would be
the case with a dollar bill. If I hand you a dollar bill and your friend

hands you a different dollar bill you have two of the “same” items.

The whole notion of an NFT is “uniqueness”. Think of an NFT

simply meaning a digital representation of ownership. It gets much

deeper than that but that is the first concept you want to think

about. The fact that now we can have digital representations of the

world as unique items is mind-blowing to me. It was mind-blowing

to me 4 years ago when I brought out the first-ever product to the

marketing community on an NFT called crypto kitties.

Why is the Mona Lisa physical painting worth so much? Part of the

reason is that it is unique. There is only one Mona Lisa. However,

just think for a second. What if a hundred years ago someone was

really good at forgery. They made a new Mona Lisa and it looked so

good that you couldn’t tell. They switched out the Mona Lisa at the

art gallery. I know that is far-fetched but could that happen? How

do we know that is the real Mona Lisa? With NFT’s that would

never happen. We can VERIFY with 100 percent certainty that an

item is unique and it is the REAL original item through the


We’ve always had access to digital things like a domain name or

jpegs. We however didn’t control them in the ways that NFT’s do.

You can now produce, buy, and trade these digital items (NFT’s)

like you would on sites that act much like eBay. It is so crazy in one

sense yet simple in another. You really don’t need to have any

technical know-how to get into NFT’s.

In terms of wealth creation, one of the reasons why NFT’s are so

amazing is that you can program scarcity. You can have just one

original image. Or a limited number. Maybe 1000 unique images

from a specific collection. For example Crypto Kitties and Crypto


Just look at sneakers for example (not NFT’s) which are physical

items. Sneakers now can sell for crazy amounts of money. To the

tune of thousands of dollars. Why? Because of scarcity. Because of

prestige. You may say to yourself that you would never buy a pair
of sneakers for 8k for example. The fact of the matter is that people

do. This course is not about sneakers but to state that this premise

exists. As a bonus I am attaching a course I did called sneaker

arbitrage profits for free! You can get it HERE! The sneaker world

is a crazy one and in my opinion, is congruent with NFT’s in terms

of collectibles. I really recommend you go through that FREE

bonus course!

The blockchain is the technology that drives Bitcoin. You may have

heard of the Blockchain before and it is ok if you don’t completely

understand it. I’ve been in this space for a long time and I

definitely don’t know everything. So much is changing on a daily

basis. Bitcoin in my opinion isn’t necessarily changing the world.

The “Blockchain” is.

Now that you have a basic notion of what an NFT is your next

probable thought is how in the heck or why in the heck would

people spend hundreds, thousands, and even millions on Jpegs,

gifs, or videos that are “nft’s”.

This is going down a rabbit hole but the following is my honest

belief. I think/know that we are in the midst of major inflation /

hyperinflation in the United States and potentially around the

world. With all of the bailouts, you are going to see prices rise. You

probably are already seeing that lately with gas prices, milk and

other physical items. People are going to flock to “real” assets.

Especially with people in the United States getting “big” paychecks

in the coming days. Look at what has already happened with

Venezuela, and Argentina. I believe that is coming to America and

the rest of the world. Those that flourish and do well are those that

are in crypto and “real world” assets. Those that hold cash or don’t

have access to businesses or assets will become a lot poorer. That is

another reason why I believe NFT’s are huge now and will continue

to be. They in a sense are more real than the physical world. I know

that sounds loopy even as I am writing this. In the NFT world the

scarcity and the “providence” / ledger of an item are facts and true

to math. The rest of the world with this money printing machine is

at a minimum going to cause major inflation.

It is my belief that NFT’s are not going anywhere and are here to

stay. Just like Bitcoin is not going anywhere. We are past that


The crypto 2.0 if you will is upon us. Just like the early Internet is a

far cry from where we are today. In 1994 when I started to get into

the Internet there was early email and some chat rooms. You could

browse the Internet (sort of). I could never imagine back then what

the Internet is now.

The same thing goes with crypto and NFT’s. We are so early on

that we can’t fathom what it will be like 20 years from now. I can

tell you that I believe crypto will be everywhere and affecting all

aspects of life.

The first application that really gained big-time notoriety with

NFT’s that I noticed was a project called “crypto kitties”. If you

want access to the course that I put out on Crypto Kitties you can
pick it up in the first UPGRADE HERE along with some other

crazy value.

Back in the day before there was Bitcoin there was something

called e-Gold. I was aware of this and thought it was amazing. It

was digital money. The problem with e-Gold? You could double

spend it. In other words, just like any other file you could make a

copy of it and distribute it. That is a bad thing to do for money.

Because of knowing this I assumed Bitcoin was similar. Gosh that

gets me mad. I knew about it at $5 and assumed it was another

“egold”. Bitcoin solved that by not allowing a double spend.

NFT’s go a step further in having the great aspect of a decentralized

blockchain like Bitcoin but also being able to show that

“something” is provably non-fungible. Provably legit and not

duplicated / original.

There are so many ways that NFT’s can and will be used in the

future. Right now the hot market is for Art. Again, this will become

so much more in the future. That is why it is imperative that you

learn about it now. The last thing you want to do though is drop a

bunch of money on an NFT hoping the value will go up. It may, but

because things are so crazy right now with people spending

millions on these it is bound to come down in price in my

opinion in the near term. It is NFT mania right now. Now is

NOT the best time put your life savings into an NFT or any time for

that matter. If you are new to NFT’s and you start throwing around

major money you are going to get brought down to reality HARD.

After it crashes in my opinion it is going to explode again . That is

when I personally would start putting big money back into it. For

me I will not do that until that time. Crash and then get in for the

ride. That is what I am going to do. I do not advise anyone to put

money into any form of Crypto that they are scared to lose. At that

time when it pumps again then you get into this game with a lot of

focus but don’t spend any money that you aren’t prepared to lose

on an NFT. Expect crazy ups and downs. Just like you have seen

with Bitcoin. With that being said I’m not saying don’t get into

NFT’s now! I’m saying don’t bet your life savings on it. My whole
premise of this course is to number one inform you about it.

Number two get you excited about it, and number three tell you

ways to get into it with very little to no cost. That is the way to go

about it. Yes there are people making 1000 X returns right now.

That can happen for you. There will also be people that lose a lot of

money and that is not good when you can’t afford it.

When I think about the Bitcoin market and NFT’s I sometimes

think of this VIDEO. Please make sure to watch that NOW.

That video just hits it home to me. It is GOING to pump. It is going

to crash. My belief is that NFT’s will act just like Bitcoin. Right now

we are in a major bull run with NFT’s. I want to repeat that I don’t

know when but in my opinion it WILL crash again. JUST LIKE

BITCOIN DOES. You have to know this and understand it. Now is

not the time to drop a lot of money into NFT’s even though you see

these crazy numbers. Now is the time to learn about it and be ready

for your opportunity. WHEN it crashes THEN get in and “buy the

My goal here is to have you excited about NFT’s and initially get

into the game of selling the shovels to those that buy the gold.

Ultimately you decide how you want to attack it but that is my

thought process. Understand that this market is smoking hot.

Understand that it will cool off. Understand that it will get hot

again. Don’t be the person that is only excited about something

when everyone is talking about it. Be the person that jumps in

once it gets quiet and everyone says it is over. That is

when there is a ton of potential.

With that being said if you were to ask me what I think will be a

huge long term potential project. That would be “Crypto Punks”. I

personally wouldn’t advise getting any right now since they are so

expensive. If and when the market crashes that is when I would

potentially consider it.

In order for an NFT typically to have a chance to be worth a lot of

money, it needs to be provably scarce. It needs to be rare.

Sometimes people are like why are some baseball cards worth so

much? Why are Pokemon cards worth so much? The reason is that

it is rare and has a community behind it. It is as simple as that. Call

it nostalgia. Many people would also say “I would never pay 100 k

for a baseball card”. I say to those people that is fine. However, the

market says different. In the end, the market decides what it will

spend its money on. My and your opinion doesn’t matter.

When you start to open your mind you realize there are so many

uses for NFT’s.

Right now the focus is on collectibles and Art. For example Crypto

Kitties and Crypto Punks. is one of the top sites to not only buy NFT’s but to

create them and sell. I am going to mention a bunch of sites in this


It isn’t so much about one site. Although I would recommend

specifically looking at and which are two of

the top marketplaces. Explore both of those and see what is going

on in the market.

Real estate in virtual worlds is part of the NFT game. Picture this.

In a few years many people will have a virtual reality home with

their virtual verifiable unique art hanging up in the background. A

virtual world like Decentraland is current doing this. Influencers

and people in general will be able to “flex” their NFT’s in their

virtual home. I know that seems out there but I believe we are

going to be more and more homebodies just like you see with the

coronavirus and more and more communities will be online. In a

lot of ways they already are. In 2000 if you met someone online for

a date you were a loser! Now it is rare to find anyone that doesn’t

meet someone online. Back in the day your community may have

been your church. Now in many areas you couldn’t go to a church

if you wanted to. Your “community” is your Facebook group, or

some other areas online. I’m not saying God isn’t important. My

point is “community” as we know it is changing rapidly. Obviously

we have seen that in many ways over the last year. 10 years from
now NFT’s are going to rule. That is why it is important to at a

minimum educated yourself about it now. If not 5 – 10 years from

now you will say OH I GET IT NOW. Don’t be that person!

In the end, basically everything will become “tokenized”. For

example your birth certificate.

As I stated in terms of what project do I see with the most long

term potential? My best guess is “Crypto Punks”. It is 10,000

characters with not that amazing graphics. The most expensive

crypto punk #6965 sold on the 19th of February 2021 for 800 ETH

worth about $1,608,032.

The world is going to be all about “provenance” (chronology of

ownership), social currency, and public ledgers.

People can talk all they want about having privacy but that is going

away in a lot of ways. The world in the future will have more and

more “public ledgers” that will show what has transpired over time.

You will be able to see that James makes products, James likes this

hockey team, James owns these NFT’s etc. In a sense we will have
an outside world ledger that people can view. The vast majority of

you may say there is no way you would do that. I bet you a year ago

if I told you that you may be wearing a mask for a year you would

tell me I was nuts also.

If you were a Beatles fan would it be cool for you to know who the

first person was that ever bought a Beatles album? Maybe, maybe

not. Obviously, we don’t know that.

I bet you anything though 20 years from now it will be the norm to

know that. There will be a value to that. That is just one example off

of the top of my head.

Because of the fact that it has a limited supply of 10,000 and has

such “value” / goodwill / nostalgia Crypto Punks more than likely

will be worth a ton 10 years from now. Whatever you want to call it

with early NFT adopters having nostalgia with it being an early NFT

I believe they will potentially be worth millions one day. They are

expensive right now. Will they potentially crash in price? I am

hoping so and thinking so. Right now is NOT the time to buy a
crypto punk. IF they crash THAT is the time to pick one up. Don’t

get into the NFT game in my opinion with your first purchase being

a crypto punk. Start off a lot smaller to get your feet wet. In fact

I’m stating that you should start with zero money out of

pocket or starting with very little money.

I know it potentially may be difficult for you to comprehend how a

picture of a “punk” that really is not that amazing of a photo, or a

cat, or any image for that matter can be worth that much. To me it

isn’t really a question of why these things have the potential for such

high value. The important point in my opinion is that some people

do. You need to be aware of that. The MARKET is deciding that it

has value.

Same thing goes with Bitcoin. How can this “coin” which is “just”

math be worth tens of thousands of dollars? People can debate this

all day long. IMO it should be worth WAY more and I believe it will

be, because I think that fiat currency (Regular Money) is trash. It

can be difficult at first to think that. We are so used to using “real”

money to pay for things. However, when you can print money at will

it isn’t scarce. Bitcoin is SCARCE. NFT’s by nature are SCARCE. The

scarcity is what brings the potential of value. Now it isn’t JUST

scarcity although I would argue that is a big reason for the demand.

It is also utility. When you have a piece of art now you know where

it came from. You know its history. There is major value in that.

Imagine if you make a meme and create an NFT with it. It becomes

viral. YOU were the creator of that. Now YOU can get paid for that

creation of an image! Not only can you be paid for that one time.

You can get paid in perpetuity. Read that again. Not only can you

be paid for that one time. You can get paid in perpetuity.

For example in the art world. Let’s say you make a painting and are

a young artist. You sell the item for a thousand dollars to put food

on the table. 5 or 10 years you hit it big and are a hit in the art world.

Now your painting is worth 1 million. Too bad for you! Too bad that

you sold it for so little in the past.

NOT with NFT’s!

With NFT’s you can set it up that when you sell it that you get a

commission let’s say anywhere from 10 to 30 percent for every sale

after that. Now that is mind blowing! You set it up once, let the

market sell it for as much as they want and you get paid in crypto

over and over again.

We are in a new world and you HAVE to understand this.

It takes me back to when I was a kid with hockey cards in Canada. I

can remember in the early 90s. I used to buy packs of hockey cards.

The last thing on my mind was it being an investment. I can vividly

remember buying packs of cards for a dollar that were the “top”

packs. The cards had a nice gloss finish to them. There were maybe

5 types of cards you could buy where I lived. One of the companies

that sold cards was in packs that sold for maybe 15 cents. The cards

didn’t look as nice. In my mind, they were “crappy” cards. Fast

forward a couple of months and these “crappy” cards were selling

for $20 a pack!

Why? The reason being was that they had a limited supply of cards.

That was it!

Now NFT’s can be way more intricate and complicated than this.

But for the purpose of this product that is what I want you to

initially focus on. Digital items / the Internet itself can be

commoditized with scarcity. By being able to label ownership on a

digital item that can be then traded or sold you are changing the

world. NFT’s are now the digital hockey cards of 2021. Again, we

can get WAY deep with this where real world items can also become

NFT’s. For example your house could be an NFT. I know that is

crazy but it is true. NFT’s are a way for the real world to be brought

into the Blockchain. The blockchain is going to DISRUPT

EVERYTHING. In my opinion it is not a question of if. It IS


For example ,where you see the US government giving out stimulus

checks. I’m not saying that people don’t need it. I’m not talking

politics. What I am saying is that when that type of thing happens it

is a fact that you will have inflation. That is a big reason why crypto

is exploding! In many ways the crypto world is more REAL than the

REAL world. Why? Because we can have ledgers that can track

things. We can have coins like Bitcoin that when it says there will

only ever be 21 million, there will only ever be 21 million.

The NBA has gotten into the mix with which has

over $200 million in sales so far. It is so crazy. For example if you

wanted to have your very own certified digital representation NFT

of a three pointer you could have that.

There are a ton of different marketplaces to get NFT’s as an

investment or sell your NFT and I am going to mention a bunch of

them below.

Obviously, you can go to these markets and buy NFT’s that is one

strategy. That is to buy and hold. The problem with that is are you

going into it from the get go knowing that the price of it could go

down. Maybe you are fine with that? If you are not then don’t buy

an NFT.
Another strategy is for you to create one. Creating an NFT is not

difficult at all. You literally can make an image or a gif using a free

tool called Canva in a few seconds.

Remember Crypto Punks? The image does not have to be pretty. I

would say those Punks are pretty ugly if you ask me.

Your unique image can go for sale on one of the many marketplaces.

There can be a small fee for this. This can be potentially lucrative as

you will see with all of these marketplaces because of the price they

are going for. However, each time you are paying a fee to be on a

marketplace technically you are losing money, because there is no

guarantee that it is going to sell. When you look at Crypto Punks for

example you see that really ugly images with no real creativity can

sell. So you don’t have to be an artist to make this happen. There is

however no guarantee. Just because you put up an image on to a

website doesn’t mean that it will sell. However, at the same time

thousands of these images are selling every day with no rhyme or

reason as to some of their prices. Scarcity of course like I

mentioned, and sometimes the fact that someone is a known artist,

or a community is behind it can make it happen. There isn’t

necessarily a specific formula for why one NFT sells over another.

You need to immerse yourself into the markets that are selling and

get into the community.

The best strategy in terms of buying an NFT in my opinion is to get

into the NFT’s that have a limited number but are part of a

collection. For example Crypto Punks that were basically given away

when they first came out. There were only 10,000 of them. There

are “drops” like Crypto punks that happen all of the time now. If you

want to get into the buy and flip or buy and hold strategy you want

to get these items when they immediately “drop”. Sometimes they

sell out in a matter of minutes. Most of the time when there is let us

say 10,000 of something they may potentially even be close to free.

This doesn’t mean it will go up in value, but this is WAY better of a

strategy then getting something after it drops and people have been

buying and selling them. What you want to do is start following

people on Youtube and Twitter that talk about NFT’s. Obviously you
don’t follow everyone’s advice but if you start following multiple

people you will start to see who are the most followed. Who has a

history of calling NFT’s that went up in value. All of a sudden is

“everyone” talking about a certain NFT that is about to drop. If the

price is minimal and everyone is talking about it THOSE are the

oppportunites that can 10 X and 1000 X. That is a way better way to

go about it then buying a crypto punk for 100K. I’d rather you have

bought the Crypto punk when it was basically free. I hope that

makes sense. Same thing with Bitcoin. Now is not the time to buy

Bitcoin. As I am writing this section it hit 60K USD today. Do I

think it will hit 100K absolutely. But that is only a 2 X return. It is

crazy to write “only” but in the Crypto world there are so many

opportunities with other coins that you could 10X and 100X

because they cost less.

Some of the top markets below for NFT’s.

Super Rare This is one of the original marketplaces you can’t just

sign up and be on this platform in two seconds. There is a waiting

list to get on here.

Async Art This site lets you create multiple NFT’s from one piece of

art. It was created one year ago.

Nifty Gateway This site is owned by the famous Winklevoss twins

and it becoming a huge marketplace.

Open Sea This is arguably the number one NFT marketplace to buy

and create NFT’s.

When creating an NFT after you have an image it is a fairly quick

process to get on to most of these sites. You will want to install a

plugin called “MetaMask”. Make sure you get it directly from the site.

Meta Mask is a tool that is a key and wallet to access this new world.

Here is a video on Meta Mask.

Once you have set up a Meta Mask account which literally takes a

minute or two you can then log into Open Sea or a variety of other
platforms and create an NFT. Often times it basically is as simple as

uploading an image and it is ready to be sold.

Rarible Another huge site to buy and sell NFT’s. Same process as

Open Sea. Get Meta Mask and then upload an image or a gif. It

really is that simple when you think about it. Yes you can go really

deep with NFT’s and all of its nuances. When you first start think of

it like this. You make an image and upload it. If it is a unique image

it is an NFT when you have it on one of these platforms.

Known Origin Yet another top site. One important phrase in the

NFT world when creating an NFT. That is called “minting”.

Atomic Hub

Makers Place
NFT Show Room -

This site is crazy because every web page can be “marbled” by only

one person. There is some controversy about this site. It lets you
create and trade unique and digital cards based on urls. It is three


1. Find a website

2. Make a card about it

3. If someone buys if you get a reward

I could make a whole course about this one premise. It is very


Mintable No fee to sell an item!

Mintbase This site tends to focus on niches and NFT’s that you don’t

see everywhere else.

Token Trove



The Sandbox
Axie Infinity
Bakery Swap

To crush it with NFT’s you need to immerse yourself into it. Start

following YouTube videos, Watch Twitter, join newsletters. That

will prepare you even more as the game is changing daily.

NFT’s can sell for millions of dollars. Some people “flip” nft’s or

trade them and in some situations have made over a 1000% profit.

Probably the most famous “artist” would be “Beeple” who sold a

bunch of nft’s for crazy amounts. His collection on Niftygateway


Look into the variety of markets to see which ones you would

potentially want to be involved with.

To reiterate absolutely you can buy NFT from projects and artists

that you think will be worth something one day. Think of it like a

lottery ticket. It could hit big or it could go to nothing. Right now the

market is insanely hot.

Another important approach is…

You can make your own NFT.

So many people think that an NFT is such a big word and is so

scary. That is why they simply buy the NFT. Hopefully, I am making

you realize it isn’t that scary or difficult. It is “just” images in most

cases. You can be the one that makes the NFT and has someone buy

it. Or arguably even better make an NFT for someone else. There is

so much perceived value in the world right now with NFT’s so many

people don’t know how to make one but they want to. You can easily
make an image for people and or set up their NFT for them and get

paid handsomely for it. Or completely outsource the whole process!

There is so much opportunity.

Look at the websites that were mentioned previously and look at

what is selling. There are a lot of NFT’s / images that have zero

artistic merits at all.

At the same time, there is a lot of genuinely beautiful and

sophisticated art out there. I know I certainly couldn’t make that

type of art.

Here is where opportunity is out there. You obviously know about

NFT’s because you bought this course. Or maybe you are into

marketing and you have heard about it a lot with the marketing sites

that you follow.

At the same time 99 percent of the world have no idea of what an

NFT is or they are excited about it but don’t understand it.

There are so many great artists that are out there. You can use that

to your advantage. Go to a site like

Do a search for artist or cartoon. Put your hourly rate low if you


Look at their art. There are people on there from lower income

countries that will work for $5 and make you an image that I know I

personally could never make and potentially can sell for a TON as
an NFT. That is already been proven with the likes of Crypto Punks

and other ugly NFT’s. They have SO much talent but don’t realize

that they could make so much more if their artistic capability was

turned into an NFT.

You get them to make the original image that you want. That is

YOUR NFT that you put up or that you sell to someone else. That is


So many people think well I am not an artist. Who cares? The

market is so hot right now and the scales are tipped. There is so

much on the side of scarcity and art. You make this happen by

uploading a unique image that you outsourced and you are in the


Another business opportunity. Make NFT’s for other people. This is

taking no money out of your pocket. You put it out there to the

world however you want that you can make an NFT for someone.

For example using a site like

People are charging decent STARTING figures to create crypto art

and it is getting traction.

You pay $5 and sell it for $165. You are just matching up the two.

You don’t care if it sells or not on the NFT sites. That is not your

issue. Someone wants NFT art done and you get it done. You simply

get it done for cheaper. This is selling the shovels! This is arbitrage.

Someone pays you $165 for art and they are happy. You paid

someone $5 to make the art and you are happy. NO MONEY OUT

OF POCKET doing this strategy.

Start doing this make that money and then put your own NFT’s up

for sale on the markets with house money.

Remember all you are doing is making an image for someone.

However, you can charge a lot more to sell an NFT image than just a

regular image.

It is like a quote I remember from Gary Halbert. He said he didn’t

want to get into the business of having the best hamburgers. He

wanted to be selling hamburgers in front of a starving crowd. Right

now the NFT world is the starving crowd. Again it is an image vs

NFT. It is basically the same thing except that one is scarce.

People are charging almost a grand to create an NFT and put it on a

site like rarible or opensea

You now know it isn’t hard at all to do it. You literally make an

image or have one made. You go to a site like OpenSea which will

guide you on exactly how to upload your image as an NFT. It is

point and click. You sign up with a username and upload your

image. You can set the price you are selling it for and if you will have

residuals. The majority of these sites work the same way. Don’t get

hung up on the little details on uploading. All of these sites are easy

to use.
It is like a magic trick. Once you know how to do it, it is simple.

People make things so complicated. Since they think it is so

complicated you can charge a major premium right now for

something that takes you a few seconds to complete. This is

extremely scalable.

You could even arbitrage within Fiverr itself. Put up a listing to

create NFT artwork and then buy that artwork from a vendor that is

willing to do it for less! You charge higher and then pay a lower

price to get it done.

There are so many opportunities available and I hope sincerely

that I am getting you excited about the crypto game. Get in with

no money out of pocket. Study the game and keep up on it.

You can absolutely crush it. Start off small and start off with no

money out of pocket and move up from there. When you get an

NFT get it for cheap. If you can do that you are on the path to

success. Be excited for all of the hype but not in terms of spending

big money. Recognize the opportunity and know that money is

flowing everywhere. You be the producer!

IF you haven’t picked up the upgrades or want to see your options

for upgrades go HERE.

Thank you so much for picking up NFT Exposed.

Get in the game!


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