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Writing Test 1

The chart below helps us to understand the evolution on the percentage of British people that
donate money to charity. The people who were enquested and participated in the survey were
over 18, and belong to two different generations, the first generation who were enquested,
participated in the year 1990 and the second generation that participated in the survey were
enquested in 2010.

As we can observe in this bar chart, the evolution in the percentage from one generation to to
other is not symetric, because there are different grades of evolution depending on the
enquested’s age. In one hand we see the decrease in the percentage of young donators but in
the other hand we observe the increase in older generations. From this analysis we can bring
out the conclusion that young people are less solidary than their elder ones.

As I believe, both opinions have their advantages and their disadvantages. Some people may
prefer spending their laboural life working with one organisation, but there are also others
who prefer to work with various organisations through their life instead.

In my personal opinion, I would say that I prefer the second option, having a diverse
curriculum. As I see, there are many different reasons to choose this option, nevertheless
there are some disadvantages as well. In one hand, there is the advantage of comparison, as
you can compare the different types of jobs and organisations where you worked throughout
your laboral Life and you can see which employment was the best adapted to your personal
skills and objectives, otherwise in the other hand, you don’t have a fixed employment where
you can have a guaranteed salary every month and you may not be able to earn as much
money as in a fixed job.

Another reason why I would recommend to have a diverse curriculum is that you will be able
to get more knowledge than a person who is working always with the same stuff. You may also
be more prepared for certain circumstances that you could face during your life. Also your
laboral experience would be greater and will open your life to new challenges. This are the
reasons why I would choice a dynamic laboural lifestyle.

Writing Test 2

The graph and table below help us to analyse the variation of temperatures and the average of
hours of sunshine recorded during a period of twelve months in there of the world’s major
cities. London, New York and Sydney.

In one hand, we can see a graph that represents the variation of temperatures throughout a
year in these cities. As we can observe, there are 2 cities that have similar temperatures, which
are London and New York, with high temperatures in summer and cold temperatures in
winter. Nevertheless, Sydney recorded the opposite, low temperatures in summer and high
temperatures in winter.

Also we can see that there is inequality in terms of sunshine hours between the cities, New
York receiving the most daylight hours and London receiving the least.
In conclusion we could say that this happens because these places belong to different
locations on earth, as New York and London belong to the northern hemisphere and Sydney
belong to the southern hemisphere.

In my opinion I believe that improved medical care has as much advantages as disadvantages
depending on our point of view about it’s consequences, not only in human healthcare but in
our global environment as well.

Firstly, if we are taking about the advantages that improved medical care brought to human
healthcare, we can say that it brought lots of advantages, improving human lifestyle and
increasing global average of life expectancy. For instance, people from the 21st century can
leave until they’re 88 years old on average, a very huge increase in life expectancy of people
from the 8th century, who used to live no longer than 50 years in average.

However, if we take a look to the consequences that improved medical care is having in the
environment, we’ll see that they are devastating as overpopulation is the reason of natural
disasters as pollution or deforestation. As you see overpopulation is causing an increase in the
demand of food, consumption products and energy, consequently encouraging overuse of
natural resources and overexploitation of agriculture and water.

In conclusion, we can say that, yes improved medical care brings us a lot of advantages to our
lives, but in the other hand it is one of the major causes that is damaging our society,
environment and our beloved planet Earth.

Writing Test 4

As we can appreciate in the bar chart below, Southland’s main exports during the years 200,
2021, 2025 has not suffered a general increase, what is more in some cases it has suffered a

Southland’s main exports are the following ones: International tourism, Dairy products and
Meat products. On one hand we can see clearly how international tourism has been increasing
constantly during this century, but on the other hand, there has been a constant decrease in
the quantity of meat products exported by Southland. Finally, we can observe that while
during the period 2000-2021 there has been an increase on the exprtation of Dairy products,
this is expected to decrease from 2021 until 2025. As we can believe, this will mark Southland’s
economy during the future decades.

In my opinion I have to say that I agree with the idea that our governments should impose a
higher tax to not only the consumption of this sort of food, but also to the companies that are
producing them as well.

As I perceive, obesity is a big health problem caused as the result of eating too much food. It’s
obvious that our countries should fight this social issue, instead of it, they are promoting big
fast food brands, taking part in this massive business chain with the only goal of earning
money for themselves. As a consequence of this policy, the percentage of the population
suffering from health problems has increased during the last years. Other consequences
related to the production of fast food is the overexploitation of the environment as the huge
demand requires big amounts of meat and vegetal products.

One of the problems related to this is the overexploitation of animals in the meat industry.

The huge demand of fast food is producing big problems not only for our society but for our
environment as well. The overexploitation of natural resources such as ecological products like
vegetables is making to the big companies to produce natural products artificially as a way to
save time, causing this several damages to the consumers body and health. As a conclusion I
would say that I truly encourage our government to take more steps to solve this global issue
caused by fast food.

Writing Test 5

As we can observe on the pie charts below, we can see that there has occurred some changes
on the retail sector of New Zealand during the period 2003-2013.

Comparing both pie charts, we can say that the evolution of this sector in the Australian
country has been very heterogeneous depending on each area.

In one hand we can say that areas such as clothes and travel have suffered a decrease in the
online sales marjet and in the other hand we find out that other areas have experienced a
growth in the percentage of sales in the online market, areas wich are related to films, music
and books.

In conclusion, we can say that the areas where we can observe a increasing progress during
the last decade are related to products that nowadays are very cheap in the market while the
ones decreasing are more related to expensive products.

Writing Test 6

In the chart below we can appreciate the evolution of three different crime areas that have
been actively taking place in the city centre of Newport during a period of years between 2003
and 2012, in other words, a period of 9 years.

As we can see, in general terms we can say with no fears that the rate of crimes during this
period has decreased drastically, probably as the result of the use of high technology to
prevent such problematic and dangerous scenarios for the population.

However we should also remark the unusual increase of car thefts during the last years of this
period. As a result of this, security forces should take steps forward in this circumstance
providing more security to car owners to keep them safe from being robbed by thefts.

Writing Test 7

As I see, the overpopulation of planet Earth is one of the biggest social, economical and
environmental issues of this planet’s history. Sadly, in my opinion I would say that this problem
has no solution at all, as human population is not stopping to increase. There are many cases
that are contributing to the continued rise of the human population worldwide. However the
two main reasons are the high rate of fertility in second and third world countries, where
women’s are believed to give birth to at least 3 or 4 children and the improved health care of
the population of the 21st century as the new advances in fields such as medicine is helping to
the population to live longer. Consequently this issue is producing huge struggles to our
planet’s natural environment, as the huge demand is generating an overexploitation of our
natural resources and provocating pollution, global warming and greenhouse effect on our

As I mentioned before, sadly I have to say that there is no specific solution to this issue, as the
amount of causes and derivated problems are too much. Probably this situation will reach to a
point of no return leading the human civilization to its extinction as a small consequence
between others, such as the destruction of our seas, nature, forests and atmosphere.

In my opinion the only thing we can do to try out to save our race is to invest more money in
high technology to try starting to colonise other planets, but as we can observe, this is very far
from realistic.

In conclusion, the issue of overpopulation will be the cause of the extinction of the human

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