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The Breath of Life

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his
nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Genesis 2:7

As the mother of four boys, there was nothing more precious than the sound of their
first cry. My oldest son's cry cut through the air after a very long an hard labor. It lit
up the room with laugher and tears. My twins, being breach were a different tale. My
second born did not cry when they delivered him, and panic set into my heart. All I
could think was, why is he not crying? What is wrong? Please! But when my third
born came into the world with a cry, from across the room, I heard that sweet sound
that was a call in answer to his brother. My youngest had the weakest cry of all four
and had to be placed under an oxygen hood for several hours before I even got to see

Now, you might be asking yourself, "what do stories of her children being born have
to do with the above scripture?", and my answer to you is this; everything. The first
breath of air that my children, like all of us took, was due to our Father in heaven
breathing the breath of life into us. I believe that life begins at conception, however,
while in the womb, that baby does not breath air. That only happens upon delivery,
and that breath is given to them only by God himself.

There is a second time in our lives when God breathes life into us, and that is upon
salvation. He breathes eternal life into us when we repent of our sins, and ask Jesus to
come into our hearts. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says: Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is
a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. Like
Adam, we receive the breath of life from our Father, and become a new creation in

Have you ever wondered, when God breathed into Adam's nostrils, giving him life
what Adam's reaction to receiving life was? He wasn't born like we were. He was
hand crafted by an almighty creator. When he inhaled that perfect breath of life and
opened his eyes, what was his first thought? Did he wonder who he was? From my
own personal salvation, I know that I had that question upon getting saved. "Who am I
in YOU, Lord? What is it and WHO is it that you have called me to be?" The answer
comes from a personal relationship with Him, and only Him.

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