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Bonnyrigg and Lasswade Community Council MINUTES of the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2018 Held at The Sports Pavilion,King George V Public Park on 12" April 2018 1. PRESENT Community Councillors: Marnie Crawford( in the chair),Ruth Scott, Sheila Metcalfe, Jan Irvine, Ed Angus ,Owen Proudfoot , Diane Easton, Bill MacDonald Midlothian Councillor: Dianne Alexander Member of the Public: Gordon Lawson Apologies for absence: Darius Namdaran, Ian Sprott, Derek Milligan, Janet Lay-Douglas, Jen Gad 2. MINUTES of the 2017 AGM Read and approved on a motion proposed by Sheila Metcalfe and seconded by Bill MacDonald 3.FINANCIAL REPORT for year ended 31° December 2017 It was noted that we retain the sum of £1713.89 in the Twinning Account and no agreement has been reachedwith Midlothian Council on disbursement of this. It was noted that we will no longer Midlothian Federation of Community Councils have to pay for Public Liability Insurance as this is now to be paid by Midlothian Federation of Community Councils . It was noted that a historical convention has developed that there is an examination rather than audit of the accounts and it was agreed to continue this practice. The Report was approved on a Motion by ? seconded by Ruth Scott 4,REPORT from the Chair. Marnie Crawford expressed the thanks of the Council to Jen Gad for her work as Minutes Secretary and to Tan Sprott for his work as Treasurer over the past year. Summarising the work of the Council and the issues facing us Marnie emphasised particularly the, amount of planning consultation and representations made to Midlothian Council on proposed developments locally, to the RBS branch closure in Bonnyrigg and our submission on this, and to our continuing concern about the Twinning Account funds and how best to deal with these. Ed Angus and she had had a meeting with Derek Milligan this morning, discussing the role of the Council. It was evident from this that there were two main themes to be seen in what the Council had been doing and should be doing and it was important to get the balance right according to local needs. These were (one) identifying planning issues and the views on these of those affected by them locally by these and effectively putting them to developers and Midlothian Council and if need be taking action on them..Essentially this means holding Midlothian Council to account for what development is permitted in our area its quality and impact on people in our Community Council jurisdiction and (two)promoting events and taking initiatives on behalf of and in the interests of the Council’s residents to recognise, maintain and improve our quality of life heritage and amenities. Marnie expressed the hope that we could put together and act as a team to effectively fulfil both roles. Diane Easton added a request for more feedback on circulars she sends round Such as that shed drafted on the RBS closure-past response had been disappointing 5 . ELECTION and DEMISSION of Councillors. All current Associate memberships fell with this A.G.M. Jen Gad did not want renewal but Jan Irvine, Ed Angus and Owen Proudfoot had all been competently nominated for full memberships and were duly elected. 7.ELECTION and Demission of OFFICE BEARERS. It was agreed that existing office bearers continue in office, there being no new nominations. Marnie expressed the hope that someone could be appointed or at least at be willing to stand in as Vice Chair when she was not present. Ed Angus expressed willingness to act as stand in but not to be formally nominated as such. Bill MacDonald had already agreed to act as Minutes Secretary for this meeting and in the future if need be. 8.AO.CB. There being none raised Marnie Crawford closed the meeting at 7.40pm

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