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Domande comuni esame inglese B1

1. What do you do in your free time?

To be honest with you, . I try to minimize the screen time when I am outside of my school. I enjoy
lying on a couch, watching my favourite TV programs, such as on Focus or on Dmax, or watching a
good movie. Sometimes I go out with my friends for a walk, or to take something in a Bar. I usually
ride my bike through the streets of my little town, or in the countryside.

2. When did you start learning English?

I start learning English when I was 4 and I attended the Kindergarten. Sometimes my mom helped
me. When I was 10, I took the English test for the A2. I love study English, it is one of my favourite
subjects at school.

3. Tell us about your favourite teacher.

My favourite teacher is Mr Giafaglione. He has been teaching me since the day I have attended the
high school of Bivona. That was more than four years ago. He treats his students like his own
children. I like the way he is teaching me.

4. What are you going to do next weekend?

I have nothing special spanned for the next weekend. Probably, my family and I will get together to
celebrate my and my sister’s grades at school or we’ll go to the sea. But we won’t do a bath, only a
walk on the beach.

5. What do you usually eat for dinner?

My family and I have dinner at 8 pm. Sometimes we eat some meat with our special sauce, to
flavour the dish. Other times we have a pizza. I love pizza with spicy salami.

6. Tell us about your school.

My school is the high school of Bivona. I attended the 4th year. I like my school because in it you
can do a lot of courses, and attend different types of school.

7. What do you enjoy to do with your family?

I enjoy spending time with my family. In my free time I love playing cards with them. Sometimes
me and my family go to the sea and we love to do long walks and the beach. After this, we go to eat
at the restaurant, and we usually take the same dish: Gambero Rosso Pizza.

8. Where do you usually go shopping?

I usually go shopping in Palermo at the mall: Forum. I go there with my parents and my sister. I
usually buy clothes, shoes, and sometimes I love seeing the new Lego models, and If I find a cool
model, I buy it. I like to go to shopping at Forum because I can find every items in one place.

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