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Hello ma’am and sir!

Lucky me! Pancit Canton is a standout amongst the most loved food of Filipinos,
perhaps even a top list for many. What's more, it's something other than a bite! That is
to say, how frequently you eat Lucky Me! Pancit Canton on party day? Breakfast and
lunch, dinner? Or on the other hand in school, when it was your comfort food on long
study nights? Or the childhood snack your mom would prepare for you after playtime
outside with the other kids?

This is how you cook pancit canton.

Heat the cooking pot with water. While waiting for the water to boil, put the seasoning
on the empty plate. Then put noodles in briskly boiling water for 2 minutes after that
drain the noodles and place on the plate with seasoning and mix it. And If you want to
add some boiled egg, you can use the used water to boil the egg and put it to pancit

That’s how cook pancit canton, you can enjoy by yourself, or friends, or with family.

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