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when you become a professional teacher in the future, how can you enhance the state of
quality teacher in the Phil?

When I become a professional teacher someday, I want to enhance the state of quality teacher
in the Philippines by being more flexible, adaptable and need to do some new thinking when it
comes to the teaching profession. Flexible in terms of introducing technology in the classroom,
in terms of personalizing the learning experience of the students, and empowering students to
become an active learner. And adaptable in the sense of different changes may come in my
career as a teacher.

2. Make a venn diagram comparing the difference between quality teacher and teacher quality.

3. Which PPST domain of PPST do you find easy to master? and which is difficult? why?

1. I find it easy to master in the domain of PPST is the Domain 2, Learning Environment,
because all I need to do is to think for the student’s safety and security which is not new
to me, since to be a teacher I am in charge of it as a loco-parentis. And I am very good in
dealing with students. While on the other hand, I find it difficult to master in the domain
of PPST is the Domain 5, Assessment and Reporting. As a student earning of education
units, I admitted that I need to be more knowledgeable on the different strategies and
how to assess the learning of my students and how to use of assessment data to
enhance teaching and learning practices and programs, but with the
dedication I have and to have a dream to become a professional teacher I
know that someday I can master it.

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