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The inguinal canal is a normal canal in the fetus. In the 8th month of
pregnancy, the desensus of the testiculorum occurs through the inguinal canal. The
lowering of the testes will pull the peritoneum into the scrotum, causing a peritoneal
bulge called the processus vaginalis peritonea.When the baby is born, generally this
processus has been obliterated, so that the contents of the abdominal cavity cannot
pass through the canal. But in some cases it is often not closed, because the left
testicle descends earlier than the right, the right inguinal canal opens more often.
Under normal circumstances, this open canal will close at 2 months of age. If the
processus is partially open, a hydrocele will arise. If the canal continues to open,
because the processus does not objectify, a congenital lateral inguinal hernia will
develop.Usually hernias in adults occur because of old age, because at an old age the
muscles of the abdominal cavity wall can be weakened. As we get older, the organs
and tissues of the body undergo a degeneration process. In the parents the canal has
closed, but because this area is a locus of resistance minoris, then in circumstances
that cause increased intraabdominal pressure such as chronic coughing, strong
sneezing and lifting heavy objects and straining, the closed canal can open again and
arise. lateral inguinal hernia due to pushing some body tissue and out through the
defect. Finally, it presses the wall of the cavity that has relaxed due to trauma, prostate
hypertrophy, ascites, pregnancy, obesity, and congenital abnormalities (Mansjoer,

Mansjoer, A. 2014. Kapita Selekta Medicine 3rd Edition. Media Aesculapius. Jakarta.

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