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Name: Mahboob Ahmad

Roll No: Fa-18/Bscs/H/353

Q1: Choose the best option

1.  The action of the Simple reflex agent completely depends upon __________
a) Perception history
b) Current perception
c) Learning theory
d) Utility functions
2. Which of the following could be the approaches to Artificial Intelligence?
a) Strong Artificial Intelligence
b) Weak Artificial Intelligence
c) Applied Artificial Intelligence
d) All of the mentioned
3. What among the following is/are the example of the intelligent agent/agents?
a) Human
b) Robot
c) Autonomous Spacecraft
d) All of the mentioned

Q2: Problem formulation of the given question

8-queens problem: The aim of this problem is to place eight queens on a chessboard
in an order where no queen may attack another. A queen can attack other queens
either diagonally or in same row and column.From the following figure, we can
understand the problem as well as its correct solution.
1) Initial state: -[No queen on board]
Many combinations of 8 queens on 16 various places on board (any initial place)
2)Operators: -Diagonally or same row or column
3)Goal: - Place all 8 queens so that no queens attack another.
4)Path cost: 0 [only solution so no attacking queen]

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