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ACC 225 12:00-2:00PM

BSA-2 March 3, 2021

Question 1
Discuss why control procedures over access to the data resource become more crucial
under the database approach than in the flat-file environment. What role does the
DBMS play in helping to control the database environment?
-Control procedures over access to the data resource become more crucial under the
database approach than in the flat-file environment. In the database approach, the data is
being allocated in a single place and eliminates data redundancy and reducing storage costs
which helps users to access the database. Although they help users to access the database, it
should not always allow that all users have the fair access to the database. It is important to
have restrictions in the access of the database and only the right users are allowed to access
it. On the other hand, the flat-file data management, there is a specific data file created for
each application, also data and programs are directly linked together. The user’s access is
not much of a problem, unlike in the database approach. The role of Database Management
System play in helping to control the database environment is crucial. Operating and
handling data efficiently is difficult without DBMS. A database management system (DBMS)
serves as a buffer between the user and the database, allowing users to view files contained
in the database.

Question 2
Discuss the potential aggravations you might face as a student as a result of your
university using a flat-file data management environment, that is, different files for
the registrar, library, parking, and so on.
-If my university would use flat-file data management it would be chaos. It will have a lot of
paper works and many forms are needed to be filed. A flat-file data management will result
in increased reports for all and keep maintaining student files up to date is complicated. For
example. grades, graduation, event and other problems will all be postponed if files were not
up to date. Using the flat-file data management will result in increased redundancy and

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