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male catheter insertion

Prepare the tools , preparing myself, contract time with the patient, because they want to
perform a catheter insertion procedure, maintain client privacy, put a base under the butt, open
the bottom clothes, place the bend between the patient's legs, wear gloves, the nurse's left hand
holds the patient's penis with a cloth covered, The prepuce is pulled slightly to the base then
clean it with a DTT cotton pad, the catheter is given a lubricant so that the insertion does not
hurt, the patient is asked to inhale to reduce the pain, the penis is pulled so that the surface is
straight and insert the catheter up to 15-20 cm, and when it enters the tube at the end taru bent
inside to collect urine or directly use the urine bag. And than fold the base, put the patient's
underclothes on, and straighten tools then wash hands and documentation

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