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Nurse : good morning Miss

Patient : good morning nurse

Nurse : I'm nurse cici amelia, before I
assessment your health right now, I
will assess your health history, are
you willing miss....??
Patient : yes nurse
Nurse : have you ever been
hospitalized before..???
Patient : yes nurse
Nurse : when and treated with what
Patient : 6 months ago with Diabetes
Nurse : Previously treated with what
complaints. ??
Patient : Hypoglycemia nurse, my
sugar is only 35 mg / dl
Nurse : Is there a family suffering
from diabetes mellitus. ??
Patient : Yes, nurse, my mother and
father also suffer from diabetes
Nurse : The possibility that Miss
suffer from diabetes mellitus due to
Patient : So later my child will also
suffer from diabetes mellitus nurse
too ... ??
Nurse : yes Miss, It could be that
your child is affected but it may not,
depending on your lifestyle
Patient :Ok, thanks for the
information nurse
Nurse : Then I'll go back to the nurse
station miss, If you need something,
just push the nurse bell Miss
Patient : ok thank you nurse

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