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NAMA :sa.


NIM : 202200126

 Complete the following sentences with the past simple tense of the verb give.

1. I went (go) to the movies with Ed.

2. She decided (decide) to read the story.

3. We hurried (hurry) up doing the quiz.

4. They walked (walk) to school.

5. Sue played (play) soccer.

6. My dog buried (bury) its bone outside.

 Read the sentences, and rewrite them as negative sentences.

1. My mom baked cookies for the party.

 My mom didn’t bake cookies for the party.

2. Jim understood the exercise.

 Jim didn’t understand the exercise.

3. We were at the concert.

 We weren’t at the concert.

4. I was in the room with her.

 I wasn’t in the room with her.

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