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Major period of architectural Development:

1. Ancient Period (3rd c. BCE – 1204 CE)

a. Early Historic (3rd c. BCE – Early 3rd c. CE)

b. Gupta (Early (240 CE-550 CE)

c. Period of Independent Rulers (as: Harshavardhana (reigned from 606 CE-647 CE)
Shashanka (reigned from 590 CE-625 CE)

d. Imperial Pala (756–1143 CE)

e. Sena (1097–1223 CE)

f. Rulers of Samatata (650-1150 CE)

2. Mediaeval Period (after 1204–1757 CE)

a. Sultani Period (13th c.-mid 16th)

b. Muhgal Period (mid 16th-mid 18th)

3. Modern Period (after 1757 A.D – Present)

a. Colonial Period (1757-1947)

b. Post colonial (1747-1971)

c. After Independent (1971-Present)

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