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Nur Asni Binti Syarial 08DPI08F2004

Wong Woon Foo 08DPI08F2012

Mind Author: Unrest in Egypt could give effect to the world economy


SITUATION in Egypt, especially in the capital city, Cairo has become increasingly incoherent
and tense when a group of protesters vowed to launch a massive movement to demand a
president, Hosni Mubarak, 82, resigned after 30 years in power. Movement is protesters who
persist for more than a week ago is getting worse with more than 150 deaths recorded so far.
What is happening in Egypt is a series of riots that happened in Tunisia to overthrow its
president, Zine El Abinine Ben Ali, who ruled for 23 years. Consequently, several Arab
countries in West Asia such as Syria, Yemen and Jordan are also affected people trace the rise
against the existing government.

Egypt is known as a country full of history and historical treasures as well as science is now
faced with a political crisis that could destroy the country. No matter what reason and who the
culprits, that most of us are worried that chaos can be dragged and create conditions worse, not
only in Egypt but in the whole Arab world that the majority are Muslims. Uncertainties in Egypt
when it can lead to many speculations, including the possibility of civil war as in Afghanistan
and Iraq after the U.S. invasion. Unrest continues not only undermine political stability in Egypt,
but also other countries in West Asia and North Africa in an effort to overthrow the government
through the power of certain people.

Even from the economic aspect, its direct impact is felt when there is a sudden rise in oil prices.
Crude oil prices surpassed U.S. $ 100 (RM305) per barrel yesterday for the first time since the
2008 economic crisis. Although Egypt is not the world's major oil producers, but the chaos in the
country may worsen the situation because they disrupt oil shipping through the Suez Canal
became an important sea route of oil traders.

At the same time there are concerns of political turmoil and uncertainties that could spread
across the Arab world and affects the economic and political landscape of the world. The
situation is not only affecting the livelihoods of affected countries, but also foreigners who live
in countries including Malaysia. Most countries have warned their citizens to alert them, but
ready to be carried out if conditions worsen. Cairo is no longer a safe country to visit, and it
totally affected the country's tourism sector is involved.

What do we expect this situation to be resolved wisely between leaders and groups of protesters.
We do not want to spill blood at all will hurt Muslim countries, thereby strengthening the
position of the Zionist regime in the region. We hope that Muslims in Egypt and around the
world to act more rationally, even if they believe it is only with the rise of the people is the only
way to overthrow the corrupt leaders and not giving attention to the welfare of the people.

We believe there is a discussion channel will create the 'win-win' between the two parties.
Prolonged disturbances will not benefit anyone and will only worsen the situation and open up
more space and opportunity to the enemies of Islam to take advantage. All parties should
consider the safety and welfare of innocent civilians such as the elderly, women and children
because they are not supposed to be a victim to meet the specific agenda to fight for their goals.

Issue of Economics Egypt

1) The protesters vowed to launch a massive movement to demand a president, Hosni

Mubarak, 82, resigned after 30 years in power.

2) Rise in oil prices.

 Although Egypt is not the world's major oil producers, but the chaos in the
country may worsen the situation because they disrupt oil shipping through the
Suez Canal became an important sea route of oil traders.

3) The economic and political landscape of the world.

 This has not only affected the lives of people affected countries, but also
foreigners who live in countries including Malaysia.


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