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Student Name: Ernesto Jaramillo

Professor Name: Elise JAYNE SIX

Class: English 6
Due Date: 26-02-2021
Engineering community

This community is characterized by having many numerical skills, being accurate

and direct to any point of view in addition to being able to create and devise
projects with solid foundations, also stand out for being leaders in any type of
environment and are intelligent to make the best decisions, Another characteristic
of this community is that they always have opportunities to work in many places, so
they are present in all countries and bring ethical values and a lot of sustainable
development in the cities.

The advantage of belonging to this community is that they always support and help
you to improve your performance, guide you and share their knowledge so that the
community is more informed, which allows you to always move forward, Another
advantage of being an engineer is that every day you will learn new things from
your colleagues so you will share knowledge and that will allow you to have skills
to keep transmitting.

Among the disadvantages of belonging to this community are very few such as the
difficulty to enter since not everyone has the skills to be an engineer and those who
do have these skills have to prepare for at least 5 years also then the degree of
difficulty increases as you progress through the process, besides another
disadvantage is that you have to be in constant search of information to not be
outdated compared to others.

The future of this community is very wide since this community is constantly
growing and with it its contributions to the world with the creation and innovation of
new structures, devices and inventions that are radically changing the lives of
many people which causes many people to want to join this great community, In
addition, more engineers will be needed in the future to design and control the
complex technological systems that are becoming more common every day, so this
community will play a decisive role in future generations.


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