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A Trip to the Beach

One of the strongest memories that I have of travelling with my

family is when he visited Caraguatatuba, in São Paulo. We stayed in
there for a week since it was in the summer, and even though we
barely went to the beach, it was the main attraction at the time for
Every day was different, there was the time we got really nice
popsicles, which, at the time, was far cheaper than it’s nowadays,
but there are three main memorable events that stick to my mind up
to this day.
The first is when there was a rumor that a snake had invaded the
inn, but that turned out to be just a prank of some kids who were
playing, and in that same day we went to a walk on a beach, but
sadly after a couple of minutes we had to get back because it
started to rain wildly.
However, on the last day of the trip we went to a luau at the inn, it
had fun music, lots of weird fruits and cold cuts, and I remember that
in the very beginning there was a volleyball game, it was a really
nice trip.

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